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The determination of arsenic in ores and tailings

dc.creatorBranković, Anđelka
dc.creatorTešmanović, Ljiljana
dc.creatorZildžović, Snežana
dc.creatorKovačević, Dragana
dc.creatorIleš, Deana
dc.description.abstractArsen se pojavljuje kao prateći element sulfidnih ruda ležišta gvožđa, olova i drugih metala. Njegovo prisustvo u rudama je katkad u dovoljnim količinama da je ekonomski opravdano razmišljati o njegovoj eksploataciji. Kao toksičan element i u veoma malim količinama degradira kvalitet rude, na primer olovo-cinkane rude ili rude zeolita. U mnogim geološko-geohemijskim sistemima je prisutan arsen, koji predstavlja rizik za kvalitet životne sredine. Ispitivan je uticaj različitih postupaka hemijskog razlaganja uzorka mineralne sirovine na određivanje arsena, metodom AAS-MHS, sa ciljem da se na bazi eksperimentalnih rezultata, odabere najoptimalniji. Postupak treba da omogući efikasno hemijsko razlaganje uzorka, odnosno transformaciju iz čvrstog u tečno i potpunu jonizaciju migrirajućeg atoma ili jona arsena, što predstavlja osnovu za njegovo kvantitativno određivanje. U eksperimentima je korišćen prirodni zeolit i njemu identična po hemijskom sastavu napravljena smeša (kao referentni materijal) sa određenom koncentracijom arsena. Najoptimalniji način hemijskog razlaganja može, prioritetno i uspešnije, da se primeni i na druge mineralne sirovine i jalovine u koji ma se određuje arsen.sr
dc.description.abstractArsenic occurs as a concomitant element of sulfide iron, lead and other metallic ores. The presence of arsenic in ores is sometimes in the quantities sufficient to be economically feasible. As a toxic element, even in the small quantities, arsenic degrades the quality of the ore, for example the lead-zinc or zeolite ore. Moreover, the arsenic is present in many geological-geochemical systems, representing the considerable risk for the quality of the environment. The objective of this paper is to present the results of the investigation aimed to evaluate the influence of different procedures applied for chemical destruction of mineral raw material on arsenic determination, using AAS-MHS method and selection of the optimal sample preparation procedure. The selected procedure should provide the efficient destruction of the sample, meaning transformation from solids to liquid, and total ionization of migrating atom or ion of arsenic, which is the basis for its quantitative determination. Natural zeolite ore and chemically identical zeolite mixture (reference material), with the adequate concentration of arsenic were used in the experimental work. The most appropriate procedure for chemical destruction can be preferentially and successfully applied also to the other mineral materials and tailings in which arsenic should be determined.en
dc.publisherNaučno-stručno društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije - Ecologica, Beograd
dc.subjectprirodni zeolitsr
dc.subjectmineralna sirovinasr
dc.subjectprocedure for ore destructionen
dc.subjectnatural zeoliteen
dc.subjectmercury hidride systemen
dc.subjectdetermination of arsenicen
dc.titleOdređivanje arsena u rudama i jalovinamasr
dc.titleThe determination of arsenic in ores and tailingsen
dc.citation.other14(49): 11-14



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