Sokić, Miroslav

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Sokić, Miroslav (181)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200023 (Institute of Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Row Materials - ITNMS, Belgrade) Developing technological processes for nonstandard copper concentrates processing with the aim to decrease pollutants emission
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200135 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy) The development of casting technologies under the influence of electromagnetic field and technologies of hot plastic forming of 7000 series aluminium alloys for special purposes
Innovative synergy of by-products, waste minimization and clean technologies in metallurgy Advanced multicomponent metal systems and nanostructured materials with diverse functional properties
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200026 (University of Belgrade, Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy - IChTM) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200017 (University of Belgrade, Institute of Nuclear Sciences 'Vinča', Belgrade-Vinča)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200131 (University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty, Bor) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200168 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Chemistry)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200052 (Mining and Metallurgy Institute, Bor) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200214 (Institue of Pesticides and Environmental Protection, Belgrade)
COST Action [MP 0602] DAAD, Germany [57513134]
European Regional Development Fund through CEITEC-Central European Institute of Technology [CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0068] Some aspects of metal and natural mineral dissolution
The sustainability of the identity of Serbs and national minorities in the border municipalities of eastern and southeastern Serbia Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200146 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physical Chemistry)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200161 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Pharmacy) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200178 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology)
Novel encapsulation and enzyme technologies for designing of new biocatalysts and biologically active compounds targeting enhancement of food quality, safety and competitiveness Implementation of new technical, technological and environmental solutions in the mining and metallurgical operations RBB and RBM
Development of technological processes for obtaining of ecological materials based on nonmetallic minerals Sustainable development of technology and equipment for motor vehicles recycling
Innovative technology for the production of masking pigment for the purposes of the military industry Innovative technology for the production of masking pigment for the purposes of the military industry, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and DAAD, Germany, for funding of the Project No.: 57513134 Rezultati prikazani u radu predstavljaju deo istraživanja čiju realizaciju finansira Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije.
"Smart and Clean Steel", 51747, founded by Innovation Fund, Republic of Serbia, program Smart Start, 2022 We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Program of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA-AFRI , Grant no.: 2012-67017-30194 ).

Author's Bibliography

Tokovi zagađujućih materija iz primarnih sirovina i mogućnost zatvaranja toka u ciklus

Bugarčić, Mladen; Jovanović, Aleksandar; Dimitrijević, Jelena; Mišić, Milica; Sokić, Miroslav


AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Dimitrijević, Jelena
AU  - Mišić, Milica
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Управљање загађујућим материјама добијеним из примарних сировина представља
изазов за очување животне средине. Надовезујући се на принципе циркуларне
економије, индустријске симбиозе и одрживог управљања ресурсима, дат је преглед
иновативних стратегија за затварање петље токова загађујућих материја и
промовисање отпорнијег и еколошки прихватљивијег индустријског екосистема. У
овом раду биће наведене различите методе за имобилизацију загађујућих материја
екстрахованих као споредних производа из минералних сировина и њихову
реинтеграцију у стабилне минерале. Концептом дизајнирања производа и процеса
имајући на уму могућност рециклирања и дуговечност уз примену чистијих
производних техника и коришћењем еколошки прихватљивих материјала. Поред
тога, напредак у рециклажним технологијама нуди обећавајуће методе за
екстракцију загађивача из отпадних токова и њихову поновну уградњу у минералне
матрице, ефикасно их имобилизирајући и спречавајући даље ширење у животну
средину. Кроз колаборативне мреже размене између индустрија, токови отпадних
сировина могу се пренаменити као инпути за друге процесе, затварајући петљу у
коришћењу ресурса и ублажавајући загађење. Превођењем загађујућих материја
назад у минерале кроз синергетска партнерства, индустријска симбиоза нуди пут
ка одрживом управљању ресурсима и ублажавању загађења. Кампање подизања
свести јавности и едукација потрошача такође играју кључну улогу у неговању
културе одрживости, оснажујући појединце да доносе информисане изборе и
подржавају предузећа која су посвећена управљању животном средином. У закључку,
овај рад наглашава хитну потребу за иновативним решењима за имобилизацију
загађивача екстрахованих из минералних сировина и њихову реинтеграцију назад у
одговарајуће минералне матрице. Комбинацијом чистијих производних техника,
технологија рециклаже, индустријске симбиозе и легислативне подршке, можемо
ефикасно затворити петљу на токове загађивача, минимизирати штету по
животну средину и промовисати одрживији индустријски екосистем. Како тежимо
ка циркуларној економији, имобилизација загађивача представља критичан корак у
постизању заједничког циља управљања животном средином и дугорочне
C3  - Rudarstvo 2024
T1  - Tokovi zagađujućih materija iz primarnih sirovina i mogućnost zatvaranja toka u ciklus
EP  - 52
SP  - 43
ER  - 
author = "Bugarčić, Mladen and Jovanović, Aleksandar and Dimitrijević, Jelena and Mišić, Milica and Sokić, Miroslav",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Управљање загађујућим материјама добијеним из примарних сировина представља
изазов за очување животне средине. Надовезујући се на принципе циркуларне
економије, индустријске симбиозе и одрживог управљања ресурсима, дат је преглед
иновативних стратегија за затварање петље токова загађујућих материја и
промовисање отпорнијег и еколошки прихватљивијег индустријског екосистема. У
овом раду биће наведене различите методе за имобилизацију загађујућих материја
екстрахованих као споредних производа из минералних сировина и њихову
реинтеграцију у стабилне минерале. Концептом дизајнирања производа и процеса
имајући на уму могућност рециклирања и дуговечност уз примену чистијих
производних техника и коришћењем еколошки прихватљивих материјала. Поред
тога, напредак у рециклажним технологијама нуди обећавајуће методе за
екстракцију загађивача из отпадних токова и њихову поновну уградњу у минералне
матрице, ефикасно их имобилизирајући и спречавајући даље ширење у животну
средину. Кроз колаборативне мреже размене између индустрија, токови отпадних
сировина могу се пренаменити као инпути за друге процесе, затварајући петљу у
коришћењу ресурса и ублажавајући загађење. Превођењем загађујућих материја
назад у минерале кроз синергетска партнерства, индустријска симбиоза нуди пут
ка одрживом управљању ресурсима и ублажавању загађења. Кампање подизања
свести јавности и едукација потрошача такође играју кључну улогу у неговању
културе одрживости, оснажујући појединце да доносе информисане изборе и
подржавају предузећа која су посвећена управљању животном средином. У закључку,
овај рад наглашава хитну потребу за иновативним решењима за имобилизацију
загађивача екстрахованих из минералних сировина и њихову реинтеграцију назад у
одговарајуће минералне матрице. Комбинацијом чистијих производних техника,
технологија рециклаже, индустријске симбиозе и легислативне подршке, можемо
ефикасно затворити петљу на токове загађивача, минимизирати штету по
животну средину и промовисати одрживији индустријски екосистем. Како тежимо
ка циркуларној економији, имобилизација загађивача представља критичан корак у
постизању заједничког циља управљања животном средином и дугорочне
journal = "Rudarstvo 2024",
title = "Tokovi zagađujućih materija iz primarnih sirovina i mogućnost zatvaranja toka u ciklus",
pages = "52-43"
Bugarčić, M., Jovanović, A., Dimitrijević, J., Mišić, M.,& Sokić, M.. (2024). Tokovi zagađujućih materija iz primarnih sirovina i mogućnost zatvaranja toka u ciklus. in Rudarstvo 2024, 43-52.
Bugarčić M, Jovanović A, Dimitrijević J, Mišić M, Sokić M. Tokovi zagađujućih materija iz primarnih sirovina i mogućnost zatvaranja toka u ciklus. in Rudarstvo 2024. 2024;:43-52..
Bugarčić, Mladen, Jovanović, Aleksandar, Dimitrijević, Jelena, Mišić, Milica, Sokić, Miroslav, "Tokovi zagađujućih materija iz primarnih sirovina i mogućnost zatvaranja toka u ciklus" in Rudarstvo 2024 (2024):43-52.

Chemometrically-aided general approach to novel adsorbents studies: Case study on the adsorption of pharmaceuticals by the carbonized Ailanthus altissima leaves

Stojanović, Jevrem; Milojević-Rakić, Maja; Bajuk-Bogdanović, Danica; Ranđelović, Dragana; Sokić, Miroslav; Otašević, Biljana; Malenović, Anđelija; Janošević Ležajić, Aleksandra; Protić, Ana

(Elsevier, 2024)

AU  - Stojanović, Jevrem
AU  - Milojević-Rakić, Maja
AU  - Bajuk-Bogdanović, Danica
AU  - Ranđelović, Dragana
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Otašević, Biljana
AU  - Malenović, Anđelija
AU  - Janošević Ležajić, Aleksandra
AU  - Protić, Ana
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - A chemometrically based approach was applied to select the most efficient drug adsorbent among the biochars obtained from the novel feedstock, the leaves of the invasive plant (Ailanthus altissima). The representative target adsorbates (atenolol, paracetamol, ketorolac and tetracycline) were selected on the basis of their physicochemical properties to cover a wide chemical space, which is the usual analytical challenge. Their adsorption was investigated using design of experiments as a comprehensive approach to optimise the performance of the adsorption system, rationalise the procedure and overcome common drawbacks. Among the response surface designs, the central composite design was selected as it allows the identification of important experimental factors (solid-to-liquid ratio, pH, ionic strength) and their interactions, and allows the selection of optimal experimental conditions to maximise adsorption performance. The biochars were prepared by pyrolysis at 500 °C and 800 °C (BC-500 and BC-800) and the ZnCl2-activated biochars were prepared at 650 °C and 800 °C (AcBC-650 and AcBC-800). The FTIR spectra revealed that increasing the pyrolysis temperature without activator decreases the intensity of all bands, while activation preserves functional groups, as evidenced by the spectra of AcBC-650 and AcBC-800. High temperatures during activation promoted the development of an efficient surface area, with the maximum observed for AcBC-800 reaching 347 m2 g−1. AcBC-800 was found to be the most efficient adsorbent with removal efficiencies of 34.1, 51.3, 55.9 and 38.2 % for atenolol, paracetamol, ketorolac and tetracycline, respectively. The models describing the relationship between the removal efficiency of AcBC-800 and the experimental factors studied, showed satisfactory predictive ability (predicted R2 > 0.8) and no significant lack-of-fit was observed. The results obtained, including the mathematical models, the properties of the adsorbates and the adsorbents, clearly indicate that the adsorption mechanisms of activated biochars are mainly based on hydrophobic interactions, pore filling and hydrogen bonding.
PB  - Elsevier
T2  - Heliyon
T1  - Chemometrically-aided general approach to novel adsorbents studies: Case study on the adsorption of pharmaceuticals by the carbonized Ailanthus altissima leaves
IS  - 14
SP  - e34841
VL  - 10
DO  - 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e34841
ER  - 
author = "Stojanović, Jevrem and Milojević-Rakić, Maja and Bajuk-Bogdanović, Danica and Ranđelović, Dragana and Sokić, Miroslav and Otašević, Biljana and Malenović, Anđelija and Janošević Ležajić, Aleksandra and Protić, Ana",
year = "2024",
abstract = "A chemometrically based approach was applied to select the most efficient drug adsorbent among the biochars obtained from the novel feedstock, the leaves of the invasive plant (Ailanthus altissima). The representative target adsorbates (atenolol, paracetamol, ketorolac and tetracycline) were selected on the basis of their physicochemical properties to cover a wide chemical space, which is the usual analytical challenge. Their adsorption was investigated using design of experiments as a comprehensive approach to optimise the performance of the adsorption system, rationalise the procedure and overcome common drawbacks. Among the response surface designs, the central composite design was selected as it allows the identification of important experimental factors (solid-to-liquid ratio, pH, ionic strength) and their interactions, and allows the selection of optimal experimental conditions to maximise adsorption performance. The biochars were prepared by pyrolysis at 500 °C and 800 °C (BC-500 and BC-800) and the ZnCl2-activated biochars were prepared at 650 °C and 800 °C (AcBC-650 and AcBC-800). The FTIR spectra revealed that increasing the pyrolysis temperature without activator decreases the intensity of all bands, while activation preserves functional groups, as evidenced by the spectra of AcBC-650 and AcBC-800. High temperatures during activation promoted the development of an efficient surface area, with the maximum observed for AcBC-800 reaching 347 m2 g−1. AcBC-800 was found to be the most efficient adsorbent with removal efficiencies of 34.1, 51.3, 55.9 and 38.2 % for atenolol, paracetamol, ketorolac and tetracycline, respectively. The models describing the relationship between the removal efficiency of AcBC-800 and the experimental factors studied, showed satisfactory predictive ability (predicted R2 > 0.8) and no significant lack-of-fit was observed. The results obtained, including the mathematical models, the properties of the adsorbates and the adsorbents, clearly indicate that the adsorption mechanisms of activated biochars are mainly based on hydrophobic interactions, pore filling and hydrogen bonding.",
publisher = "Elsevier",
journal = "Heliyon",
title = "Chemometrically-aided general approach to novel adsorbents studies: Case study on the adsorption of pharmaceuticals by the carbonized Ailanthus altissima leaves",
number = "14",
pages = "e34841",
volume = "10",
doi = "10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e34841"
Stojanović, J., Milojević-Rakić, M., Bajuk-Bogdanović, D., Ranđelović, D., Sokić, M., Otašević, B., Malenović, A., Janošević Ležajić, A.,& Protić, A.. (2024). Chemometrically-aided general approach to novel adsorbents studies: Case study on the adsorption of pharmaceuticals by the carbonized Ailanthus altissima leaves. in Heliyon
Elsevier., 10(14), e34841.
Stojanović J, Milojević-Rakić M, Bajuk-Bogdanović D, Ranđelović D, Sokić M, Otašević B, Malenović A, Janošević Ležajić A, Protić A. Chemometrically-aided general approach to novel adsorbents studies: Case study on the adsorption of pharmaceuticals by the carbonized Ailanthus altissima leaves. in Heliyon. 2024;10(14):e34841.
doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e34841 .
Stojanović, Jevrem, Milojević-Rakić, Maja, Bajuk-Bogdanović, Danica, Ranđelović, Dragana, Sokić, Miroslav, Otašević, Biljana, Malenović, Anđelija, Janošević Ležajić, Aleksandra, Protić, Ana, "Chemometrically-aided general approach to novel adsorbents studies: Case study on the adsorption of pharmaceuticals by the carbonized Ailanthus altissima leaves" in Heliyon, 10, no. 14 (2024):e34841, . .

Razvoj i primena metode XRF unapređena sa tehnikama mašinskog učenja za određivanje sastava troske u industriji čelika

Manojlović, Vaso; Sokić, Miroslav; Ercegović, Marija; Kamberović, Željko; Ranđelović, Dragana; Zarić, Milana; Zakonović, Jelena

(Beograd : Institut za tehnologiju nuklearnih i drugih mineralnih sirovina, 2024)


Manojlović, V., Sokić, M., Ercegović, M., Kamberović, Ž., Ranđelović, D., Zarić, M.,& Zakonović, J.. (2024). Razvoj i primena metode XRF unapređena sa tehnikama mašinskog učenja za određivanje sastava troske u industriji čelika. 
Beograd : Institut za tehnologiju nuklearnih i drugih mineralnih sirovina..
Manojlović V, Sokić M, Ercegović M, Kamberović Ž, Ranđelović D, Zarić M, Zakonović J. Razvoj i primena metode XRF unapređena sa tehnikama mašinskog učenja za određivanje sastava troske u industriji čelika. 2024;..
Manojlović, Vaso, Sokić, Miroslav, Ercegović, Marija, Kamberović, Željko, Ranđelović, Dragana, Zarić, Milana, Zakonović, Jelena, "Razvoj i primena metode XRF unapređena sa tehnikama mašinskog učenja za određivanje sastava troske u industriji čelika" (2024).

Investigation of multi-cycle usage of nanophotocatalysts in degradation of thiophanate-methyl

Jovanović, Aleksandar; Knežević, Nataša; Bugarčić, Mladen; Petrović, Jelena; Sokić, Miroslav; Stevanović, Marija; Marinković, Aleksandar

(Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, 2024)

AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Knežević, Nataša
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Petrović, Jelena
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Stevanović, Marija
AU  - Marinković, Aleksandar
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - The presence of different organic pollutants in water leads to the need to apply different technologies
and processes for their removal. Organic pollutants can cause several negative impacts on
surrounding environment, inducing detrimental effects on living beings. Fungicides represent one of
the biggest groups of crop protective agent with increased yearly consumption, frequently ending up
in non-target organisms. Therefore, aim of this study was to determine the possibility of using two
synthesized nanocatalysts Ag-P25 and Ce-P25 in several consecutive removal cycles of present
pollutant in water. Catalysts were applied in process of photocatalytic degradation of fungicide
thiophanate-methyl at atmospheric conditions. After each irradiation cycle, catalysts were collected,
rinsed, dried, and applied in upcoming operational run. Fabricated catalysts were also likened to
starter TiO2 material. After fifth cycle, FTIR and XRD characterization techniques were used for
proving stability of materials. Obtained results show that Ce-P25 possesses (98%) better stability than
Ag-P25 (96%), but base TiO2 (99%) has the best stability and efficiency after second cycle. Gathered
findings can open a new way of employing photocatalysis as a process for treatment of polluted waters
from various industries.
PB  - Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor
T1  - Investigation of multi-cycle usage of nanophotocatalysts in degradation of thiophanate-methyl
EP  - 269
SP  - 265
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Aleksandar and Knežević, Nataša and Bugarčić, Mladen and Petrović, Jelena and Sokić, Miroslav and Stevanović, Marija and Marinković, Aleksandar",
year = "2024",
abstract = "The presence of different organic pollutants in water leads to the need to apply different technologies
and processes for their removal. Organic pollutants can cause several negative impacts on
surrounding environment, inducing detrimental effects on living beings. Fungicides represent one of
the biggest groups of crop protective agent with increased yearly consumption, frequently ending up
in non-target organisms. Therefore, aim of this study was to determine the possibility of using two
synthesized nanocatalysts Ag-P25 and Ce-P25 in several consecutive removal cycles of present
pollutant in water. Catalysts were applied in process of photocatalytic degradation of fungicide
thiophanate-methyl at atmospheric conditions. After each irradiation cycle, catalysts were collected,
rinsed, dried, and applied in upcoming operational run. Fabricated catalysts were also likened to
starter TiO2 material. After fifth cycle, FTIR and XRD characterization techniques were used for
proving stability of materials. Obtained results show that Ce-P25 possesses (98%) better stability than
Ag-P25 (96%), but base TiO2 (99%) has the best stability and efficiency after second cycle. Gathered
findings can open a new way of employing photocatalysis as a process for treatment of polluted waters
from various industries.",
publisher = "Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor",
title = "Investigation of multi-cycle usage of nanophotocatalysts in degradation of thiophanate-methyl",
pages = "269-265"
Jovanović, A., Knežević, N., Bugarčić, M., Petrović, J., Sokić, M., Stevanović, M.,& Marinković, A.. (2024). Investigation of multi-cycle usage of nanophotocatalysts in degradation of thiophanate-methyl. in 31st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ECOLOGICAL TRUTH & ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH – EcoTER’24
Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor., 265-269.
Jovanović A, Knežević N, Bugarčić M, Petrović J, Sokić M, Stevanović M, Marinković A. Investigation of multi-cycle usage of nanophotocatalysts in degradation of thiophanate-methyl. in 31st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ECOLOGICAL TRUTH & ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH – EcoTER’24. 2024;:265-269..
Jovanović, Aleksandar, Knežević, Nataša, Bugarčić, Mladen, Petrović, Jelena, Sokić, Miroslav, Stevanović, Marija, Marinković, Aleksandar, "Investigation of multi-cycle usage of nanophotocatalysts in degradation of thiophanate-methyl" in 31st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ECOLOGICAL TRUTH & ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH – EcoTER’24 (2024):265-269.

Removal of methyl orange using layered double hydroxide originated from spent acid liquor

Bugarčić, Mladen; Jovanović, Aleksandar; Mišić, Milica; Milivojević, Milan; Knežević, Nataša; Bošnjaković, Jovana; Sokić, Miroslav

(Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehičkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS), 2024)

AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Mišić, Milica
AU  - Milivojević, Milan
AU  - Knežević, Nataša
AU  - Bošnjaković, Jovana
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Production of organic dyes has been constantly increasing in the last decades, hence their us-age leaves a huge environmental impact usually on aquatic biota. Wastewaters carrying dissolved dyes are toxic to all organisms existing in water, therefore such wastewater streams have to be ap-propriately treated before they can be released into the environment. Development of effective ad-sorbents, which can be used in wastewater treatment, is mandatory. Another concern in the produc-tion of sorbing materials is the formation of spent acids or bases since they are commonly used for the activation of adsorbents. Spent acid liquor produced during the activation of expanded vermicu-lite (EVer) is utilized as the start material for the preparation of layered double hydroxide (LDH-EVer) by the method of co-precipitation process at low supersaturation. The prepared adsorbent was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and Scanning electron microscopy with X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). Fabricated material is utilized as an adsor-bent of methyl orange dye from aqueous solutions. During the experiments, contact time were varied and thus the rate of adsorption is determined. The obtained results show a high adsorption capacity of 63 mg g-1.
PB  - Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehičkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS)
C3  - 37th International Congress on Process Industry, Procesing '24
T1  - Removal of methyl orange using layered double hydroxide originated from spent acid liquor
EP  - 326
SP  - 321
DO  - 10.24094/ptk.024.321
ER  - 
author = "Bugarčić, Mladen and Jovanović, Aleksandar and Mišić, Milica and Milivojević, Milan and Knežević, Nataša and Bošnjaković, Jovana and Sokić, Miroslav",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Production of organic dyes has been constantly increasing in the last decades, hence their us-age leaves a huge environmental impact usually on aquatic biota. Wastewaters carrying dissolved dyes are toxic to all organisms existing in water, therefore such wastewater streams have to be ap-propriately treated before they can be released into the environment. Development of effective ad-sorbents, which can be used in wastewater treatment, is mandatory. Another concern in the produc-tion of sorbing materials is the formation of spent acids or bases since they are commonly used for the activation of adsorbents. Spent acid liquor produced during the activation of expanded vermicu-lite (EVer) is utilized as the start material for the preparation of layered double hydroxide (LDH-EVer) by the method of co-precipitation process at low supersaturation. The prepared adsorbent was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and Scanning electron microscopy with X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). Fabricated material is utilized as an adsor-bent of methyl orange dye from aqueous solutions. During the experiments, contact time were varied and thus the rate of adsorption is determined. The obtained results show a high adsorption capacity of 63 mg g-1.",
publisher = "Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehičkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS)",
journal = "37th International Congress on Process Industry, Procesing '24",
title = "Removal of methyl orange using layered double hydroxide originated from spent acid liquor",
pages = "326-321",
doi = "10.24094/ptk.024.321"
Bugarčić, M., Jovanović, A., Mišić, M., Milivojević, M., Knežević, N., Bošnjaković, J.,& Sokić, M.. (2024). Removal of methyl orange using layered double hydroxide originated from spent acid liquor. in 37th International Congress on Process Industry, Procesing '24
Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehičkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS)., 321-326.
Bugarčić M, Jovanović A, Mišić M, Milivojević M, Knežević N, Bošnjaković J, Sokić M. Removal of methyl orange using layered double hydroxide originated from spent acid liquor. in 37th International Congress on Process Industry, Procesing '24. 2024;:321-326.
doi:10.24094/ptk.024.321 .
Bugarčić, Mladen, Jovanović, Aleksandar, Mišić, Milica, Milivojević, Milan, Knežević, Nataša, Bošnjaković, Jovana, Sokić, Miroslav, "Removal of methyl orange using layered double hydroxide originated from spent acid liquor" in 37th International Congress on Process Industry, Procesing '24 (2024):321-326, . .

Contribution of the Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials to the SDGs – Towards International decade of Science for Sustainable Development

Ranđelović, Dragana; Jovanović, Aleksandar; Marković, Branislav; Sokić, Miroslav

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, 2024)

AU  - Ranđelović, Dragana
AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Marković, Branislav
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Scientific institutions could play a prominent role in solving global problems and attaining
Sustainable development goals (SDG). International Decade of Science for Sustainable Development
stipulates an opportunity to align research priorities and knowledge generation more effectively
towards sustainability. Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials
(ITNMS) contributes to various SDGs through its project activities, concentrating on those that cover
a range of socio-technical systems or the areas of application as well as those that promote
transversal directions for system change. This paper aimed to comprehensively present Institutes’
scientific projects in coordination with the set of 17 officially ratified goals of sustainable
development. Obtained results are categorized according to several parameters: project realization
period, institution position in the project (leader or participant), and type of the project (international
or national). The Institute scientific activities possesses’ good alignment with several SDGs,
particularly: SDG 12 (Responsible consumption and production) and SDG 9 (Industry, innovation,
and infrastructure), but also directly or indirectly with SDG 2 (Zero hunger) and SDG 3 (Good health
and well-being). Additionally, ITNMS project activities contribute to the Planet, Prosperity, People
and Partnership UN pillars of sustainable development. With consideration of the guidelines of
International Decade of Science for Sustainable Development and Strategy for scientific and
technological development of the Republic of Serbia, ITNMS may effectively contribute to the
solutions for current scientific and technological problems in a way that promotes sustainable
development and various SDGs in future.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor
T1  - Contribution of the Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials to the SDGs – Towards International decade of Science for Sustainable Development
EP  - 585
SP  - 580
ER  - 
author = "Ranđelović, Dragana and Jovanović, Aleksandar and Marković, Branislav and Sokić, Miroslav",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Scientific institutions could play a prominent role in solving global problems and attaining
Sustainable development goals (SDG). International Decade of Science for Sustainable Development
stipulates an opportunity to align research priorities and knowledge generation more effectively
towards sustainability. Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials
(ITNMS) contributes to various SDGs through its project activities, concentrating on those that cover
a range of socio-technical systems or the areas of application as well as those that promote
transversal directions for system change. This paper aimed to comprehensively present Institutes’
scientific projects in coordination with the set of 17 officially ratified goals of sustainable
development. Obtained results are categorized according to several parameters: project realization
period, institution position in the project (leader or participant), and type of the project (international
or national). The Institute scientific activities possesses’ good alignment with several SDGs,
particularly: SDG 12 (Responsible consumption and production) and SDG 9 (Industry, innovation,
and infrastructure), but also directly or indirectly with SDG 2 (Zero hunger) and SDG 3 (Good health
and well-being). Additionally, ITNMS project activities contribute to the Planet, Prosperity, People
and Partnership UN pillars of sustainable development. With consideration of the guidelines of
International Decade of Science for Sustainable Development and Strategy for scientific and
technological development of the Republic of Serbia, ITNMS may effectively contribute to the
solutions for current scientific and technological problems in a way that promotes sustainable
development and various SDGs in future.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor",
title = "Contribution of the Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials to the SDGs – Towards International decade of Science for Sustainable Development",
pages = "585-580"
Ranđelović, D., Jovanović, A., Marković, B.,& Sokić, M.. (2024). Contribution of the Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials to the SDGs – Towards International decade of Science for Sustainable Development. in 31st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ECOLOGICAL TRUTH & ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH – EcoTER’24
Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor., 580-585.
Ranđelović D, Jovanović A, Marković B, Sokić M. Contribution of the Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials to the SDGs – Towards International decade of Science for Sustainable Development. in 31st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ECOLOGICAL TRUTH & ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH – EcoTER’24. 2024;:580-585..
Ranđelović, Dragana, Jovanović, Aleksandar, Marković, Branislav, Sokić, Miroslav, "Contribution of the Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials to the SDGs – Towards International decade of Science for Sustainable Development" in 31st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ECOLOGICAL TRUTH & ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH – EcoTER’24 (2024):580-585.

Designing biocompatible high entropy alloys using Monte Carlo simulations

Marković, Gordana; Manojlović, Vaso; Sokić, Miroslav; Ruzic, Jovana; Milojkov, Dušan

(Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, 2023)

AU  - Marković, Gordana
AU  - Manojlović, Vaso
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Ruzic, Jovana
AU  - Milojkov, Dušan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - This study examines the potential of high-entropy alloys (HEAs) as promising biomaterials, with a specific
focus on the development of alloys with a low Young's modulus. Utilizing Monte Carlo simulations coupled
with machine learning techniques, the research identifies critical variables that significantly influence the
Young’s modulus, uncovering a notable correlation between specific heat and the elastic properties of the
alloys. The validation of the Extra Trees Regressor as a reliable predictive model in this study, furthermore,
facilitates the identification of promising HEAs with tailored properties. These findings provide significant
insights that are expected to guide future progresses in the development of HEAs as advanced biomaterials.
PB  - Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor
C3  - The 54th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy
T1  - Designing biocompatible high entropy alloys using Monte Carlo simulations
EP  - 530
SP  - 527
ER  - 
author = "Marković, Gordana and Manojlović, Vaso and Sokić, Miroslav and Ruzic, Jovana and Milojkov, Dušan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "This study examines the potential of high-entropy alloys (HEAs) as promising biomaterials, with a specific
focus on the development of alloys with a low Young's modulus. Utilizing Monte Carlo simulations coupled
with machine learning techniques, the research identifies critical variables that significantly influence the
Young’s modulus, uncovering a notable correlation between specific heat and the elastic properties of the
alloys. The validation of the Extra Trees Regressor as a reliable predictive model in this study, furthermore,
facilitates the identification of promising HEAs with tailored properties. These findings provide significant
insights that are expected to guide future progresses in the development of HEAs as advanced biomaterials.",
publisher = "Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor",
journal = "The 54th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy",
title = "Designing biocompatible high entropy alloys using Monte Carlo simulations",
pages = "530-527"
Marković, G., Manojlović, V., Sokić, M., Ruzic, J.,& Milojkov, D.. (2023). Designing biocompatible high entropy alloys using Monte Carlo simulations. in The 54th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy
Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor., 527-530.
Marković G, Manojlović V, Sokić M, Ruzic J, Milojkov D. Designing biocompatible high entropy alloys using Monte Carlo simulations. in The 54th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy. 2023;:527-530..
Marković, Gordana, Manojlović, Vaso, Sokić, Miroslav, Ruzic, Jovana, Milojkov, Dušan, "Designing biocompatible high entropy alloys using Monte Carlo simulations" in The 54th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy (2023):527-530.

Stability of solid residue after integral treatment of acid mine drainage

Petronijević, Nela; Radovanović, Dragana; Stanković, Srđan; Sokić, Miroslav; Kamberović, Željko; Onjia, Antonije; Jovanović, Gvozden

(Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia, 2023)

AU  - Petronijević, Nela
AU  - Radovanović, Dragana
AU  - Stanković, Srđan
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Kamberović, Željko
AU  - Onjia, Antonije
AU  - Jovanović, Gvozden
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Acid mine drainage is a challenging environmental problem caused by mining activities. Long-term  copper  ore  exploitation  and  vast  amounts  of  mining  waste  lead  to  severe  soil  contamination as well as river and groundwater pollution. In this paper, research is focused on utilizing waste mine waters and off-balance parts of the mine deposit (such as flotation tailings) and converting their negative characteristics to an environmentally friendly one. In the  authors’  previous  work,  acid  mine  water  from  Robule,  which  is  part  of  the  Bor  copper  mining and smelting complex in Serbia, was successfully treated using flotation tailings, and the resulting solution was suitable for safe discharge. This paper investigates the characteristics of the solid residue that remained after the treatment of the modified flotation tailings in order to  evaluate  the  possibility  of  its  safe  disposal  back  into  the  environment.  The  solid  residue  was subjected to TCLP and EN 12457-4 tests as standard procedures that assess the leaching characteristics  of  a  material.  The  solid  residue  was  also  exposed  to  long-term  leaching  with  melted  snow  to  simulate  environmental  conditions  for  one  year.  This  drainage  water  was  analyzed and compared with the results of the standard leaching procedures. The investigated treatments lead to improved economic and environmental effects, while the process itself is adjusted to preserve the environment.
PB  - Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia
T2  - Metallurgical and Materials Data
T1  - Stability of solid residue after integral treatment of acid mine drainage
EP  - 63
IS  - 2
SP  - 57
VL  - 1
DO  - 10.30544/MMD6
ER  - 
author = "Petronijević, Nela and Radovanović, Dragana and Stanković, Srđan and Sokić, Miroslav and Kamberović, Željko and Onjia, Antonije and Jovanović, Gvozden",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Acid mine drainage is a challenging environmental problem caused by mining activities. Long-term  copper  ore  exploitation  and  vast  amounts  of  mining  waste  lead  to  severe  soil  contamination as well as river and groundwater pollution. In this paper, research is focused on utilizing waste mine waters and off-balance parts of the mine deposit (such as flotation tailings) and converting their negative characteristics to an environmentally friendly one. In the  authors’  previous  work,  acid  mine  water  from  Robule,  which  is  part  of  the  Bor  copper  mining and smelting complex in Serbia, was successfully treated using flotation tailings, and the resulting solution was suitable for safe discharge. This paper investigates the characteristics of the solid residue that remained after the treatment of the modified flotation tailings in order to  evaluate  the  possibility  of  its  safe  disposal  back  into  the  environment.  The  solid  residue  was subjected to TCLP and EN 12457-4 tests as standard procedures that assess the leaching characteristics  of  a  material.  The  solid  residue  was  also  exposed  to  long-term  leaching  with  melted  snow  to  simulate  environmental  conditions  for  one  year.  This  drainage  water  was  analyzed and compared with the results of the standard leaching procedures. The investigated treatments lead to improved economic and environmental effects, while the process itself is adjusted to preserve the environment.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "Metallurgical and Materials Data",
title = "Stability of solid residue after integral treatment of acid mine drainage",
pages = "63-57",
number = "2",
volume = "1",
doi = "10.30544/MMD6"
Petronijević, N., Radovanović, D., Stanković, S., Sokić, M., Kamberović, Ž., Onjia, A.,& Jovanović, G.. (2023). Stability of solid residue after integral treatment of acid mine drainage. in Metallurgical and Materials Data
Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia., 1(2), 57-63.
Petronijević N, Radovanović D, Stanković S, Sokić M, Kamberović Ž, Onjia A, Jovanović G. Stability of solid residue after integral treatment of acid mine drainage. in Metallurgical and Materials Data. 2023;1(2):57-63.
doi:10.30544/MMD6 .
Petronijević, Nela, Radovanović, Dragana, Stanković, Srđan, Sokić, Miroslav, Kamberović, Željko, Onjia, Antonije, Jovanović, Gvozden, "Stability of solid residue after integral treatment of acid mine drainage" in Metallurgical and Materials Data, 1, no. 2 (2023):57-63, . .

Application of Natural Polymer and Metal Oxide Composite for Removal of Arsenic (V) Ions from Aqueous Solutions

Živanić, Janko; Popović, Aleksandra; Bugarčić, Mladen; Antanasković, Anja; Lopičić, Zorica; Sokić, Miroslav; Milivojević, Milan

(Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia, 2023)

AU  - Živanić, Janko
AU  - Popović, Aleksandra
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Antanasković, Anja
AU  - Lopičić, Zorica
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Milivojević, Milan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - In this study, iron oxide nanoparticles immobilized within alginate gel exhibited promising potential for the removal of arsenic (V) ions. The preparation of the polymer-oxide composite  was achieved by the ionic crosslinking of an alginate/iron oxide solution with a calcium (II)ions solution. The maximum amount of arsenic adsorbed by the investigated composite under the experimental conditions was slightly above 26 mg/g in 120 min. The results indicated that arsenic adsorption by this composite material follows a fast kinetic profile, adhering to a pseudo-second-order model. The adsorption process occurs in multiple stages, as suggested by the Weber-Morris model, with external diffusion dominating initially, followed by intraparticle diffusion. Importantly, the results confirmed that the use of alginate gel does not significantly impact the adsorption process, preserving the adsorption capacity of the metal oxides. Overall, the investigated composite successfully removed arsenic (V) from the solution, addressing a critical issue in water treatment.

(1) (PDF) Application of Natural Polymer and Metal Oxide Composite for Removal of Arsenic(V) Ions from Aqueous Solutions. Available from: [accessed Mar 12 2024]."
PB  - Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia
T2  - Metallurgical and Materials Data
T1  - Application of Natural Polymer and Metal Oxide Composite for Removal of Arsenic (V) Ions from Aqueous Solutions
EP  - 80
IS  - 3
SP  - 77
VL  - 1
DO  - 10.30544/MMD14
ER  - 
author = "Živanić, Janko and Popović, Aleksandra and Bugarčić, Mladen and Antanasković, Anja and Lopičić, Zorica and Sokić, Miroslav and Milivojević, Milan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In this study, iron oxide nanoparticles immobilized within alginate gel exhibited promising potential for the removal of arsenic (V) ions. The preparation of the polymer-oxide composite  was achieved by the ionic crosslinking of an alginate/iron oxide solution with a calcium (II)ions solution. The maximum amount of arsenic adsorbed by the investigated composite under the experimental conditions was slightly above 26 mg/g in 120 min. The results indicated that arsenic adsorption by this composite material follows a fast kinetic profile, adhering to a pseudo-second-order model. The adsorption process occurs in multiple stages, as suggested by the Weber-Morris model, with external diffusion dominating initially, followed by intraparticle diffusion. Importantly, the results confirmed that the use of alginate gel does not significantly impact the adsorption process, preserving the adsorption capacity of the metal oxides. Overall, the investigated composite successfully removed arsenic (V) from the solution, addressing a critical issue in water treatment.

(1) (PDF) Application of Natural Polymer and Metal Oxide Composite for Removal of Arsenic(V) Ions from Aqueous Solutions. Available from: [accessed Mar 12 2024]."",
publisher = "Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "Metallurgical and Materials Data",
title = "Application of Natural Polymer and Metal Oxide Composite for Removal of Arsenic (V) Ions from Aqueous Solutions",
pages = "80-77",
number = "3",
volume = "1",
doi = "10.30544/MMD14"
Živanić, J., Popović, A., Bugarčić, M., Antanasković, A., Lopičić, Z., Sokić, M.,& Milivojević, M.. (2023). Application of Natural Polymer and Metal Oxide Composite for Removal of Arsenic (V) Ions from Aqueous Solutions. in Metallurgical and Materials Data
Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia., 1(3), 77-80.
Živanić J, Popović A, Bugarčić M, Antanasković A, Lopičić Z, Sokić M, Milivojević M. Application of Natural Polymer and Metal Oxide Composite for Removal of Arsenic (V) Ions from Aqueous Solutions. in Metallurgical and Materials Data. 2023;1(3):77-80.
doi:10.30544/MMD14 .
Živanić, Janko, Popović, Aleksandra, Bugarčić, Mladen, Antanasković, Anja, Lopičić, Zorica, Sokić, Miroslav, Milivojević, Milan, "Application of Natural Polymer and Metal Oxide Composite for Removal of Arsenic (V) Ions from Aqueous Solutions" in Metallurgical and Materials Data, 1, no. 3 (2023):77-80, . .

Slojeviti dvostruki hidroksidi za uklanjanje boja iz otpadnih voda

Bugarčić, Mladen; Jovanović, Aleksandar; Sokić, Miroslav; Marković, Branislav; Pantović Spajić, Katarina; Marinković, Aleksandar

(Beograd : Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije, 2023)

AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Marković, Branislav
AU  - Pantović Spajić, Katarina
AU  - Marinković, Aleksandar
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Отпадне воде представљају велики еколошки притисак на читав екосистем.
Загађујуће материје у отпадној води, као што су боје, могу изазвати токсичне после-
дице по живи свет. Из тог разлога је потребно развити нове, ефикасне материјале који
у процесу адсорпције могу да уклоне присутне полутанте и реше проблем загађења.
Слојевити двоструки хидроксиди добијени процесом таложења при ниском преза-
сићењу примењени су у процесу уклањања боје метанил-жуто из водених раствора.
Приликом експеримената, варирани су параметри као што су маса адсорбента, време
контакта, температура. Добијеии резултати показују висок адсорпциони капацитет 74
mg g-1 и ендотермну природу процеса адсорпције.
AB  - Wastewater represents a major environmental pressure on the entire ecosystem.
Pollutants in wastewater, such as dyes, can cause toxic effects on living beings. Therefore, it
is necessary to develop new, efficient sorption materials that can remove the present
pollutants and solve the pollution problem. The layered double hydroxides obtained by the
co-precipitation process at low supersaturation were applied in the process of removing methanil-yellow color from aqueous solutions. During the experiments, parameters such
as adsorbent mass, contact time, and temperature were varied. The obtained results
show a high adsorption capacity of 74 mg g-1 and an endothermic nature during
adsorption process.
PB  - Beograd : Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije
C3  - 44. Međunarodna konferencija Vodovod i kanalizacija ’23
T1  - Slojeviti dvostruki hidroksidi za uklanjanje boja iz otpadnih voda
EP  - 242
SP  - 236
ER  - 
author = "Bugarčić, Mladen and Jovanović, Aleksandar and Sokić, Miroslav and Marković, Branislav and Pantović Spajić, Katarina and Marinković, Aleksandar",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Отпадне воде представљају велики еколошки притисак на читав екосистем.
Загађујуће материје у отпадној води, као што су боје, могу изазвати токсичне после-
дице по живи свет. Из тог разлога је потребно развити нове, ефикасне материјале који
у процесу адсорпције могу да уклоне присутне полутанте и реше проблем загађења.
Слојевити двоструки хидроксиди добијени процесом таложења при ниском преза-
сићењу примењени су у процесу уклањања боје метанил-жуто из водених раствора.
Приликом експеримената, варирани су параметри као што су маса адсорбента, време
контакта, температура. Добијеии резултати показују висок адсорпциони капацитет 74
mg g-1 и ендотермну природу процеса адсорпције., Wastewater represents a major environmental pressure on the entire ecosystem.
Pollutants in wastewater, such as dyes, can cause toxic effects on living beings. Therefore, it
is necessary to develop new, efficient sorption materials that can remove the present
pollutants and solve the pollution problem. The layered double hydroxides obtained by the
co-precipitation process at low supersaturation were applied in the process of removing methanil-yellow color from aqueous solutions. During the experiments, parameters such
as adsorbent mass, contact time, and temperature were varied. The obtained results
show a high adsorption capacity of 74 mg g-1 and an endothermic nature during
adsorption process.",
publisher = "Beograd : Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije",
journal = "44. Međunarodna konferencija Vodovod i kanalizacija ’23",
title = "Slojeviti dvostruki hidroksidi za uklanjanje boja iz otpadnih voda",
pages = "242-236"
Bugarčić, M., Jovanović, A., Sokić, M., Marković, B., Pantović Spajić, K.,& Marinković, A.. (2023). Slojeviti dvostruki hidroksidi za uklanjanje boja iz otpadnih voda. in 44. Međunarodna konferencija Vodovod i kanalizacija ’23
Beograd : Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije., 236-242.
Bugarčić M, Jovanović A, Sokić M, Marković B, Pantović Spajić K, Marinković A. Slojeviti dvostruki hidroksidi za uklanjanje boja iz otpadnih voda. in 44. Međunarodna konferencija Vodovod i kanalizacija ’23. 2023;:236-242..
Bugarčić, Mladen, Jovanović, Aleksandar, Sokić, Miroslav, Marković, Branislav, Pantović Spajić, Katarina, Marinković, Aleksandar, "Slojeviti dvostruki hidroksidi za uklanjanje boja iz otpadnih voda" in 44. Međunarodna konferencija Vodovod i kanalizacija ’23 (2023):236-242.

Luminescence transitions of Pr3+ (4f2) in fluorapatite nanocrystals for potential biomedical application

Milojkov, Dušan; Marković, Gordana; Sokić, Miroslav; Manojlović, Vaso; Mutavdžić, Dragosav; Janjić, Goran

(Belgrade : Serbian Ceramic Society, 2023)

AU  - Milojkov, Dušan
AU  - Marković, Gordana
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Manojlović, Vaso
AU  - Mutavdžić, Dragosav
AU  - Janjić, Goran
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Fluorapatite (FAP) crystals have drawn significant interest over the last few decades as important hosts matrix for optically active trivalent rare earth ions, due to the strong crystal field splitting and large transition cross-sections. Nano-sized FAP particles doped with rare earth ions have been extensively studied as luminescent materials for biomedical applications for cell labeling and bioimaging, as well as antimicrobial agents for therapeutics.
Fluorapatite nanoparticles doped with praseodymium ions (Pr3+) were prepared by the co precipitation method and characterized. The different number of Pr3+ (4f2) transitions in the ultraviolet and visible parts of the spectrum was investigated by photoluminescence spectroscopy. Multivariate Curve Resolution–Alternating Least Squares (MCR-ALS) analyses of fluorescence spectra and ab initio calculation indicated that Pr3+ ions are 
preferentially substituted Ca2 (6h) sites in FAP lattice. In addition to the substitution of cations, there is also the substitution of anionic species such as OH-, CO32-, and NO3-, which are confirmed by the CHNS method. The obtained samples were tested as bioimaging and 
antibacterial agents and can potentially be used for further biomedical research.
PB  - Belgrade : Serbian Ceramic Society
C3  - The Eleventh Serbian Ceramic Society Conference »ADVANCED CERAMICS AND APPLICATION XI«"
T1  - Luminescence transitions of Pr3+ (4f2) in fluorapatite nanocrystals for  potential biomedical application
EP  - 39
SP  - 38
ER  - 
author = "Milojkov, Dušan and Marković, Gordana and Sokić, Miroslav and Manojlović, Vaso and Mutavdžić, Dragosav and Janjić, Goran",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Fluorapatite (FAP) crystals have drawn significant interest over the last few decades as important hosts matrix for optically active trivalent rare earth ions, due to the strong crystal field splitting and large transition cross-sections. Nano-sized FAP particles doped with rare earth ions have been extensively studied as luminescent materials for biomedical applications for cell labeling and bioimaging, as well as antimicrobial agents for therapeutics.
Fluorapatite nanoparticles doped with praseodymium ions (Pr3+) were prepared by the co precipitation method and characterized. The different number of Pr3+ (4f2) transitions in the ultraviolet and visible parts of the spectrum was investigated by photoluminescence spectroscopy. Multivariate Curve Resolution–Alternating Least Squares (MCR-ALS) analyses of fluorescence spectra and ab initio calculation indicated that Pr3+ ions are 
preferentially substituted Ca2 (6h) sites in FAP lattice. In addition to the substitution of cations, there is also the substitution of anionic species such as OH-, CO32-, and NO3-, which are confirmed by the CHNS method. The obtained samples were tested as bioimaging and 
antibacterial agents and can potentially be used for further biomedical research.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Serbian Ceramic Society",
journal = "The Eleventh Serbian Ceramic Society Conference »ADVANCED CERAMICS AND APPLICATION XI«"",
title = "Luminescence transitions of Pr3+ (4f2) in fluorapatite nanocrystals for  potential biomedical application",
pages = "39-38"
Milojkov, D., Marković, G., Sokić, M., Manojlović, V., Mutavdžić, D.,& Janjić, G.. (2023). Luminescence transitions of Pr3+ (4f2) in fluorapatite nanocrystals for  potential biomedical application. in The Eleventh Serbian Ceramic Society Conference »ADVANCED CERAMICS AND APPLICATION XI«"
Belgrade : Serbian Ceramic Society., 38-39.
Milojkov D, Marković G, Sokić M, Manojlović V, Mutavdžić D, Janjić G. Luminescence transitions of Pr3+ (4f2) in fluorapatite nanocrystals for  potential biomedical application. in The Eleventh Serbian Ceramic Society Conference »ADVANCED CERAMICS AND APPLICATION XI«". 2023;:38-39..
Milojkov, Dušan, Marković, Gordana, Sokić, Miroslav, Manojlović, Vaso, Mutavdžić, Dragosav, Janjić, Goran, "Luminescence transitions of Pr3+ (4f2) in fluorapatite nanocrystals for  potential biomedical application" in The Eleventh Serbian Ceramic Society Conference »ADVANCED CERAMICS AND APPLICATION XI«" (2023):38-39.

Predicting the modulus of elasticity of biocompatible titanium alloys using machine learning

Marković, Gordana; Manojlović, Vaso; Sokić, Miroslav; Ruzic, Jovana; Milojkov, Dušan; Patarić, Aleksandra

(Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia, 2023)

AU  - Marković, Gordana
AU  - Manojlović, Vaso
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Ruzic, Jovana
AU  - Milojkov, Dušan
AU  - Patarić, Aleksandra
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Titanium alloys are widely employed in various fields, particularly in biomedical engineering, due to their mechanical  and corrosion resistance properties combined with good biocompatibility. The modulus of elasticity is a distinguishing  feature of this group of materials compared to others used for similar purposes. A database of approximately 238 titanium alloys free of toxic elements was compiled for this study. The influence of different factors (such as alloy element  proportions, density, and specific heat) on the modulus of elasticity was predicted using four methods: support vector machine, XGBoost, Neural Network, and Random Forest. The Random Forest mean absolute error (MAE) of 7.33 GPa, falls within the range of experimentally obtained absolute errors in the literature (up to about 11 GPa). A strong correlation (R2 = 0.72) was observed between experimental and predicted data. Lastly, specific alloying element regions were identified for the modulus of elasticity, which can be used to design new biocompatible titanium alloys in the future.
PB  - Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia
C3  - 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe
T1  - Predicting the modulus of elasticity of biocompatible titanium alloys using machine learning
EP  - 158
SP  - 154
ER  - 
author = "Marković, Gordana and Manojlović, Vaso and Sokić, Miroslav and Ruzic, Jovana and Milojkov, Dušan and Patarić, Aleksandra",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Titanium alloys are widely employed in various fields, particularly in biomedical engineering, due to their mechanical  and corrosion resistance properties combined with good biocompatibility. The modulus of elasticity is a distinguishing  feature of this group of materials compared to others used for similar purposes. A database of approximately 238 titanium alloys free of toxic elements was compiled for this study. The influence of different factors (such as alloy element  proportions, density, and specific heat) on the modulus of elasticity was predicted using four methods: support vector machine, XGBoost, Neural Network, and Random Forest. The Random Forest mean absolute error (MAE) of 7.33 GPa, falls within the range of experimentally obtained absolute errors in the literature (up to about 11 GPa). A strong correlation (R2 = 0.72) was observed between experimental and predicted data. Lastly, specific alloying element regions were identified for the modulus of elasticity, which can be used to design new biocompatible titanium alloys in the future.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe",
title = "Predicting the modulus of elasticity of biocompatible titanium alloys using machine learning",
pages = "158-154"
Marković, G., Manojlović, V., Sokić, M., Ruzic, J., Milojkov, D.,& Patarić, A.. (2023). Predicting the modulus of elasticity of biocompatible titanium alloys using machine learning. in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe
Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia., 154-158.
Marković G, Manojlović V, Sokić M, Ruzic J, Milojkov D, Patarić A. Predicting the modulus of elasticity of biocompatible titanium alloys using machine learning. in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe. 2023;:154-158..
Marković, Gordana, Manojlović, Vaso, Sokić, Miroslav, Ruzic, Jovana, Milojkov, Dušan, Patarić, Aleksandra, "Predicting the modulus of elasticity of biocompatible titanium alloys using machine learning" in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe (2023):154-158.

Development of sustainable method for metal recovery from old flotation tailings (Majdanpek, Serbia) using Aspergillus niger fungus

Milojkov, Dušan; Sokić, Miroslav; Mitrović, Angelina; Smiljanić, Danijela; Petrović, Jelena; Simić, Marija; Živković-Radovanović, Vukosava

(Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia, 2023)

AU  - Milojkov, Dušan
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Mitrović, Angelina
AU  - Smiljanić, Danijela
AU  - Petrović, Jelena
AU  - Simić, Marija
AU  - Živković-Radovanović, Vukosava
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The accumulation of mine tailings in the mining area of Majdanpek represents a serious environmental problem. A strong impetus for the development of sustainable methods for the recovery of metals from mine tailings is given by the importance of heavy metal recovery and the economic benefits of precious and base metals. Currently, researchers are working to develop metals recovery from tailings through bioleaching, which is a more sustainable method compared to traditional metallurgical methods. Biotechnologies for leaching heavy metals from old flotation tailings (Majdanpek, Serbia) with fungus Aspergillus niger (A. niger) are discussed in this paper. The subject of this research is iron ions, since the tailings are the richest in this metal. With a simple bioleaching process, which is based on the cultivation of A. niger in the basic growth medium and then challenging it with tailings, 5% iron was released in 35 days. The transformation of mine tailings morphology was also confirmed by optical microscopy. Processes by which A. niger extracts metals from
tailings include acidolysis, complexation, alkaloysis and biosorption. Also, in addition to metabolites, these fungi produce spores and mycelium that can destroy material and transform it to the soil. Given that Serbia is abundant with agricultural
waste, as well as waste from the food industry, in future studies cheap waste should be used as an energy input source for A. niger and transformation of tailings.
PB  - Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia
C3  - 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe
T1  - Development of sustainable method for metal recovery from old flotation tailings (Majdanpek, Serbia) using Aspergillus niger fungus
EP  - 330
SP  - 325
ER  - 
author = "Milojkov, Dušan and Sokić, Miroslav and Mitrović, Angelina and Smiljanić, Danijela and Petrović, Jelena and Simić, Marija and Živković-Radovanović, Vukosava",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The accumulation of mine tailings in the mining area of Majdanpek represents a serious environmental problem. A strong impetus for the development of sustainable methods for the recovery of metals from mine tailings is given by the importance of heavy metal recovery and the economic benefits of precious and base metals. Currently, researchers are working to develop metals recovery from tailings through bioleaching, which is a more sustainable method compared to traditional metallurgical methods. Biotechnologies for leaching heavy metals from old flotation tailings (Majdanpek, Serbia) with fungus Aspergillus niger (A. niger) are discussed in this paper. The subject of this research is iron ions, since the tailings are the richest in this metal. With a simple bioleaching process, which is based on the cultivation of A. niger in the basic growth medium and then challenging it with tailings, 5% iron was released in 35 days. The transformation of mine tailings morphology was also confirmed by optical microscopy. Processes by which A. niger extracts metals from
tailings include acidolysis, complexation, alkaloysis and biosorption. Also, in addition to metabolites, these fungi produce spores and mycelium that can destroy material and transform it to the soil. Given that Serbia is abundant with agricultural
waste, as well as waste from the food industry, in future studies cheap waste should be used as an energy input source for A. niger and transformation of tailings.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe",
title = "Development of sustainable method for metal recovery from old flotation tailings (Majdanpek, Serbia) using Aspergillus niger fungus",
pages = "330-325"
Milojkov, D., Sokić, M., Mitrović, A., Smiljanić, D., Petrović, J., Simić, M.,& Živković-Radovanović, V.. (2023). Development of sustainable method for metal recovery from old flotation tailings (Majdanpek, Serbia) using Aspergillus niger fungus. in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe
Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia., 325-330.
Milojkov D, Sokić M, Mitrović A, Smiljanić D, Petrović J, Simić M, Živković-Radovanović V. Development of sustainable method for metal recovery from old flotation tailings (Majdanpek, Serbia) using Aspergillus niger fungus. in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe. 2023;:325-330..
Milojkov, Dušan, Sokić, Miroslav, Mitrović, Angelina, Smiljanić, Danijela, Petrović, Jelena, Simić, Marija, Živković-Radovanović, Vukosava, "Development of sustainable method for metal recovery from old flotation tailings (Majdanpek, Serbia) using Aspergillus niger fungus" in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe (2023):325-330.

Одржива производња у електрoлучним пећима користећи принципе индустрије 4.0

Ivanović, Jelena; Manojlović, Vaso; Sokić, Miroslav

(Београд : Савез инжењера и техничара Србије, 2023)

AU  - Ivanović, Jelena
AU  - Manojlović, Vaso
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Користећи принципе Индустрије 4.0 и циркуларне економије, у овој студији
користи се метода машинског учења код процеса топљења челичног отпада у еле-
ктролучним пећима ради одрживе производње челика. Фокусира се на балансирање
материјалне и енергетске ефикасности, посебно на управљање деградације елемената
као што су манган и силицијум. Поред тога, овај приступ ублажава ограничења
рециклирања ефективним смањењем акумулације бакра и калаја у крајњем производу,
чиме се побољшава његов укупни квалитет. На тај начин, не само да се оптимизује
ефикасност процеса, већ се доприноси и смањењу угљеничног отиска индустрије че-
лика, усклађујући се са глобалним тежњама ка декарбонизацији и унапређењу одрживе
производне праксе.
AB  - Employing Industry 4.0 and circular economy principles, this study leverages
machine learning in Electric Arc Furnaces steel waste recycling to enhance sustainable steel
production. It focuses on balancing material and energy efficiency, particularly managing
degradation elements like Mn and Si. In addition, the approach mitigates recycling limitations
by effectively reducing the accumulation of Cu and Sn in the end product, thus enhancing its
overall quality. This approach not only optimizes the process efficiency but also contributes
to the reduction of the steel industry's carbon footprint, aligning with global decarbonization
efforts and advancing sustainable manufacturing practices.
PB  - Београд : Савез инжењера и техничара Србије
T1  - Одржива производња у електрoлучним пећима користећи принципе индустрије 4.0
EP  - 109
SP  - 102
ER  - 
author = "Ivanović, Jelena and Manojlović, Vaso and Sokić, Miroslav",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Користећи принципе Индустрије 4.0 и циркуларне економије, у овој студији
користи се метода машинског учења код процеса топљења челичног отпада у еле-
ктролучним пећима ради одрживе производње челика. Фокусира се на балансирање
материјалне и енергетске ефикасности, посебно на управљање деградације елемената
као што су манган и силицијум. Поред тога, овај приступ ублажава ограничења
рециклирања ефективним смањењем акумулације бакра и калаја у крајњем производу,
чиме се побољшава његов укупни квалитет. На тај начин, не само да се оптимизује
ефикасност процеса, већ се доприноси и смањењу угљеничног отиска индустрије че-
лика, усклађујући се са глобалним тежњама ка декарбонизацији и унапређењу одрживе
производне праксе., Employing Industry 4.0 and circular economy principles, this study leverages
machine learning in Electric Arc Furnaces steel waste recycling to enhance sustainable steel
production. It focuses on balancing material and energy efficiency, particularly managing
degradation elements like Mn and Si. In addition, the approach mitigates recycling limitations
by effectively reducing the accumulation of Cu and Sn in the end product, thus enhancing its
overall quality. This approach not only optimizes the process efficiency but also contributes
to the reduction of the steel industry's carbon footprint, aligning with global decarbonization
efforts and advancing sustainable manufacturing practices.",
publisher = "Београд : Савез инжењера и техничара Србије",
title = "Одржива производња у електрoлучним пећима користећи принципе индустрије 4.0",
pages = "109-102"
Ivanović, J., Manojlović, V.,& Sokić, M.. (2023). Одржива производња у електрoлучним пећима користећи принципе индустрије 4.0. in ИНДУСТРИЈА 4.0 У ЦИРКУЛАРНОЈ ЕКОНОМИЈИ И ЗАШТИТИ И ОПОРАВКУ ЖИВОТНЕ СРЕДИНЕ
Београд : Савез инжењера и техничара Србије., 102-109.
Ivanović J, Manojlović V, Sokić M. Одржива производња у електрoлучним пећима користећи принципе индустрије 4.0. in ИНДУСТРИЈА 4.0 У ЦИРКУЛАРНОЈ ЕКОНОМИЈИ И ЗАШТИТИ И ОПОРАВКУ ЖИВОТНЕ СРЕДИНЕ. 2023;:102-109..
Ivanović, Jelena, Manojlović, Vaso, Sokić, Miroslav, "Одржива производња у електрoлучним пећима користећи принципе индустрије 4.0" in ИНДУСТРИЈА 4.0 У ЦИРКУЛАРНОЈ ЕКОНОМИЈИ И ЗАШТИТИ И ОПОРАВКУ ЖИВОТНЕ СРЕДИНЕ (2023):102-109.

Innovative industrial symbiosis approach for acidic mine drainage neutralization

Vujović, Nela; Alivojvodić, Vesna; Sokić, Miroslav; Jovanović, Gvozden; Marković, Branislav; Kamberović, Željko

(Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia, 2023)

AU  - Vujović, Nela
AU  - Alivojvodić, Vesna
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Jovanović, Gvozden
AU  - Marković, Branislav
AU  - Kamberović, Željko
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Following the principles of sustainable development and circular economy, an innovative industrial symbiosis approach
has been developed that uses already disposed voluminous waste. The research was focused on the utilization potential
of vast amounts of flotation tailings, fly ash and acidic mine waters. Numerous previous case studies have pointed out the
harmful, long-lasting environmental damage from waste disposal. In this case, the emphasis is on finding a practical
approach for using industrial waste, specifically thermal power plant fly ash, in order to neutralize acidic mine waters
resulting from tailings disposal. The proposed treatment gives waste a practical value, eliminates its harmful effect on the
environment and redefines (lowers) regular waste management costs. In addition, it is possible to obtain valuable metals
by exploiting and reprocessing acidic mine drainage.
PB  - Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia
C3  - 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe MME SEE 2023
T1  - Innovative industrial symbiosis approach for acidic mine drainage neutralization
EP  - 382
SP  - 377
ER  - 
author = "Vujović, Nela and Alivojvodić, Vesna and Sokić, Miroslav and Jovanović, Gvozden and Marković, Branislav and Kamberović, Željko",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Following the principles of sustainable development and circular economy, an innovative industrial symbiosis approach
has been developed that uses already disposed voluminous waste. The research was focused on the utilization potential
of vast amounts of flotation tailings, fly ash and acidic mine waters. Numerous previous case studies have pointed out the
harmful, long-lasting environmental damage from waste disposal. In this case, the emphasis is on finding a practical
approach for using industrial waste, specifically thermal power plant fly ash, in order to neutralize acidic mine waters
resulting from tailings disposal. The proposed treatment gives waste a practical value, eliminates its harmful effect on the
environment and redefines (lowers) regular waste management costs. In addition, it is possible to obtain valuable metals
by exploiting and reprocessing acidic mine drainage.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe MME SEE 2023",
title = "Innovative industrial symbiosis approach for acidic mine drainage neutralization",
pages = "382-377"
Vujović, N., Alivojvodić, V., Sokić, M., Jovanović, G., Marković, B.,& Kamberović, Ž.. (2023). Innovative industrial symbiosis approach for acidic mine drainage neutralization. in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe MME SEE 2023
Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia., 377-382.
Vujović N, Alivojvodić V, Sokić M, Jovanović G, Marković B, Kamberović Ž. Innovative industrial symbiosis approach for acidic mine drainage neutralization. in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe MME SEE 2023. 2023;:377-382..
Vujović, Nela, Alivojvodić, Vesna, Sokić, Miroslav, Jovanović, Gvozden, Marković, Branislav, Kamberović, Željko, "Innovative industrial symbiosis approach for acidic mine drainage neutralization" in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe MME SEE 2023 (2023):377-382.

Sphalerite leaching in acid media: a review

Sokić, Miroslav; Bugarčić, Mladen; Jovanović, Aleksandar

(Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia, 2023)

AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The reserves of rich ores, from which the production of zinc by the existing conventional roasting-leaching-electrowinning   process   is   technologically   possible   and   economically   justified, are decreasing year by year. For this reason, increasing attention has been directed towards  researching  the  possibility  of  obtaining  zinc  from  complex  polymetallic  ores  with  a  low metal content, adhering to sustainable development goals following strict environmental regulations.  Leaching  procedures  are  commonly  utilized  for  the  processing  of  such  mineral  raw materials.As sphalerite is the widespread and most significant mineral of zinc sulfide, a large part  of  the  research  focuses  on  studying  the  behavior  of  sphalerite  in  the  leaching  process.  This paper reviews the existing knowledge about the leaching of sphalerite in acidic solutions as well as the phenomena accompanying the dissolution process. Special attention is given to research related to the kinetics and mechanism of sphalerite oxidation in an acidic medium influenced by various oxidants, such as hydrogen peroxide, oxygen, dichromate ions, nitrate and nitrite ions, ferric and cupric ions, and others. All these results enable the development of  new  technological  procedures  to  produce  zinc  from  low-grade  and  complex  ores  while  meeting increasingly rigorous environmental requirements.
PB  - Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia
T2  - Metallurgical and Materials Data
T1  - Sphalerite leaching in acid media: a review
EP  - 43
IS  - 2
SP  - 33
VL  - 1
DO  - 10.30544/MMD8
ER  - 
author = "Sokić, Miroslav and Bugarčić, Mladen and Jovanović, Aleksandar",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The reserves of rich ores, from which the production of zinc by the existing conventional roasting-leaching-electrowinning   process   is   technologically   possible   and   economically   justified, are decreasing year by year. For this reason, increasing attention has been directed towards  researching  the  possibility  of  obtaining  zinc  from  complex  polymetallic  ores  with  a  low metal content, adhering to sustainable development goals following strict environmental regulations.  Leaching  procedures  are  commonly  utilized  for  the  processing  of  such  mineral  raw materials.As sphalerite is the widespread and most significant mineral of zinc sulfide, a large part  of  the  research  focuses  on  studying  the  behavior  of  sphalerite  in  the  leaching  process.  This paper reviews the existing knowledge about the leaching of sphalerite in acidic solutions as well as the phenomena accompanying the dissolution process. Special attention is given to research related to the kinetics and mechanism of sphalerite oxidation in an acidic medium influenced by various oxidants, such as hydrogen peroxide, oxygen, dichromate ions, nitrate and nitrite ions, ferric and cupric ions, and others. All these results enable the development of  new  technological  procedures  to  produce  zinc  from  low-grade  and  complex  ores  while  meeting increasingly rigorous environmental requirements.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "Metallurgical and Materials Data",
title = "Sphalerite leaching in acid media: a review",
pages = "43-33",
number = "2",
volume = "1",
doi = "10.30544/MMD8"
Sokić, M., Bugarčić, M.,& Jovanović, A.. (2023). Sphalerite leaching in acid media: a review. in Metallurgical and Materials Data
Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia., 1(2), 33-43.
Sokić M, Bugarčić M, Jovanović A. Sphalerite leaching in acid media: a review. in Metallurgical and Materials Data. 2023;1(2):33-43.
doi:10.30544/MMD8 .
Sokić, Miroslav, Bugarčić, Mladen, Jovanović, Aleksandar, "Sphalerite leaching in acid media: a review" in Metallurgical and Materials Data, 1, no. 2 (2023):33-43, . .

Predicting Low-Modulus Biocompatible Titanium Alloys Using Machine Learning

Marković, Gordana; Manojlović, Vaso; Ruzic, Jovana; Sokić, Miroslav

(MDPI, 2023)

AU  - Marković, Gordana
AU  - Manojlović, Vaso
AU  - Ruzic, Jovana
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Titanium alloys have been present for decades as the main components for the production of various orthopedic and dental elements. However, modern times require titanium alloys with a low Young’s modulus, and without the presence of cytotoxic alloying elements. Machine learning was used with aim to analyze biocompatible titanium alloys and predict the composition of Ti alloys with a low Young’s modulus. A database was created using experimental data for alloy composition, Young’s modulus, and mechanical and thermal properties of biocompatible titanium alloys. The Extra Tree Regression model was built to predict the Young’s modulus of titanium alloys. By processing data of 246 alloys, the specific heat was discovered to be the most influential parameter that contributes to the lowering of the Young’s modulus of titanium alloys. Further, the Monte Carlo method was used to predict the composition of future alloys with the desired properties. Simulation results of ten million samples, with predefined conditions for obtaining titanium alloys with a Young’s modulus lower than 70 GPa, show that it is possible to obtain several multicomponent alloys, consisting of five main elements: titanium, zirconium, tin, manganese and niobium.
T2  - Materials
T1  - Predicting Low-Modulus Biocompatible Titanium Alloys Using Machine Learning
IS  - 19
VL  - 16
DO  - 10.3390/ma16196355
ER  - 
author = "Marković, Gordana and Manojlović, Vaso and Ruzic, Jovana and Sokić, Miroslav",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Titanium alloys have been present for decades as the main components for the production of various orthopedic and dental elements. However, modern times require titanium alloys with a low Young’s modulus, and without the presence of cytotoxic alloying elements. Machine learning was used with aim to analyze biocompatible titanium alloys and predict the composition of Ti alloys with a low Young’s modulus. A database was created using experimental data for alloy composition, Young’s modulus, and mechanical and thermal properties of biocompatible titanium alloys. The Extra Tree Regression model was built to predict the Young’s modulus of titanium alloys. By processing data of 246 alloys, the specific heat was discovered to be the most influential parameter that contributes to the lowering of the Young’s modulus of titanium alloys. Further, the Monte Carlo method was used to predict the composition of future alloys with the desired properties. Simulation results of ten million samples, with predefined conditions for obtaining titanium alloys with a Young’s modulus lower than 70 GPa, show that it is possible to obtain several multicomponent alloys, consisting of five main elements: titanium, zirconium, tin, manganese and niobium.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Materials",
title = "Predicting Low-Modulus Biocompatible Titanium Alloys Using Machine Learning",
number = "19",
volume = "16",
doi = "10.3390/ma16196355"
Marković, G., Manojlović, V., Ruzic, J.,& Sokić, M.. (2023). Predicting Low-Modulus Biocompatible Titanium Alloys Using Machine Learning. in Materials
MDPI., 16(19).
Marković G, Manojlović V, Ruzic J, Sokić M. Predicting Low-Modulus Biocompatible Titanium Alloys Using Machine Learning. in Materials. 2023;16(19).
doi:10.3390/ma16196355 .
Marković, Gordana, Manojlović, Vaso, Ruzic, Jovana, Sokić, Miroslav, "Predicting Low-Modulus Biocompatible Titanium Alloys Using Machine Learning" in Materials, 16, no. 19 (2023), . .

"Predicting the modulus of elasticity for biocompatible titanium alloys"

Marković, Gordana; Manojlović, Vaso; Ruzic, Jovana; Sokić, Miroslav

(Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society, 2023)

AU  - Marković, Gordana
AU  - Manojlović, Vaso
AU  - Ruzic, Jovana
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Titanium alloys have been present for decades as the main components for the production of various orthopedic and dental elements. However, modern times require  titanium alloys of different composition, with lower modulus of elasticity, without the  presence of toxic alloying elements such as Al and V [1]. Traditional methods used to  detect dependencies between parameters, as well as alloy design, are often not  particularly effective and usually require large investments of time and resources. The study introduces the machine learning technique Extra Tree Regression, which, through  the analysis of data from 246 biocompatible titanium alloys, identifies factors associated with reduced elastic modulus [2]. The three most influential were: specific heat and mass fraction of titanium and mass fraction of titanium silicon. Using data on the most influential factors, four-component diagrams were designed where certain alloy compositions reach a modulus of up to 54 GPa. In addition, Monte Carlo simulations were used to demonstrate the feasibility of modeling multicomponent alloys with elastic modulus below 70 GPa.
PB  - Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society
PB  - Belgrade : Serbian Young Chemists’ Club
C3  - 9th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia
T1  - "Predicting the modulus of elasticity for biocompatible titanium  alloys"
EP  - 165
SP  - 165
ER  - 
author = "Marković, Gordana and Manojlović, Vaso and Ruzic, Jovana and Sokić, Miroslav",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Titanium alloys have been present for decades as the main components for the production of various orthopedic and dental elements. However, modern times require  titanium alloys of different composition, with lower modulus of elasticity, without the  presence of toxic alloying elements such as Al and V [1]. Traditional methods used to  detect dependencies between parameters, as well as alloy design, are often not  particularly effective and usually require large investments of time and resources. The study introduces the machine learning technique Extra Tree Regression, which, through  the analysis of data from 246 biocompatible titanium alloys, identifies factors associated with reduced elastic modulus [2]. The three most influential were: specific heat and mass fraction of titanium and mass fraction of titanium silicon. Using data on the most influential factors, four-component diagrams were designed where certain alloy compositions reach a modulus of up to 54 GPa. In addition, Monte Carlo simulations were used to demonstrate the feasibility of modeling multicomponent alloys with elastic modulus below 70 GPa.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society, Belgrade : Serbian Young Chemists’ Club",
journal = "9th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia",
title = ""Predicting the modulus of elasticity for biocompatible titanium  alloys"",
pages = "165-165"
Marković, G., Manojlović, V., Ruzic, J.,& Sokić, M.. (2023). "Predicting the modulus of elasticity for biocompatible titanium  alloys". in 9th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia
Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society., 165-165.
Marković G, Manojlović V, Ruzic J, Sokić M. "Predicting the modulus of elasticity for biocompatible titanium  alloys". in 9th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia. 2023;:165-165..
Marković, Gordana, Manojlović, Vaso, Ruzic, Jovana, Sokić, Miroslav, ""Predicting the modulus of elasticity for biocompatible titanium  alloys"" in 9th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia (2023):165-165.

The adsorption of arsenic(v) ions from aqueous solutions by composite of natural polymer and metal oxide

Živanić, Janko; Bugarčić, Mladen; Antanasković, Anja; Lopičić, Zorica; Sokić, Miroslav; Jovanović, Aleksandar; Milivojević, Milan

(Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia, 2023)

AU  - Živanić, Janko
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Antanasković, Anja
AU  - Lopičić, Zorica
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Milivojević, Milan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The presence of arsenic in drinking water above the permissible limits is one of the current problems facing modern
engineers in the field of separations and it has not yet been satisfactorily resolved, because the permissible concentrations
of arsenic in drinking water are constantly reduced by the World Health Organization (WHO). Among the various
processes for arsenic removal, adsorption has a special place as one of the most efficient and cheap process. Many natural
and artificial materials are tested for adsorption processes, and adsorption on metal powders is particularly interesting
because they represent adsorbents with fast kinetics and relatively high adsorption capacities. However, the application
of powder adsorbents is difficult due to their separation from the mixture after adsorption. In order to solve that problem,
metal powders may be immobilized into particles obtained by gelling natural polymers. In this way, it is easier to separate
the adsorbent from the mixture, however this must be achieved without losing the adsorption capacity and rate compared
to pure metal powders.
In this study, the use of metal oxide (iron oxide nanoparticles) immobilized within the alginate gel showed good potential
for arsenic (V) ions removal. The obtained results showed that arsenic adsorption by obtained composite has fast kinetic,
following pseudo-second-order model, and that it is conducted in several steps, according to the Weber-Morris model. It
was suggested that external diffusion is the dominant mechanism at the beginning of the arsenic adsorption, followed by
intraparticle diffusion. The obtained results confirmed that gelling with alginate did not significantly affect the adsorption
process, that is, it does not interfere with the adsorption capacity of metal oxides, which is a very important factor. Arsenic
(V) removal was successfully performed using the investigated composite.
PB  - Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia
C3  - 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe
T1  - The adsorption of arsenic(v) ions from aqueous solutions by composite of natural polymer and metal oxide
EP  - 370
SP  - 365
ER  - 
author = "Živanić, Janko and Bugarčić, Mladen and Antanasković, Anja and Lopičić, Zorica and Sokić, Miroslav and Jovanović, Aleksandar and Milivojević, Milan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The presence of arsenic in drinking water above the permissible limits is one of the current problems facing modern
engineers in the field of separations and it has not yet been satisfactorily resolved, because the permissible concentrations
of arsenic in drinking water are constantly reduced by the World Health Organization (WHO). Among the various
processes for arsenic removal, adsorption has a special place as one of the most efficient and cheap process. Many natural
and artificial materials are tested for adsorption processes, and adsorption on metal powders is particularly interesting
because they represent adsorbents with fast kinetics and relatively high adsorption capacities. However, the application
of powder adsorbents is difficult due to their separation from the mixture after adsorption. In order to solve that problem,
metal powders may be immobilized into particles obtained by gelling natural polymers. In this way, it is easier to separate
the adsorbent from the mixture, however this must be achieved without losing the adsorption capacity and rate compared
to pure metal powders.
In this study, the use of metal oxide (iron oxide nanoparticles) immobilized within the alginate gel showed good potential
for arsenic (V) ions removal. The obtained results showed that arsenic adsorption by obtained composite has fast kinetic,
following pseudo-second-order model, and that it is conducted in several steps, according to the Weber-Morris model. It
was suggested that external diffusion is the dominant mechanism at the beginning of the arsenic adsorption, followed by
intraparticle diffusion. The obtained results confirmed that gelling with alginate did not significantly affect the adsorption
process, that is, it does not interfere with the adsorption capacity of metal oxides, which is a very important factor. Arsenic
(V) removal was successfully performed using the investigated composite.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe",
title = "The adsorption of arsenic(v) ions from aqueous solutions by composite of natural polymer and metal oxide",
pages = "370-365"
Živanić, J., Bugarčić, M., Antanasković, A., Lopičić, Z., Sokić, M., Jovanović, A.,& Milivojević, M.. (2023). The adsorption of arsenic(v) ions from aqueous solutions by composite of natural polymer and metal oxide. in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe
Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia., 365-370.
Živanić J, Bugarčić M, Antanasković A, Lopičić Z, Sokić M, Jovanović A, Milivojević M. The adsorption of arsenic(v) ions from aqueous solutions by composite of natural polymer and metal oxide. in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe. 2023;:365-370..
Živanić, Janko, Bugarčić, Mladen, Antanasković, Anja, Lopičić, Zorica, Sokić, Miroslav, Jovanović, Aleksandar, Milivojević, Milan, "The adsorption of arsenic(v) ions from aqueous solutions by composite of natural polymer and metal oxide" in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe (2023):365-370.

REE extraction from hyperaccumulating plants: challenges and prospects

Ranđelović, Dragana; Jovanović, Gvozden; Marković, Branislav; Sokić, Miroslav

(Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia, 2023)

AU  - Ranđelović, Dragana
AU  - Jovanović, Gvozden
AU  - Marković, Branislav
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Phytomining although predominantly in its early stages on the broader scientific scope of investigation has garnered
interest in metals such as Ni, Au, Zn or REE. Rare earth elements (REE) are commonly defined as the 15 lanthanides
with the addition of Sc and Y. Since studies of other hyperaccumulating plant species have been conducted before, similar techniques were tried with REE. With the concentration threshold at 0.1 wt% of the dry biomass there have been identified about 22 plant species that hyperaccumulate REE from five families (Phytolaccaceae. Gleicheniaceae, Blechnaceae, Juglandaceae, Thelypteridaceae). One of the most studied REE hyperaccumulators is Dicranopteris linearis (formerly
known as D.dichotoma), a fern native to China that grows on mine tailings. Generally, the techniques for REE
phytomining can be separated into Pyrometallurgy, Hydrometallurgy, Biometallurgy and Novel approaches. Currently most of the research is still focusing on the optimal utilization of various hiperaccumulators and the enchantment of REE extraction from the soil as well as from the enriched biomass. Since recovery of REEs via phytomining is just in its
infancy further multidisciplinary investigations are needed, especially when it comes to valorization and REE recovery.
This paper presents a quick review for the concept of REE phytomining, current state of research, challenges and
PB  - Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia
C3  - 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe MME SEE 2023
T1  - REE extraction from hyperaccumulating plants: challenges and prospects
EP  - 43
SP  - 37
ER  - 
author = "Ranđelović, Dragana and Jovanović, Gvozden and Marković, Branislav and Sokić, Miroslav",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Phytomining although predominantly in its early stages on the broader scientific scope of investigation has garnered
interest in metals such as Ni, Au, Zn or REE. Rare earth elements (REE) are commonly defined as the 15 lanthanides
with the addition of Sc and Y. Since studies of other hyperaccumulating plant species have been conducted before, similar techniques were tried with REE. With the concentration threshold at 0.1 wt% of the dry biomass there have been identified about 22 plant species that hyperaccumulate REE from five families (Phytolaccaceae. Gleicheniaceae, Blechnaceae, Juglandaceae, Thelypteridaceae). One of the most studied REE hyperaccumulators is Dicranopteris linearis (formerly
known as D.dichotoma), a fern native to China that grows on mine tailings. Generally, the techniques for REE
phytomining can be separated into Pyrometallurgy, Hydrometallurgy, Biometallurgy and Novel approaches. Currently most of the research is still focusing on the optimal utilization of various hiperaccumulators and the enchantment of REE extraction from the soil as well as from the enriched biomass. Since recovery of REEs via phytomining is just in its
infancy further multidisciplinary investigations are needed, especially when it comes to valorization and REE recovery.
This paper presents a quick review for the concept of REE phytomining, current state of research, challenges and
publisher = "Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe MME SEE 2023",
title = "REE extraction from hyperaccumulating plants: challenges and prospects",
pages = "43-37"
Ranđelović, D., Jovanović, G., Marković, B.,& Sokić, M.. (2023). REE extraction from hyperaccumulating plants: challenges and prospects. in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe MME SEE 2023
Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia., 37-43.
Ranđelović D, Jovanović G, Marković B, Sokić M. REE extraction from hyperaccumulating plants: challenges and prospects. in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe MME SEE 2023. 2023;:37-43..
Ranđelović, Dragana, Jovanović, Gvozden, Marković, Branislav, Sokić, Miroslav, "REE extraction from hyperaccumulating plants: challenges and prospects" in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe MME SEE 2023 (2023):37-43.

Prečišćavanje otpadnih voda primenom MBBR sistema

Jovanović, Aleksandar; Bugarčić, Mladen; Knežević, Nataša; Sokić, Miroslav; Pavićević, Vladimir; Marinković, Aleksandar

(Novi Sad : Prirodno-matematički fakultet, 2023)

AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Knežević, Nataša
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Pavićević, Vladimir
AU  - Marinković, Aleksandar
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Procesi prečišćavanja otpadnih voda, koji su do sada korišćeni, pokazuju ograničenu mogućnost
efikasnog uklanjanja nutrijenata. Ispuštanje netretiranih ili nedovoljno tretiranih otpadnih voda
u recipijente, kao što su reke, jezera i mora, može ugroziti akvatične ekosisteme izazivanjem
procesa eutrofikacije. Stoga je neophodno tretirati otpadne vode, kako sanitarne tako i
industrijske, i ukloniti iz njih štetne materije. U ovom radu je prikazano biološko uklanjanje
azota kao nutrijenta iz otpadnih voda primenom nekonvencionalnih metoda tretmana otpadnih
voda – MBBR (eng. Moving bed biofilm reactor). Biće prikazane njihove modifikacije i prednosti
koje ovakvi procesi nude u odnosu na standardni tretman aktivnim muljem, koji se najčešće
koristi. Prednosti korišćenja MBBR reaktorskih sistema se ogleda u mogućnosti njihove primene
u tretmanu različitih tipova industrijskih otpadnih voda, mogućnosti upotrebe nosača u
konsekutivnim reakcijama prečišćavanja što uzrokuje niže operativne troškove procesa i time ih
čini veoma pogodnim za denitrifikaciju otpadnih voda. Unapređeni procesi biološkog uklanjanja
azota pomoću različitih tipova mikroorganizama biće praćeni sa stanovišta efikasnosti samog
procesa. Cilj ovog rada jeste predstavljanje inženjerskih osnova u primeni ovih procesa u daljim
eksperimentalnim istraživanjima.
PB  - Novi Sad : Prirodno-matematički fakultet
C3  - 10. Memorijalni naučni skup iz zaštite životne sredine "Docent dr Milena Dalmacija"
T1  - Prečišćavanje otpadnih voda primenom MBBR sistema
EP  - 59
SP  - 53
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Aleksandar and Bugarčić, Mladen and Knežević, Nataša and Sokić, Miroslav and Pavićević, Vladimir and Marinković, Aleksandar",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Procesi prečišćavanja otpadnih voda, koji su do sada korišćeni, pokazuju ograničenu mogućnost
efikasnog uklanjanja nutrijenata. Ispuštanje netretiranih ili nedovoljno tretiranih otpadnih voda
u recipijente, kao što su reke, jezera i mora, može ugroziti akvatične ekosisteme izazivanjem
procesa eutrofikacije. Stoga je neophodno tretirati otpadne vode, kako sanitarne tako i
industrijske, i ukloniti iz njih štetne materije. U ovom radu je prikazano biološko uklanjanje
azota kao nutrijenta iz otpadnih voda primenom nekonvencionalnih metoda tretmana otpadnih
voda – MBBR (eng. Moving bed biofilm reactor). Biće prikazane njihove modifikacije i prednosti
koje ovakvi procesi nude u odnosu na standardni tretman aktivnim muljem, koji se najčešće
koristi. Prednosti korišćenja MBBR reaktorskih sistema se ogleda u mogućnosti njihove primene
u tretmanu različitih tipova industrijskih otpadnih voda, mogućnosti upotrebe nosača u
konsekutivnim reakcijama prečišćavanja što uzrokuje niže operativne troškove procesa i time ih
čini veoma pogodnim za denitrifikaciju otpadnih voda. Unapređeni procesi biološkog uklanjanja
azota pomoću različitih tipova mikroorganizama biće praćeni sa stanovišta efikasnosti samog
procesa. Cilj ovog rada jeste predstavljanje inženjerskih osnova u primeni ovih procesa u daljim
eksperimentalnim istraživanjima.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Prirodno-matematički fakultet",
journal = "10. Memorijalni naučni skup iz zaštite životne sredine "Docent dr Milena Dalmacija"",
title = "Prečišćavanje otpadnih voda primenom MBBR sistema",
pages = "59-53"
Jovanović, A., Bugarčić, M., Knežević, N., Sokić, M., Pavićević, V.,& Marinković, A.. (2023). Prečišćavanje otpadnih voda primenom MBBR sistema. in 10. Memorijalni naučni skup iz zaštite životne sredine "Docent dr Milena Dalmacija"
Novi Sad : Prirodno-matematički fakultet., 53-59.
Jovanović A, Bugarčić M, Knežević N, Sokić M, Pavićević V, Marinković A. Prečišćavanje otpadnih voda primenom MBBR sistema. in 10. Memorijalni naučni skup iz zaštite životne sredine "Docent dr Milena Dalmacija". 2023;:53-59..
Jovanović, Aleksandar, Bugarčić, Mladen, Knežević, Nataša, Sokić, Miroslav, Pavićević, Vladimir, Marinković, Aleksandar, "Prečišćavanje otpadnih voda primenom MBBR sistema" in 10. Memorijalni naučni skup iz zaštite životne sredine "Docent dr Milena Dalmacija" (2023):53-59.

Exergy analysis of steel manufacturing in the oxygen converter

Manojlović, Vaso; Jovanović, Aleksandar; Bugarčić, Mladen; Jovanović, Gvozden; Marković, Branislav; Sokić, Miroslav

(Kosovska Mitrovica : Fakultet Tehničkih nauka, 2023)

AU  - Manojlović, Vaso
AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Jovanović, Gvozden
AU  - Marković, Branislav
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - In oxygen converters, molten iron from the blast furnace is refined with steel waste under oxidizing conditions [1]. The injected oxygen passes into the iron melt, after which it reacts with the impurities. Analysis of exergy losses clearly indicates the place of energy losses in the observed process, so a detailed analysis can influence the improvement of a complex process [2]. Exergy losses occur due to technological imperfections such as heat dissipation or friction and system irreversibility according to the second law of thermodynamics [3]. The concept of exergy can be used for a better understanding of the feasibility of a process, as well as for the techno-economic analysis of the process at different variations of input/operating parameters. In this work througtful calculation of exergy oxygen convertor was done. According to the obtained data, out of a total of 972.2 MJ of thermal energy, which is released by exothermic reactions in the refining process, 817.5 MJ is pure exergy and can be used, the rest is anergy that arises due to irreversibility.
PB  - Kosovska Mitrovica : Fakultet Tehničkih nauka
C3  - Jedanaesti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima
T1  - Exergy analysis of steel manufacturing in the oxygen converter
EP  - 54
SP  - 53
ER  - 
author = "Manojlović, Vaso and Jovanović, Aleksandar and Bugarčić, Mladen and Jovanović, Gvozden and Marković, Branislav and Sokić, Miroslav",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In oxygen converters, molten iron from the blast furnace is refined with steel waste under oxidizing conditions [1]. The injected oxygen passes into the iron melt, after which it reacts with the impurities. Analysis of exergy losses clearly indicates the place of energy losses in the observed process, so a detailed analysis can influence the improvement of a complex process [2]. Exergy losses occur due to technological imperfections such as heat dissipation or friction and system irreversibility according to the second law of thermodynamics [3]. The concept of exergy can be used for a better understanding of the feasibility of a process, as well as for the techno-economic analysis of the process at different variations of input/operating parameters. In this work througtful calculation of exergy oxygen convertor was done. According to the obtained data, out of a total of 972.2 MJ of thermal energy, which is released by exothermic reactions in the refining process, 817.5 MJ is pure exergy and can be used, the rest is anergy that arises due to irreversibility.",
publisher = "Kosovska Mitrovica : Fakultet Tehničkih nauka",
journal = "Jedanaesti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima",
title = "Exergy analysis of steel manufacturing in the oxygen converter",
pages = "54-53"
Manojlović, V., Jovanović, A., Bugarčić, M., Jovanović, G., Marković, B.,& Sokić, M.. (2023). Exergy analysis of steel manufacturing in the oxygen converter. in Jedanaesti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima
Kosovska Mitrovica : Fakultet Tehničkih nauka., 53-54.
Manojlović V, Jovanović A, Bugarčić M, Jovanović G, Marković B, Sokić M. Exergy analysis of steel manufacturing in the oxygen converter. in Jedanaesti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima. 2023;:53-54..
Manojlović, Vaso, Jovanović, Aleksandar, Bugarčić, Mladen, Jovanović, Gvozden, Marković, Branislav, Sokić, Miroslav, "Exergy analysis of steel manufacturing in the oxygen converter" in Jedanaesti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima (2023):53-54.

Sequencing batch reactor systems for the treatment of wastewater

Jovanović, Aleksandar; Bugarčić, Mladen; Stevanović, Marija; Sokić, Miroslav; Marinković, Aleksandar

(Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia, 2023)

AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Stevanović, Marija
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Marinković, Aleksandar
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Releasing untreated or inadequately treated effluents into recipients (rivers, lakes, and oceans) can endanger aquatic
ecosystems and drinking water sources. In order to eliminate harmful pollutants, wastewater must be treated, especially
industrial wastewater enriched with nutrients. Phosphorus contamination can occur through a variety of different routes,
such as wastewater treatment plant discharge (municipal and industrial), agricultural fertilizer losses from erosion,
drainage, etc. The establishment of suitable wastewater treatment techniques is essential. The subject of this paper is the
biological removal of nutrients (phosphorus) from wastewater, using unconventional methods of wastewater treatment -
sequencing batch reactors (SBR) systems. Their modifications and the advantages such processes offer, compared to the
standard activated sludge (AS) treatment that is the most often used, will be presented. Enhanced biological phosphorus
removal methods that employ various microorganisms have been observed from the perspective of the method's
effectiveness. Of all applied treatments for phosphorus removal, the most effective and the most often used was the
accumulation of polyphosphates in the biomass itself. The purpose of this paper is to offer a brief review and theoretical
essentials of environmental engineering techniques that can be applied in real industrial wastewater treatment plants.
PB  - Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia
C3  - 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe
T1  - Sequencing batch reactor systems for the treatment of wastewater
EP  - 358
SP  - 353
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Aleksandar and Bugarčić, Mladen and Stevanović, Marija and Sokić, Miroslav and Marinković, Aleksandar",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Releasing untreated or inadequately treated effluents into recipients (rivers, lakes, and oceans) can endanger aquatic
ecosystems and drinking water sources. In order to eliminate harmful pollutants, wastewater must be treated, especially
industrial wastewater enriched with nutrients. Phosphorus contamination can occur through a variety of different routes,
such as wastewater treatment plant discharge (municipal and industrial), agricultural fertilizer losses from erosion,
drainage, etc. The establishment of suitable wastewater treatment techniques is essential. The subject of this paper is the
biological removal of nutrients (phosphorus) from wastewater, using unconventional methods of wastewater treatment -
sequencing batch reactors (SBR) systems. Their modifications and the advantages such processes offer, compared to the
standard activated sludge (AS) treatment that is the most often used, will be presented. Enhanced biological phosphorus
removal methods that employ various microorganisms have been observed from the perspective of the method's
effectiveness. Of all applied treatments for phosphorus removal, the most effective and the most often used was the
accumulation of polyphosphates in the biomass itself. The purpose of this paper is to offer a brief review and theoretical
essentials of environmental engineering techniques that can be applied in real industrial wastewater treatment plants.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe",
title = "Sequencing batch reactor systems for the treatment of wastewater",
pages = "358-353"
Jovanović, A., Bugarčić, M., Stevanović, M., Sokić, M.,& Marinković, A.. (2023). Sequencing batch reactor systems for the treatment of wastewater. in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe
Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia., 353-358.
Jovanović A, Bugarčić M, Stevanović M, Sokić M, Marinković A. Sequencing batch reactor systems for the treatment of wastewater. in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe. 2023;:353-358..
Jovanović, Aleksandar, Bugarčić, Mladen, Stevanović, Marija, Sokić, Miroslav, Marinković, Aleksandar, "Sequencing batch reactor systems for the treatment of wastewater" in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe (2023):353-358.

Modified hybrid cellulose membrane for Nickel(ii) ions removal from industrial wastewater

Jovanović, Aleksandar; Bugarčić, Mladen; Milošević, Milena; Vuksanovic, Marija; Abdualatif Abduarahman, Muna; Sokić, Miroslav; Marinković, Aleksandar

(Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, 2023)

AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Milošević, Milena
AU  - Vuksanovic, Marija
AU  - Abdualatif Abduarahman, Muna
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Marinković, Aleksandar
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Nickel pollution of water induces several problems for the environment. The purpose of this paper was to
investigate the adsorption of Ni2+ ions on fabricated biomembranes. The proposed adsorbent was prepared
from epoxy and amino-functionalized waste cellulose fibers, able to participate in cross-linking with amino
acid lysine - wCell/Mn-Fe_LDH. The prepared material underwent preliminary structural characterization
by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. In a batch system, the influence of pH, contact time,
temperature, and initial concentration on adsorption efficiency was investigated. The effectiveness of the
membrane was demonstrated by acceptable adsorption capacities of 40.49 mg g-1 obtained for Ni2+ at 45°C.
The kinetic study, using the Weber-Morris model, indicates intraparticle diffusion as the rate limiting step.
Adsorption mechanism physisorption was proposed based on thermodynamic behaviors. The outcomes
demonstrated that environmentally friendly sustainable technology has been successfully developed.
PB  - Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor
C3  - 54th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy
T1  - Modified hybrid cellulose membrane for Nickel(ii) ions removal from industrial wastewater
EP  - 517
SP  - 514
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Aleksandar and Bugarčić, Mladen and Milošević, Milena and Vuksanovic, Marija and Abdualatif Abduarahman, Muna and Sokić, Miroslav and Marinković, Aleksandar",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Nickel pollution of water induces several problems for the environment. The purpose of this paper was to
investigate the adsorption of Ni2+ ions on fabricated biomembranes. The proposed adsorbent was prepared
from epoxy and amino-functionalized waste cellulose fibers, able to participate in cross-linking with amino
acid lysine - wCell/Mn-Fe_LDH. The prepared material underwent preliminary structural characterization
by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. In a batch system, the influence of pH, contact time,
temperature, and initial concentration on adsorption efficiency was investigated. The effectiveness of the
membrane was demonstrated by acceptable adsorption capacities of 40.49 mg g-1 obtained for Ni2+ at 45°C.
The kinetic study, using the Weber-Morris model, indicates intraparticle diffusion as the rate limiting step.
Adsorption mechanism physisorption was proposed based on thermodynamic behaviors. The outcomes
demonstrated that environmentally friendly sustainable technology has been successfully developed.",
publisher = "Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor",
journal = "54th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy",
title = "Modified hybrid cellulose membrane for Nickel(ii) ions removal from industrial wastewater",
pages = "517-514"
Jovanović, A., Bugarčić, M., Milošević, M., Vuksanovic, M., Abdualatif Abduarahman, M., Sokić, M.,& Marinković, A.. (2023). Modified hybrid cellulose membrane for Nickel(ii) ions removal from industrial wastewater. in 54th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy
Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor., 514-517.
Jovanović A, Bugarčić M, Milošević M, Vuksanovic M, Abdualatif Abduarahman M, Sokić M, Marinković A. Modified hybrid cellulose membrane for Nickel(ii) ions removal from industrial wastewater. in 54th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy. 2023;:514-517..
Jovanović, Aleksandar, Bugarčić, Mladen, Milošević, Milena, Vuksanovic, Marija, Abdualatif Abduarahman, Muna, Sokić, Miroslav, Marinković, Aleksandar, "Modified hybrid cellulose membrane for Nickel(ii) ions removal from industrial wastewater" in 54th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy (2023):514-517.

Model Development for Casting Simulation of Railway Aluminothermic Welding

Jovanović, Gvozden; Manojlović, Vaso; Sokić, Miroslav; Delić, Alen; Gavrilovski, Milorad

(Beograd : Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije, 2023)

AU  - Jovanović, Gvozden
AU  - Manojlović, Vaso
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Delić, Alen
AU  - Gavrilovski, Milorad
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Aluminothermic welding has been used to connect railway rails for over a century. This technique has the advantages of flexibility, weld compactness, and simplicity. External energy is not required for the procedure. Exothermic heat is produced by chemical reactions of aluminothermic elements. To create a quality welded connection, the mold and pouring system must provide uniform pouring of hot steel
without turbulence, even heat dissipation or cooling, and an acceptable micro and macro structure of steel free of internal and external faults. The design of the mould was constantly changing, necessitating costly industrial experimentation. As a result, the mould's design was constantly evolving, necessitating the use of costly experimental procedures in industrial settings. The latest iteration of the model the
casting cavity was improved by adding hoes in the sand and putting rails on both sides in order to more aquratly simuate heat transfer. Software programs are emulating conventional casting procedures for thermite steel casting in welded railway connections to save money and effort on costly and timeconsuming industrial testing. For the 49E1 rail, NovaFlow & Solid CV were utilized to simulate casting thermite steel in the mould cavity or weld junction.
PB  - Beograd : Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije
T2  - Tehnika
T1  - Model Development for Casting Simulation of Railway Aluminothermic Welding
EP  - 430
IS  - 4
SP  - 425
VL  - 78
DO  - 10.5937/tehnika2304425J
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Gvozden and Manojlović, Vaso and Sokić, Miroslav and Delić, Alen and Gavrilovski, Milorad",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Aluminothermic welding has been used to connect railway rails for over a century. This technique has the advantages of flexibility, weld compactness, and simplicity. External energy is not required for the procedure. Exothermic heat is produced by chemical reactions of aluminothermic elements. To create a quality welded connection, the mold and pouring system must provide uniform pouring of hot steel
without turbulence, even heat dissipation or cooling, and an acceptable micro and macro structure of steel free of internal and external faults. The design of the mould was constantly changing, necessitating costly industrial experimentation. As a result, the mould's design was constantly evolving, necessitating the use of costly experimental procedures in industrial settings. The latest iteration of the model the
casting cavity was improved by adding hoes in the sand and putting rails on both sides in order to more aquratly simuate heat transfer. Software programs are emulating conventional casting procedures for thermite steel casting in welded railway connections to save money and effort on costly and timeconsuming industrial testing. For the 49E1 rail, NovaFlow & Solid CV were utilized to simulate casting thermite steel in the mould cavity or weld junction.",
publisher = "Beograd : Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije",
journal = "Tehnika",
title = "Model Development for Casting Simulation of Railway Aluminothermic Welding",
pages = "430-425",
number = "4",
volume = "78",
doi = "10.5937/tehnika2304425J"
Jovanović, G., Manojlović, V., Sokić, M., Delić, A.,& Gavrilovski, M.. (2023). Model Development for Casting Simulation of Railway Aluminothermic Welding. in Tehnika
Beograd : Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije., 78(4), 425-430.
Jovanović G, Manojlović V, Sokić M, Delić A, Gavrilovski M. Model Development for Casting Simulation of Railway Aluminothermic Welding. in Tehnika. 2023;78(4):425-430.
doi:10.5937/tehnika2304425J .
Jovanović, Gvozden, Manojlović, Vaso, Sokić, Miroslav, Delić, Alen, Gavrilovski, Milorad, "Model Development for Casting Simulation of Railway Aluminothermic Welding" in Tehnika, 78, no. 4 (2023):425-430, . .