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In vitro removing of mycotoxins by using different inorganic adsorbents and organic waste materials from Serbia

dc.creatorBočarov-Stančić, Aleksandra
dc.creatorLopičić, Zorica
dc.creatorBodroža-Solarov, Marija I.
dc.creatorStanković, Slavica Ž.
dc.creatorJanković, Snežana M.
dc.creatorMilojković, Jelena
dc.creatorKrulj, Jelena A.
dc.description.abstractAflatoksin B1 (AFB1), ohratoksin A (OTA), zearalenon (ZON), dezoksinivalenol (DON) i T-2 toksin su najviše izučavani toksični metaboliti gljiva. Kada mikotoksini uđu u proizvodni lanac za hranu/hranu za životinje, zadržavajući svoje toksične karakteristike, teško ih je ukloniti ili eliminisati. Jedna od obećavajućih metoda za smanjenje nivoa mikotoksina u kontaminiranoj hrani/hrani za životinje je korišćenje mikotoksinskih veziva. Ovaj rad predstavlja rezultate in vitro istraživanja mineralnih mikotoksinskih veziva (bentonit - BEN, diatomit - DIA i zeolit - ZEO) i organskih veziva mikotoksina - poljoprivrednog otpadnog materijala (Myriophillium spicatum, koštice breskve i višnje). Hemijski sastavi adsorbenata pokazali su da ne sadrže elemente toksične za životinje. Neorganski adsorbenti (BEN, DIA i ZEO) testirani in vitro bolje su vezivali AFB1 (94,97% - 96,90%), dok su biosorbenti bili efikasniji u adsorpciji OTA (19,98% - 66,66%), ZON-a (33,33% - 75,00% ) i T-2 toksina (16,67% - 50,00%). Neorganski adsorbenti i organski otpadni materijali su pokazali sličan kapacitet in vitro vezivanja DON-a, sa izuzetkom M. spicatum koji uopšte nije adsorbovao ovaj trihotecen tipa B. Naši rezultati koji su prikazani ovde pokazuju da zagađivanje hrane i hrane za životinje različitim vrstama mikotoksina može biti smanjeno dodavanjem preparata dobijenog kombinacijom različitih neorganskih i organskih adsorbenata koji poseduju različite karakteristike vezivanja
dc.description.abstractAflatoxin B1 (AFB1), ochratoxin A (OTA), zearalenone (ZON), deoxynivalenol (DON) and T-2 toxin are the most extensively studied toxic fungal metabolites. Once mycotoxins enter the food/feed production chain keeping their toxic characteristics, it is very difficult to remove or eliminate them. One of promising methods to reduce mycotoxins in contaminated food/feedstuffs is the use of mycotoxin binders. This paper presents the results of in vitro investigations of mineral mycotoxin binders (bentonite - BEN, diatomite - DIA and zeolite - ZEO), and organic mycotoxin binders - agricultural waste materials (Myriophillium spicatum, peach and sour cherry pits). Chemical compositions of the adsorbents have showed that they do not consist of elements toxic to the animals. Inorganic adsorbents (BEN, DIA and ZEO) tested in vitro were better binders of AFB1 (94.97% - 96.90%), while the biosorbents were more efficient in adsorption of OTA (19.98% - 66.66%), ZON (33.33% - 75.00%) and T-2 toxin (16.67% - 50.00%). Inorganic adsorbents and organic waste materials expressed similar binding capacity for DON in vitro, with the exception of M. spicatum that did not at all adsorb this type B trichothecene. Our results indicate that feed contamination with different types of mycotoxins might be diminished by a product that combines different inorganic and organic adsorbents with diverse mycotoxin binding properties.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Naučni institut za prehrambene tehnologije, Novi Sad
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46005/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31023/RS//
dc.sourceFood and Feed Research
dc.subjectmineralni adsorbentisr
dc.subjectin vitro vezivanjesr
dc.subjectmineral adsorbentsen
dc.subjectin vitro bindingen
dc.titleIn vitro uklanjanje mikotoksina korišćenjem različitih neorganskih adsorbenata i organskih otpadnih materijala iz Srbijesr
dc.titleIn vitro removing of mycotoxins by using different inorganic adsorbents and organic waste materials from Serbiaen
dc.citation.other45(2): 87-96

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