Vlahović, Milica

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  • Vlahović, Milica (13)

Author's Bibliography

Termalna analiza mehanički aktiviranog natrijum karbonata i njegove fazne promene tokom vremena relaksacije

Đorđević, Nataša; Mihajlović, Slavica; Martinović, Sanja; Vlahović, Milica

(Beograd : Institut za tehnologiju nuklearnih i drugih mineralnih sirovina, 2022)

AU  - Đorđević, Nataša
AU  - Mihajlović, Slavica
AU  - Martinović, Sanja
AU  - Vlahović, Milica
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1165
AB  - Ovo istraživanje se bavi termičkom analizom mehanički aktiviranog natrijum karbonata i
promenama do kojih dolazi kako tokom aktivacije sistema, tako i tokom vremena relaksacije
aktiviranog Na2CO3 u kontrolisanim uslovima. Natrijum karbonat je aktiviran 2 i 7 minuta u
vibro mlinu, a zatim su aktivirani uzorci odloženi u atmosferi ugljen dioksida pri vlažnosti od
95 % tokom 96 h. Nakon toga je urađena diferencijalna termalna analiza sa
termogravimetrijom da bi se utvrdile promene do kojih je došlo na aktiviranim uzorcima u
periodu relaksacije. Praćena je promena temperature razlaganja aktiviranih uzoraka Na2CO3
kao i gubitak mase i stepen konverzije Na2CO3 u NaHCO3 u funkciji od vremena aktivacije i
vremena relaksacije. Proučene su i reakcije konverzije natrijum karbonata u natrijum
bikarbonat u prisustvu ugljen dioksida i vlage.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za tehnologiju nuklearnih i drugih mineralnih sirovina
C3  - XIII Simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Rudarstvo 2022“,
T1  - Termalna analiza mehanički aktiviranog natrijum karbonata i njegove fazne promene tokom vremena relaksacije
EP  - 91
SP  - 85
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević, Nataša and Mihajlović, Slavica and Martinović, Sanja and Vlahović, Milica",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Ovo istraživanje se bavi termičkom analizom mehanički aktiviranog natrijum karbonata i
promenama do kojih dolazi kako tokom aktivacije sistema, tako i tokom vremena relaksacije
aktiviranog Na2CO3 u kontrolisanim uslovima. Natrijum karbonat je aktiviran 2 i 7 minuta u
vibro mlinu, a zatim su aktivirani uzorci odloženi u atmosferi ugljen dioksida pri vlažnosti od
95 % tokom 96 h. Nakon toga je urađena diferencijalna termalna analiza sa
termogravimetrijom da bi se utvrdile promene do kojih je došlo na aktiviranim uzorcima u
periodu relaksacije. Praćena je promena temperature razlaganja aktiviranih uzoraka Na2CO3
kao i gubitak mase i stepen konverzije Na2CO3 u NaHCO3 u funkciji od vremena aktivacije i
vremena relaksacije. Proučene su i reakcije konverzije natrijum karbonata u natrijum
bikarbonat u prisustvu ugljen dioksida i vlage.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za tehnologiju nuklearnih i drugih mineralnih sirovina",
journal = "XIII Simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Rudarstvo 2022“,",
title = "Termalna analiza mehanički aktiviranog natrijum karbonata i njegove fazne promene tokom vremena relaksacije",
pages = "91-85"
Đorđević, N., Mihajlović, S., Martinović, S.,& Vlahović, M.. (2022). Termalna analiza mehanički aktiviranog natrijum karbonata i njegove fazne promene tokom vremena relaksacije. in XIII Simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Rudarstvo 2022“,
Beograd : Institut za tehnologiju nuklearnih i drugih mineralnih sirovina., 85-91.
Đorđević N, Mihajlović S, Martinović S, Vlahović M. Termalna analiza mehanički aktiviranog natrijum karbonata i njegove fazne promene tokom vremena relaksacije. in XIII Simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Rudarstvo 2022“,. 2022;:85-91..
Đorđević, Nataša, Mihajlović, Slavica, Martinović, Sanja, Vlahović, Milica, "Termalna analiza mehanički aktiviranog natrijum karbonata i njegove fazne promene tokom vremena relaksacije" in XIII Simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem „Rudarstvo 2022“, (2022):85-91.

Thermal analysis and phase changes of mechanochemically activated sodium carbonate

Đorđević, Nataša; Mihajlović, Slavica; Vlahović, Milica; Lozanović-Sajić, Jasmina; Martinović, Sanja

(Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2022)

AU  - Đorđević, Nataša
AU  - Mihajlović, Slavica
AU  - Vlahović, Milica
AU  - Lozanović-Sajić, Jasmina
AU  - Martinović, Sanja
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/635
AB  - Sodium carbonate is a well-known material for being used as a good sorbent of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and as such has gained increasing importance in environmental protection. In order to enhance its sorption ability, mechanochemical activation of sodium carbonate was carried out in this study while the occurred changes after the activation and the relaxation time in a controlled environment were monitored. Activation was performed in a vibro-mill from 1 to 28 min. Based on the results of specific surface area, obtained by BET, the samples activated for 2 and 7 min were chosen and placed in a moist carbon dioxide atmosphere for 96 h, a period called the relaxation time. Differential thermal and thermogravimetric analyses were applied with the aim of determining the changes that occurred on the activated samples during the relaxation period. The decomposition temperature change of activated Na2CO3 samples, as well as mass loss and conversion level of Na2CO3 to NaHCO3 were monitored depending on activation and relaxation time periods. The conversion reactions of sodium carbonate to sodium bicarbonate under the specified environment of carbon dioxide and moisture were also studied, and the thermodynamic data such are changes in enthalpy, entropy, and Gibbs energy at the temperature range of 0-160 degrees C are given.
PB  - Elsevier, Amsterdam
T2  - Thermochimica Acta
T1  - Thermal analysis and phase changes of mechanochemically activated sodium carbonate
VL  - 708
DO  - 10.1016/j.tca.2021.179139
UR  - conv_931
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević, Nataša and Mihajlović, Slavica and Vlahović, Milica and Lozanović-Sajić, Jasmina and Martinović, Sanja",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Sodium carbonate is a well-known material for being used as a good sorbent of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and as such has gained increasing importance in environmental protection. In order to enhance its sorption ability, mechanochemical activation of sodium carbonate was carried out in this study while the occurred changes after the activation and the relaxation time in a controlled environment were monitored. Activation was performed in a vibro-mill from 1 to 28 min. Based on the results of specific surface area, obtained by BET, the samples activated for 2 and 7 min were chosen and placed in a moist carbon dioxide atmosphere for 96 h, a period called the relaxation time. Differential thermal and thermogravimetric analyses were applied with the aim of determining the changes that occurred on the activated samples during the relaxation period. The decomposition temperature change of activated Na2CO3 samples, as well as mass loss and conversion level of Na2CO3 to NaHCO3 were monitored depending on activation and relaxation time periods. The conversion reactions of sodium carbonate to sodium bicarbonate under the specified environment of carbon dioxide and moisture were also studied, and the thermodynamic data such are changes in enthalpy, entropy, and Gibbs energy at the temperature range of 0-160 degrees C are given.",
publisher = "Elsevier, Amsterdam",
journal = "Thermochimica Acta",
title = "Thermal analysis and phase changes of mechanochemically activated sodium carbonate",
volume = "708",
doi = "10.1016/j.tca.2021.179139",
url = "conv_931"
Đorđević, N., Mihajlović, S., Vlahović, M., Lozanović-Sajić, J.,& Martinović, S.. (2022). Thermal analysis and phase changes of mechanochemically activated sodium carbonate. in Thermochimica Acta
Elsevier, Amsterdam., 708.
Đorđević N, Mihajlović S, Vlahović M, Lozanović-Sajić J, Martinović S. Thermal analysis and phase changes of mechanochemically activated sodium carbonate. in Thermochimica Acta. 2022;708.
conv_931 .
Đorđević, Nataša, Mihajlović, Slavica, Vlahović, Milica, Lozanović-Sajić, Jasmina, Martinović, Sanja, "Thermal analysis and phase changes of mechanochemically activated sodium carbonate" in Thermochimica Acta, 708 (2022),
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tca.2021.179139 .,
conv_931 .

Postupak solidifikacije i stabilizacije teških metala iz otpadnih rudničkih voda adsorbovanih na paletama letećeg pepela u ekološki prihvatljiv građevinski materijal

Martinović, Sanja; Vlahović, Milica; Volkov Husović, Tatjana; Savić, Aleksandar; Milićević, Sonja; Jovanović, Vladimir; Đorđević, Nataša

(Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Institut za hemiju, tehnologiju i metalurgiju, 2021)

AU  - Martinović, Sanja
AU  - Vlahović, Milica
AU  - Volkov Husović, Tatjana
AU  - Savić, Aleksandar
AU  - Milićević, Sonja
AU  - Jovanović, Vladimir
AU  - Đorđević, Nataša
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1089
AB  - Postupak implementacije apsorbovanih teških metala, posebno bakra, iz kiselih rudničkih voda procesom stabilizacije/solidifikacije u ekološki prihvatljiv i primenjiv građevinski materijal bezbedan za životnu sredinu, dobija se tako što se u jednom reakcionom sudu zagreva 33 mass % elementarnog sumpora koji je nus-proizvod procesa rafinerije nafte i modifikovanog sumpora diciklopentadienom, na temperaturu od 132°-141 ºC (tako da je njihov maseni odnos 98,2% sumpora i 1,8% modifikovanog sumpora). U drugom reakcionom sudu u količini od 56 mass % zagreva agregat na temperaturu do 160 ºC, a njemu se dodaje 5 mass % letećeg pepela iz termoelektrane kao filera. Ovoj smesi se dodaje 6 mass % peleta letećeg pepela na kojima je izvršena apsorpcija teških metala, posebno bakra iz rudničkih voda, tako što se sve komponente homogenizuju tokom 2 do 5 minuta, a dobijena smesa izliva u kalupe prethodno zagrejane na 120 ºC i vibrira 10 sekundi. Površina ovako dobijene sumpor-polimerne betonske mešavine se  izravna i ostavi da očvrsne u kalupu na sobnoj temperaturi, a dobijeni sumpor-polimerni beton očvrsne u vremenskom intervalu od 15 minuta do nekoliko časova u zavisnosti od veličine i oblika uzorka. Nakon 3 časa očvršćavanja uzorci se izvade iz kalupa i neguju na sobnoj temperaturi od 20 ºC tokom 24 časa, pri čemu oblik kalupa zavisi od potreba potrošača. Ovim postupkom i upotrebom otpadnog materijala iz rudničkih voda, letećeg pepela i elementarnog sumpora se ne stvaraju deponije otpadnog materijala već se korisno i ekološki prihvatljivo koristi kao građevinski materijal.
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Institut za hemiju, tehnologiju i metalurgiju
T2  - Zavod za intelektualnu svojinu
T1  - Postupak solidifikacije i stabilizacije teških metala iz otpadnih rudničkih voda adsorbovanih na paletama letećeg pepela u ekološki prihvatljiv građevinski materijal
ER  - 
author = "Martinović, Sanja and Vlahović, Milica and Volkov Husović, Tatjana and Savić, Aleksandar and Milićević, Sonja and Jovanović, Vladimir and Đorđević, Nataša",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Postupak implementacije apsorbovanih teških metala, posebno bakra, iz kiselih rudničkih voda procesom stabilizacije/solidifikacije u ekološki prihvatljiv i primenjiv građevinski materijal bezbedan za životnu sredinu, dobija se tako što se u jednom reakcionom sudu zagreva 33 mass % elementarnog sumpora koji je nus-proizvod procesa rafinerije nafte i modifikovanog sumpora diciklopentadienom, na temperaturu od 132°-141 ºC (tako da je njihov maseni odnos 98,2% sumpora i 1,8% modifikovanog sumpora). U drugom reakcionom sudu u količini od 56 mass % zagreva agregat na temperaturu do 160 ºC, a njemu se dodaje 5 mass % letećeg pepela iz termoelektrane kao filera. Ovoj smesi se dodaje 6 mass % peleta letećeg pepela na kojima je izvršena apsorpcija teških metala, posebno bakra iz rudničkih voda, tako što se sve komponente homogenizuju tokom 2 do 5 minuta, a dobijena smesa izliva u kalupe prethodno zagrejane na 120 ºC i vibrira 10 sekundi. Površina ovako dobijene sumpor-polimerne betonske mešavine se  izravna i ostavi da očvrsne u kalupu na sobnoj temperaturi, a dobijeni sumpor-polimerni beton očvrsne u vremenskom intervalu od 15 minuta do nekoliko časova u zavisnosti od veličine i oblika uzorka. Nakon 3 časa očvršćavanja uzorci se izvade iz kalupa i neguju na sobnoj temperaturi od 20 ºC tokom 24 časa, pri čemu oblik kalupa zavisi od potreba potrošača. Ovim postupkom i upotrebom otpadnog materijala iz rudničkih voda, letećeg pepela i elementarnog sumpora se ne stvaraju deponije otpadnog materijala već se korisno i ekološki prihvatljivo koristi kao građevinski materijal.",
publisher = "Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Institut za hemiju, tehnologiju i metalurgiju",
journal = "Zavod za intelektualnu svojinu",
title = "Postupak solidifikacije i stabilizacije teških metala iz otpadnih rudničkih voda adsorbovanih na paletama letećeg pepela u ekološki prihvatljiv građevinski materijal"
Martinović, S., Vlahović, M., Volkov Husović, T., Savić, A., Milićević, S., Jovanović, V.,& Đorđević, N.. (2021). Postupak solidifikacije i stabilizacije teških metala iz otpadnih rudničkih voda adsorbovanih na paletama letećeg pepela u ekološki prihvatljiv građevinski materijal. in Zavod za intelektualnu svojinu
Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Institut za hemiju, tehnologiju i metalurgiju..
Martinović S, Vlahović M, Volkov Husović T, Savić A, Milićević S, Jovanović V, Đorđević N. Postupak solidifikacije i stabilizacije teških metala iz otpadnih rudničkih voda adsorbovanih na paletama letećeg pepela u ekološki prihvatljiv građevinski materijal. in Zavod za intelektualnu svojinu. 2021;..
Martinović, Sanja, Vlahović, Milica, Volkov Husović, Tatjana, Savić, Aleksandar, Milićević, Sonja, Jovanović, Vladimir, Đorđević, Nataša, "Postupak solidifikacije i stabilizacije teških metala iz otpadnih rudničkih voda adsorbovanih na paletama letećeg pepela u ekološki prihvatljiv građevinski materijal" in Zavod za intelektualnu svojinu (2021).

Electrical properties of isothermally sintered cordierite-based ceramics as funcion of sintering and activation time

Đorđević, Nataša; Peleš, Adriana; Obradović, Nina; Vlahović, Milica; Mihajlović, Slavica; Martinović, Sanja

(Belgrade : Union of Mechanical and Electrotechnical Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS), 2021)

AU  - Đorđević, Nataša
AU  - Peleš, Adriana
AU  - Obradović, Nina
AU  - Vlahović, Milica
AU  - Mihajlović, Slavica
AU  - Martinović, Sanja
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1135
AB  - Mechanical activation is a commonly used and relatively fast and inexpensive procedure for
sample preparation before the sintering process. Cordierite is a stoichiometric mixture of three different
oxides (2MgO⋅2Al2O3⋅5SiO2). It is a very attractive, widely used high-temperature ceramic
material. The mechanical activation of the starting mixtures with 5.00 mass % TiO2 was performed
in a high energy ball mill during 10-80 min. The applied compaction pressure before the sintering
process was 2 t/cm2, based on our recent investigation. The sintering process was performed at 1350
°C for 2h and 4h in air atmosphere. X-ray diffraction was used to analyze the phase composition of
non- activated and 80 min activated samples, sintered for 2 and 4h, respectively. This paper investigates
the influence of prolonged sintering time on the product electrical properties.
PB  - Belgrade : Union of Mechanical and Electrotechnical Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS)
PB  - Belgrade : Society for Renewable Electrical Power Sources
C3  - 9th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources
T1  - Electrical properties of isothermally sintered cordierite-based ceramics as funcion of sintering and activation time
EP  - 272
SP  - 269
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević, Nataša and Peleš, Adriana and Obradović, Nina and Vlahović, Milica and Mihajlović, Slavica and Martinović, Sanja",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Mechanical activation is a commonly used and relatively fast and inexpensive procedure for
sample preparation before the sintering process. Cordierite is a stoichiometric mixture of three different
oxides (2MgO⋅2Al2O3⋅5SiO2). It is a very attractive, widely used high-temperature ceramic
material. The mechanical activation of the starting mixtures with 5.00 mass % TiO2 was performed
in a high energy ball mill during 10-80 min. The applied compaction pressure before the sintering
process was 2 t/cm2, based on our recent investigation. The sintering process was performed at 1350
°C for 2h and 4h in air atmosphere. X-ray diffraction was used to analyze the phase composition of
non- activated and 80 min activated samples, sintered for 2 and 4h, respectively. This paper investigates
the influence of prolonged sintering time on the product electrical properties.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Union of Mechanical and Electrotechnical Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS), Belgrade : Society for Renewable Electrical Power Sources",
journal = "9th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources",
title = "Electrical properties of isothermally sintered cordierite-based ceramics as funcion of sintering and activation time",
pages = "272-269"
Đorđević, N., Peleš, A., Obradović, N., Vlahović, M., Mihajlović, S.,& Martinović, S.. (2021). Electrical properties of isothermally sintered cordierite-based ceramics as funcion of sintering and activation time. in 9th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources
Belgrade : Union of Mechanical and Electrotechnical Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS)., 269-272.
Đorđević N, Peleš A, Obradović N, Vlahović M, Mihajlović S, Martinović S. Electrical properties of isothermally sintered cordierite-based ceramics as funcion of sintering and activation time. in 9th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources. 2021;:269-272..
Đorđević, Nataša, Peleš, Adriana, Obradović, Nina, Vlahović, Milica, Mihajlović, Slavica, Martinović, Sanja, "Electrical properties of isothermally sintered cordierite-based ceramics as funcion of sintering and activation time" in 9th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources (2021):269-272.

DTA/TG analysis and phase changes of activated Na2CO3

Đorđević, Nataša; Martinović, Sanja; Mihajlović, Slavica; Vlahović, Milica; Lozanović Šajić, Jasmina

(Belgrade : Serbian Ceramic Society, 2021)

AU  - Đorđević, Nataša
AU  - Martinović, Sanja
AU  - Mihajlović, Slavica
AU  - Vlahović, Milica
AU  - Lozanović Šajić, Jasmina
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1137
AB  - Sodium carbonate material is used as a good sorbent of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere,
and has gained increasing importance in environmental protection.In order to enhance its
sorption ability, mechanochemicaly activatied sodium carbonate was investigated,and the
occurred changes after the activation and the relaxation time in a controlled environment were
monitored. Activation was performed in a vibro-mill for 2 and 7 minutes, and the activated
samples were placed in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide at a humidity of 95 % for 96 hours,
(the relaxation time). Differential thermal and thermogravimetric analyses were applied with
the aim of determining the changes that occurred on the activated samples during the
relaxation period.The decomposition temperature change of activated Na2CO3 samples, mass
loss, and conversion degree of Na2CO3 to NaHCO3 was monitored depending on activation
and relaxation time periods.
PB  - Belgrade : Serbian Ceramic Society
C3  - The Nineth Serbian Ceramic Society Conference „Advanced Ceramics and Application
T1  - DTA/TG analysis and phase changes of activated Na2CO3
EP  - 39
SP  - 39
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević, Nataša and Martinović, Sanja and Mihajlović, Slavica and Vlahović, Milica and Lozanović Šajić, Jasmina",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Sodium carbonate material is used as a good sorbent of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere,
and has gained increasing importance in environmental protection.In order to enhance its
sorption ability, mechanochemicaly activatied sodium carbonate was investigated,and the
occurred changes after the activation and the relaxation time in a controlled environment were
monitored. Activation was performed in a vibro-mill for 2 and 7 minutes, and the activated
samples were placed in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide at a humidity of 95 % for 96 hours,
(the relaxation time). Differential thermal and thermogravimetric analyses were applied with
the aim of determining the changes that occurred on the activated samples during the
relaxation period.The decomposition temperature change of activated Na2CO3 samples, mass
loss, and conversion degree of Na2CO3 to NaHCO3 was monitored depending on activation
and relaxation time periods.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Serbian Ceramic Society",
journal = "The Nineth Serbian Ceramic Society Conference „Advanced Ceramics and Application",
title = "DTA/TG analysis and phase changes of activated Na2CO3",
pages = "39-39"
Đorđević, N., Martinović, S., Mihajlović, S., Vlahović, M.,& Lozanović Šajić, J.. (2021). DTA/TG analysis and phase changes of activated Na2CO3. in The Nineth Serbian Ceramic Society Conference „Advanced Ceramics and Application
Belgrade : Serbian Ceramic Society., 39-39.
Đorđević N, Martinović S, Mihajlović S, Vlahović M, Lozanović Šajić J. DTA/TG analysis and phase changes of activated Na2CO3. in The Nineth Serbian Ceramic Society Conference „Advanced Ceramics and Application. 2021;:39-39..
Đorđević, Nataša, Martinović, Sanja, Mihajlović, Slavica, Vlahović, Milica, Lozanović Šajić, Jasmina, "DTA/TG analysis and phase changes of activated Na2CO3" in The Nineth Serbian Ceramic Society Conference „Advanced Ceramics and Application (2021):39-39.

Optimization of the active component grinding process and hydrophobization of the obtained powder fire extinguisher

Mihajlović, Slavica; Đorđević, Nataša; Jovanović, Marina N.; Vlahović, Milica; Savić, Ljubinko; Patarić, Aleksandra; Blagojev, Marina S.

(Savez hemijskih inženjera, Beograd, 2021)

AU  - Mihajlović, Slavica
AU  - Đorđević, Nataša
AU  - Jovanović, Marina N.
AU  - Vlahović, Milica
AU  - Savić, Ljubinko
AU  - Patarić, Aleksandra
AU  - Blagojev, Marina S.
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/592
AB  - This work presents a grinding process of monoammonium phosphate (MAP) as an active component in a powder fire extinguisher (PFE). The aim was to determine the grinding time for reaching the optimal particle size of MAP necessary for permanent fire extinguishing. MAP grinding was performed by using a laboratory ceramic ball mill and a vibrating cup mill. The grinding process was controlled by sieving using a 100 mu m sieve at precisely defined time intervals. The efficiency of a PFE depends on the share of the-100 mu m fraction of the active component, which has to exceed 60 %. The optimal grain size with 64 % of fraction of particle size-100 mu m was obtained after 33 min of grinding of =3000 mu m mm grain size MAP by using a ball mill (single-stage grinding). In two-stage process, by grinding the same initial MAP sample (=3000 mu m) in the vibro mill for 10 min, powder with the upper limit grain size of 300 mu m and the mean grain diameter of 120 mu m was obtained. This sample with a reduced size was further ground in the ceramic ball mill yielding 67.5 % of the fraction of particle size 100 mu m after 19 min. The total time of the two-stage grinding process was 29 min. By analyzing the grinding time of MAP required to get the lowest required share of the fraction of particle size-100 mu m that provides the effectiveness of formed PFE it can be concluded that 64 % of this fraction was obtained after 33 min of single-stage grinding, while only after 26 min in the two-stage process. Thus, the grinding time was reduced by 7 min indicating certain energy savings. Stability and hydrophobicity of the obtained PFE were achieved by coating with magnesium stearate (MgSt) at the content of 2 % in a ball mill for 15 min. The coating was confirmed by the standardized procedure for verification of PFE hydrophobic properties in contact with water drops. To obtained PFE had component mass ratios of MAP:AS:CC:QS:MgSt=55:20:18:5:2 (AS-ammonium sulfate; CC-calcium carbonate, QS-quartz sand) and was further characterized by chemical and granulometric analyses. The fire extinguishing efficiency of the PFE was tested in controlled conditions, whereby fires were initiated by burning solid materials and flammable liquids. In both cases, immediate elimination of flames was achieved, thus proving the efficiency of the PFE obtained in this work for practical applications..
PB  - Savez hemijskih inženjera, Beograd
T2  - Hemijska industrija
T1  - Optimization of the active component grinding process and hydrophobization of the obtained powder fire extinguisher
EP  - 75
IS  - 2
SP  - 65
VL  - 75
DO  - 10.2298/HEMIND210114012M
UR  - conv_910
ER  - 
author = "Mihajlović, Slavica and Đorđević, Nataša and Jovanović, Marina N. and Vlahović, Milica and Savić, Ljubinko and Patarić, Aleksandra and Blagojev, Marina S.",
year = "2021",
abstract = "This work presents a grinding process of monoammonium phosphate (MAP) as an active component in a powder fire extinguisher (PFE). The aim was to determine the grinding time for reaching the optimal particle size of MAP necessary for permanent fire extinguishing. MAP grinding was performed by using a laboratory ceramic ball mill and a vibrating cup mill. The grinding process was controlled by sieving using a 100 mu m sieve at precisely defined time intervals. The efficiency of a PFE depends on the share of the-100 mu m fraction of the active component, which has to exceed 60 %. The optimal grain size with 64 % of fraction of particle size-100 mu m was obtained after 33 min of grinding of =3000 mu m mm grain size MAP by using a ball mill (single-stage grinding). In two-stage process, by grinding the same initial MAP sample (=3000 mu m) in the vibro mill for 10 min, powder with the upper limit grain size of 300 mu m and the mean grain diameter of 120 mu m was obtained. This sample with a reduced size was further ground in the ceramic ball mill yielding 67.5 % of the fraction of particle size 100 mu m after 19 min. The total time of the two-stage grinding process was 29 min. By analyzing the grinding time of MAP required to get the lowest required share of the fraction of particle size-100 mu m that provides the effectiveness of formed PFE it can be concluded that 64 % of this fraction was obtained after 33 min of single-stage grinding, while only after 26 min in the two-stage process. Thus, the grinding time was reduced by 7 min indicating certain energy savings. Stability and hydrophobicity of the obtained PFE were achieved by coating with magnesium stearate (MgSt) at the content of 2 % in a ball mill for 15 min. The coating was confirmed by the standardized procedure for verification of PFE hydrophobic properties in contact with water drops. To obtained PFE had component mass ratios of MAP:AS:CC:QS:MgSt=55:20:18:5:2 (AS-ammonium sulfate; CC-calcium carbonate, QS-quartz sand) and was further characterized by chemical and granulometric analyses. The fire extinguishing efficiency of the PFE was tested in controlled conditions, whereby fires were initiated by burning solid materials and flammable liquids. In both cases, immediate elimination of flames was achieved, thus proving the efficiency of the PFE obtained in this work for practical applications..",
publisher = "Savez hemijskih inženjera, Beograd",
journal = "Hemijska industrija",
title = "Optimization of the active component grinding process and hydrophobization of the obtained powder fire extinguisher",
pages = "75-65",
number = "2",
volume = "75",
doi = "10.2298/HEMIND210114012M",
url = "conv_910"
Mihajlović, S., Đorđević, N., Jovanović, M. N., Vlahović, M., Savić, L., Patarić, A.,& Blagojev, M. S.. (2021). Optimization of the active component grinding process and hydrophobization of the obtained powder fire extinguisher. in Hemijska industrija
Savez hemijskih inženjera, Beograd., 75(2), 65-75.
Mihajlović S, Đorđević N, Jovanović MN, Vlahović M, Savić L, Patarić A, Blagojev MS. Optimization of the active component grinding process and hydrophobization of the obtained powder fire extinguisher. in Hemijska industrija. 2021;75(2):65-75.
conv_910 .
Mihajlović, Slavica, Đorđević, Nataša, Jovanović, Marina N., Vlahović, Milica, Savić, Ljubinko, Patarić, Aleksandra, Blagojev, Marina S., "Optimization of the active component grinding process and hydrophobization of the obtained powder fire extinguisher" in Hemijska industrija, 75, no. 2 (2021):65-75,
https://doi.org/10.2298/HEMIND210114012M .,
conv_910 .

Effect of Delamination on Physico-Chemical Properties of Kaolin

Mihajlović, Slavica; Vlahović, Milica; Vušović, Nenad M.; Đorđević, Nataša; Jovanović, Marina N.

(Međunarodni Institut za nauku o sinterovanju, Beograd, 2021)

AU  - Mihajlović, Slavica
AU  - Vlahović, Milica
AU  - Vušović, Nenad M.
AU  - Đorđević, Nataša
AU  - Jovanović, Marina N.
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/565
AB  - To provide the quality required for its use, raw kaolin must be subjected to certain processing procedures like delamination which is applied to the layered structure materials. The aim of this research is to determine the possibility of performing delamination in the extruder and to estimate the effects of this process on the physico-chemical properties of kaolin. The results showed that delamination can be efficiently realized in the extruder by shearing densely packed layers under the influence of friction force and added Na2CO3 electrolyte. The crystal structure of the system was thus disrupted. This was confirmed by the Hinckley index (HI) decrease and by the dilatometric characteristics changes during heating. The particle size was reduced and, furthermore, new adsorption centers were formed, which led to an increase in the total cation exchange capacity (CEC). The plasticity of kaolin decreased with the increasing delamination degree, as well as the amount of water required for plastic processing, which is favorable in drying ceramic products.
PB  - Međunarodni Institut za nauku o sinterovanju, Beograd
T2  - Science of Sintering
T1  - Effect of Delamination on Physico-Chemical Properties of Kaolin
EP  - 266
IS  - 2
SP  - 253
VL  - 53
DO  - 10.2298/SOS2102253M
UR  - conv_914
ER  - 
author = "Mihajlović, Slavica and Vlahović, Milica and Vušović, Nenad M. and Đorđević, Nataša and Jovanović, Marina N.",
year = "2021",
abstract = "To provide the quality required for its use, raw kaolin must be subjected to certain processing procedures like delamination which is applied to the layered structure materials. The aim of this research is to determine the possibility of performing delamination in the extruder and to estimate the effects of this process on the physico-chemical properties of kaolin. The results showed that delamination can be efficiently realized in the extruder by shearing densely packed layers under the influence of friction force and added Na2CO3 electrolyte. The crystal structure of the system was thus disrupted. This was confirmed by the Hinckley index (HI) decrease and by the dilatometric characteristics changes during heating. The particle size was reduced and, furthermore, new adsorption centers were formed, which led to an increase in the total cation exchange capacity (CEC). The plasticity of kaolin decreased with the increasing delamination degree, as well as the amount of water required for plastic processing, which is favorable in drying ceramic products.",
publisher = "Međunarodni Institut za nauku o sinterovanju, Beograd",
journal = "Science of Sintering",
title = "Effect of Delamination on Physico-Chemical Properties of Kaolin",
pages = "266-253",
number = "2",
volume = "53",
doi = "10.2298/SOS2102253M",
url = "conv_914"
Mihajlović, S., Vlahović, M., Vušović, N. M., Đorđević, N.,& Jovanović, M. N.. (2021). Effect of Delamination on Physico-Chemical Properties of Kaolin. in Science of Sintering
Međunarodni Institut za nauku o sinterovanju, Beograd., 53(2), 253-266.
Mihajlović S, Vlahović M, Vušović NM, Đorđević N, Jovanović MN. Effect of Delamination on Physico-Chemical Properties of Kaolin. in Science of Sintering. 2021;53(2):253-266.
conv_914 .
Mihajlović, Slavica, Vlahović, Milica, Vušović, Nenad M., Đorđević, Nataša, Jovanović, Marina N., "Effect of Delamination on Physico-Chemical Properties of Kaolin" in Science of Sintering, 53, no. 2 (2021):253-266,
https://doi.org/10.2298/SOS2102253M .,
conv_914 .

X-ray diffraction and SEM analysis of waste sulfur modification for use in concretes

Đorđević, Nataša; Vlahović, Milica; Martinović, Sanja; Bugarčić, Mladen; Mihajlović, Slavica

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd, 2021)

AU  - Đorđević, Nataša
AU  - Vlahović, Milica
AU  - Martinović, Sanja
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Mihajlović, Slavica
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/605
AB  - Secondary sulfur obtained as a by-product in the oil refining process is a major problem as an environmental pollutant. One of the possibilities of environmental protection is the use of sulfur obtained in this way as a component of sulfur concrete. Mixing of sulfur with suitable additives can provide longer working lifetime of sulfur concrete, as well as maintenance of the former physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of concrete. Such mixtures are usually called modified sulfur or sulfur cement. Secondary sulfur produced in the oil refining process by the Klaus process (approval of crude oil) cannot be used in this form. In order to be ready for the use of sulfur concrete and asphalt, it is necessary to modify elemental sulfur from cyclic to chain form, obtaining of modified sulfur whose application is as a binding agent in a concrete instead of portland cement is described in this paper. Influence of dicyclopentadien, an organic additive, on sulfur modification has been studied in this research. Microstructure and mineral analysis of modified and unmodified sulfur cement binding are performed using polarized and scanning electron microscopes and X-ray diffraction spectrometer.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Podzemni radovi
T1  - X-ray diffraction and SEM analysis of waste sulfur modification for use in concretes
EP  - 65
IS  - 38
SP  - 57
DO  - 10.5937/podrad2138057Q
UR  - conv_234
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević, Nataša and Vlahović, Milica and Martinović, Sanja and Bugarčić, Mladen and Mihajlović, Slavica",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Secondary sulfur obtained as a by-product in the oil refining process is a major problem as an environmental pollutant. One of the possibilities of environmental protection is the use of sulfur obtained in this way as a component of sulfur concrete. Mixing of sulfur with suitable additives can provide longer working lifetime of sulfur concrete, as well as maintenance of the former physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of concrete. Such mixtures are usually called modified sulfur or sulfur cement. Secondary sulfur produced in the oil refining process by the Klaus process (approval of crude oil) cannot be used in this form. In order to be ready for the use of sulfur concrete and asphalt, it is necessary to modify elemental sulfur from cyclic to chain form, obtaining of modified sulfur whose application is as a binding agent in a concrete instead of portland cement is described in this paper. Influence of dicyclopentadien, an organic additive, on sulfur modification has been studied in this research. Microstructure and mineral analysis of modified and unmodified sulfur cement binding are performed using polarized and scanning electron microscopes and X-ray diffraction spectrometer.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Podzemni radovi",
title = "X-ray diffraction and SEM analysis of waste sulfur modification for use in concretes",
pages = "65-57",
number = "38",
doi = "10.5937/podrad2138057Q",
url = "conv_234"
Đorđević, N., Vlahović, M., Martinović, S., Bugarčić, M.,& Mihajlović, S.. (2021). X-ray diffraction and SEM analysis of waste sulfur modification for use in concretes. in Podzemni radovi
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd.(38), 57-65.
Đorđević N, Vlahović M, Martinović S, Bugarčić M, Mihajlović S. X-ray diffraction and SEM analysis of waste sulfur modification for use in concretes. in Podzemni radovi. 2021;(38):57-65.
conv_234 .
Đorđević, Nataša, Vlahović, Milica, Martinović, Sanja, Bugarčić, Mladen, Mihajlović, Slavica, "X-ray diffraction and SEM analysis of waste sulfur modification for use in concretes" in Podzemni radovi, no. 38 (2021):57-65,
https://doi.org/10.5937/podrad2138057Q .,
conv_234 .

Investigation of the impact of mechanical activation on synthesis of the MgO-TiO2 system

Đorđević, Nataša; Vlahović, Milica; Martinović, Sanja; Mihajlović, Slavica; Vušović, Nenad M.; Sokić, Miroslav

(Savez hemijskih inženjera, Beograd, 2021)

AU  - Đorđević, Nataša
AU  - Vlahović, Milica
AU  - Martinović, Sanja
AU  - Mihajlović, Slavica
AU  - Vušović, Nenad M.
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/566
AB  - In this study, a mixture of magnesium oxide and titanium dioxide was mechanically activated in order to investigate the possibility of mechanochemical synthesis of magnesium titanate. Mechanical activation was performed for 1000 min in a high-energy vibro mill (type MH954/3, KHD Humboldt Wedag AG, Germany). The mill is equipped with housing having a horizontally placed shutter. The cylindrical stainless steel working vessel, with inner dimensions of 40 mm in height and 170 mm in diameter, has working elements consisting of two free concentric stainless steel rings with a total weight of 3 kg. The engine power is 0.8 kW. Respecting the optimal amount of powder to be activated of 50-150 g and the stoichiometric ratio of the reactants in the equation presenting the chemical reaction of magnesium titanate synthesis, the starting amounts were 20.2 g (0.5 mol) of MgO and 39.9 g (0.5 mol) TiO2. During the experiments, X-ray diffraction analysis of the samples taken from the reaction system after 60, 180, 330, and 1000 min of mechanical activation was performed. Atomic absorption spectrophotometry was used for chemical composition analysis of samples taken at different activation times. Based on the X-ray diffraction analysis results, it can be concluded that the greatest changes in the system took place at the very beginning of the mechanical activation due to the disturbance of the crystal structure of the initial components. X-ray diffraction analysis of the sample after 1000 min of activation showed complete amorphization of the mixture, but diffraction maxima characteristic for magnesium titanate were not identified. Therefore, the mechanical activation experiments were stopped. Evidently, the energy input was not sufficient to overcome the energy barrier to form a new chemical compound - magnesium titanate. The failure to synthesize magnesium titanate is explained by the low negative Gibbs energy value of -25.8 kJ/mol (despite the theoretical possibility that the reaction will happen), as well as by the amount of mechanical energy entered into the system during activation which was insufficient to obtain the reaction product. Although the synthesis of MgTiO3 was not achieved, significant results were obtained which identify models for further investigations of the possibility of mechanochemical reactions of alkaline earth metals and titanium dioxide.
PB  - Savez hemijskih inženjera, Beograd
T2  - Hemijska industrija
T1  - Investigation of the impact of mechanical activation on synthesis of the MgO-TiO2 system
EP  - 225
IS  - 4
SP  - 213
VL  - 75
DO  - 10.2298/HEMIND210402022D
UR  - conv_915
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević, Nataša and Vlahović, Milica and Martinović, Sanja and Mihajlović, Slavica and Vušović, Nenad M. and Sokić, Miroslav",
year = "2021",
abstract = "In this study, a mixture of magnesium oxide and titanium dioxide was mechanically activated in order to investigate the possibility of mechanochemical synthesis of magnesium titanate. Mechanical activation was performed for 1000 min in a high-energy vibro mill (type MH954/3, KHD Humboldt Wedag AG, Germany). The mill is equipped with housing having a horizontally placed shutter. The cylindrical stainless steel working vessel, with inner dimensions of 40 mm in height and 170 mm in diameter, has working elements consisting of two free concentric stainless steel rings with a total weight of 3 kg. The engine power is 0.8 kW. Respecting the optimal amount of powder to be activated of 50-150 g and the stoichiometric ratio of the reactants in the equation presenting the chemical reaction of magnesium titanate synthesis, the starting amounts were 20.2 g (0.5 mol) of MgO and 39.9 g (0.5 mol) TiO2. During the experiments, X-ray diffraction analysis of the samples taken from the reaction system after 60, 180, 330, and 1000 min of mechanical activation was performed. Atomic absorption spectrophotometry was used for chemical composition analysis of samples taken at different activation times. Based on the X-ray diffraction analysis results, it can be concluded that the greatest changes in the system took place at the very beginning of the mechanical activation due to the disturbance of the crystal structure of the initial components. X-ray diffraction analysis of the sample after 1000 min of activation showed complete amorphization of the mixture, but diffraction maxima characteristic for magnesium titanate were not identified. Therefore, the mechanical activation experiments were stopped. Evidently, the energy input was not sufficient to overcome the energy barrier to form a new chemical compound - magnesium titanate. The failure to synthesize magnesium titanate is explained by the low negative Gibbs energy value of -25.8 kJ/mol (despite the theoretical possibility that the reaction will happen), as well as by the amount of mechanical energy entered into the system during activation which was insufficient to obtain the reaction product. Although the synthesis of MgTiO3 was not achieved, significant results were obtained which identify models for further investigations of the possibility of mechanochemical reactions of alkaline earth metals and titanium dioxide.",
publisher = "Savez hemijskih inženjera, Beograd",
journal = "Hemijska industrija",
title = "Investigation of the impact of mechanical activation on synthesis of the MgO-TiO2 system",
pages = "225-213",
number = "4",
volume = "75",
doi = "10.2298/HEMIND210402022D",
url = "conv_915"
Đorđević, N., Vlahović, M., Martinović, S., Mihajlović, S., Vušović, N. M.,& Sokić, M.. (2021). Investigation of the impact of mechanical activation on synthesis of the MgO-TiO2 system. in Hemijska industrija
Savez hemijskih inženjera, Beograd., 75(4), 213-225.
Đorđević N, Vlahović M, Martinović S, Mihajlović S, Vušović NM, Sokić M. Investigation of the impact of mechanical activation on synthesis of the MgO-TiO2 system. in Hemijska industrija. 2021;75(4):213-225.
conv_915 .
Đorđević, Nataša, Vlahović, Milica, Martinović, Sanja, Mihajlović, Slavica, Vušović, Nenad M., Sokić, Miroslav, "Investigation of the impact of mechanical activation on synthesis of the MgO-TiO2 system" in Hemijska industrija, 75, no. 4 (2021):213-225,
https://doi.org/10.2298/HEMIND210402022D .,
conv_915 .

Impact of relaxation time of activated mixture on ceramics synthesis for electronic purposes

Đorđević, Nataša; Vlahović, Milica; Mihajlović, Slavica; Martinović, Sanja

(Belgrade : Union of Mechanical and Electrotechnical Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS) Society for Renewable Electrical Power Sources, 2020)

AU  - Đorđević, Nataša
AU  - Vlahović, Milica
AU  - Mihajlović, Slavica
AU  - Martinović, Sanja
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/812
AB  - Due to its properties, cordierite, 2MgO·2Al2O3·5SiO2, is nowadays an attractive ceramic material
for various applications but with very high sintering temperature. Mechanochemical activation
of the initial components mixture was performed in order to decrease the sintering temperature. DTA
method was used to monitor the temperature induced changes in the analyzed three-component system.
Since previous research has pointed out that the relaxation time can influence the activated
components in terms of chemical changes and the activation degree, it was important to determine
whether it has an impact on the observed activated system. The influence of the relaxation time on
the activated components mixture was analyzed by FT IR spectroscopy of both the initial components
and the activated mixture after 24h and 24 months relaxation periods.
AB  - Zahvaljujući svojim svojstvima, kordijerit, 2MgO·2Al2O3·5SiO2, danas je atraktivan keramički
materijal za razne primene, ali sa vrlo visokom temperaturom sinterovanja. Mehanohemijska aktivacija
smeše početnih komponenti izvedena je da bi se snizila temperatura sinterovanja. DTA metoda
je korišćena za praćenje temperaturnih promena u analiziranom trokomponentnom sistemu. Kako je
ranijim istraživanjima utvrđeno da vreme relaksacije može da utiče na aktivirane komponente u
smislu hemijskih promena i stepena aktiviranosti, bilo je značajno utvrditi ima li uticaj i na
posmatrani aktivirani system. Uticaj vremena relaksacije na smešu aktiviranih komponenata analiziran
je FT IR spektroskopijom i početnih komponenti i aktivirane smeše nakon 24h i 24 meseca
perioda relaksacije.
PB  - Belgrade : Union of Mechanical and Electrotechnical Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS) Society for Renewable Electrical Power Sources
C3  - 8th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources
T1  - Impact of relaxation time of activated mixture on ceramics synthesis for electronic purposes
EP  - 62
SP  - 57
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević, Nataša and Vlahović, Milica and Mihajlović, Slavica and Martinović, Sanja",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Due to its properties, cordierite, 2MgO·2Al2O3·5SiO2, is nowadays an attractive ceramic material
for various applications but with very high sintering temperature. Mechanochemical activation
of the initial components mixture was performed in order to decrease the sintering temperature. DTA
method was used to monitor the temperature induced changes in the analyzed three-component system.
Since previous research has pointed out that the relaxation time can influence the activated
components in terms of chemical changes and the activation degree, it was important to determine
whether it has an impact on the observed activated system. The influence of the relaxation time on
the activated components mixture was analyzed by FT IR spectroscopy of both the initial components
and the activated mixture after 24h and 24 months relaxation periods., Zahvaljujući svojim svojstvima, kordijerit, 2MgO·2Al2O3·5SiO2, danas je atraktivan keramički
materijal za razne primene, ali sa vrlo visokom temperaturom sinterovanja. Mehanohemijska aktivacija
smeše početnih komponenti izvedena je da bi se snizila temperatura sinterovanja. DTA metoda
je korišćena za praćenje temperaturnih promena u analiziranom trokomponentnom sistemu. Kako je
ranijim istraživanjima utvrđeno da vreme relaksacije može da utiče na aktivirane komponente u
smislu hemijskih promena i stepena aktiviranosti, bilo je značajno utvrditi ima li uticaj i na
posmatrani aktivirani system. Uticaj vremena relaksacije na smešu aktiviranih komponenata analiziran
je FT IR spektroskopijom i početnih komponenti i aktivirane smeše nakon 24h i 24 meseca
perioda relaksacije.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Union of Mechanical and Electrotechnical Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS) Society for Renewable Electrical Power Sources",
journal = "8th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources",
title = "Impact of relaxation time of activated mixture on ceramics synthesis for electronic purposes",
pages = "62-57"
Đorđević, N., Vlahović, M., Mihajlović, S.,& Martinović, S.. (2020). Impact of relaxation time of activated mixture on ceramics synthesis for electronic purposes. in 8th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources
Belgrade : Union of Mechanical and Electrotechnical Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS) Society for Renewable Electrical Power Sources., 57-62.
Đorđević N, Vlahović M, Mihajlović S, Martinović S. Impact of relaxation time of activated mixture on ceramics synthesis for electronic purposes. in 8th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources. 2020;:57-62..
Đorđević, Nataša, Vlahović, Milica, Mihajlović, Slavica, Martinović, Sanja, "Impact of relaxation time of activated mixture on ceramics synthesis for electronic purposes" in 8th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources (2020):57-62.

Valorization of Fly Ash from a Thermal Power Plant for Producing High-Performance Self-Compacting Concrete

Savić, Aleksandar; Vlahović, Milica; Martinović, Sanja; Đorđević, Nataša; Broceta, Gordana; Volkov-Husović, Tatjana

(Međunarodni Institut za nauku o sinterovanju, Beograd, 2020)

AU  - Savić, Aleksandar
AU  - Vlahović, Milica
AU  - Martinović, Sanja
AU  - Đorđević, Nataša
AU  - Broceta, Gordana
AU  - Volkov-Husović, Tatjana
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/539
AB  - This study analyzes the feasibility of valorizing industrial by-product, fly ash from a thermal power plant as a partial replacement of mineral filler-limestone for the production of self-compacting concrete (SCC). Three types of SCC mixtures with different portions of fly ash and the reference mixture with limestone were designed. The synthesized SCCs in the fresh state were examined for density, entrained air content, flowability (Slump flow, Slump flow time (t500), V-funnel time (tv)), passing ability (L-box), and segregation resistance, while hardened state testing included: density, compressive and flexural strength, static modulus of elasticity, water permeability, resistance against freezing in the presence of deicing salt, and SEM analysis. Taking into account the obtained results it can be concluded that the addition of fly ash has a positive impact on the concrete properties and that the optimal content of fly ash is 20 % with respect to the total filler mass.
PB  - Međunarodni Institut za nauku o sinterovanju, Beograd
T2  - Science of Sintering
T1  - Valorization of Fly Ash from a Thermal Power Plant for Producing High-Performance Self-Compacting Concrete
EP  - 327
IS  - 3
SP  - 307
VL  - 52
DO  - 10.2298/SOS2003307S
UR  - conv_893
ER  - 
author = "Savić, Aleksandar and Vlahović, Milica and Martinović, Sanja and Đorđević, Nataša and Broceta, Gordana and Volkov-Husović, Tatjana",
year = "2020",
abstract = "This study analyzes the feasibility of valorizing industrial by-product, fly ash from a thermal power plant as a partial replacement of mineral filler-limestone for the production of self-compacting concrete (SCC). Three types of SCC mixtures with different portions of fly ash and the reference mixture with limestone were designed. The synthesized SCCs in the fresh state were examined for density, entrained air content, flowability (Slump flow, Slump flow time (t500), V-funnel time (tv)), passing ability (L-box), and segregation resistance, while hardened state testing included: density, compressive and flexural strength, static modulus of elasticity, water permeability, resistance against freezing in the presence of deicing salt, and SEM analysis. Taking into account the obtained results it can be concluded that the addition of fly ash has a positive impact on the concrete properties and that the optimal content of fly ash is 20 % with respect to the total filler mass.",
publisher = "Međunarodni Institut za nauku o sinterovanju, Beograd",
journal = "Science of Sintering",
title = "Valorization of Fly Ash from a Thermal Power Plant for Producing High-Performance Self-Compacting Concrete",
pages = "327-307",
number = "3",
volume = "52",
doi = "10.2298/SOS2003307S",
url = "conv_893"
Savić, A., Vlahović, M., Martinović, S., Đorđević, N., Broceta, G.,& Volkov-Husović, T.. (2020). Valorization of Fly Ash from a Thermal Power Plant for Producing High-Performance Self-Compacting Concrete. in Science of Sintering
Međunarodni Institut za nauku o sinterovanju, Beograd., 52(3), 307-327.
Savić A, Vlahović M, Martinović S, Đorđević N, Broceta G, Volkov-Husović T. Valorization of Fly Ash from a Thermal Power Plant for Producing High-Performance Self-Compacting Concrete. in Science of Sintering. 2020;52(3):307-327.
conv_893 .
Savić, Aleksandar, Vlahović, Milica, Martinović, Sanja, Đorđević, Nataša, Broceta, Gordana, Volkov-Husović, Tatjana, "Valorization of Fly Ash from a Thermal Power Plant for Producing High-Performance Self-Compacting Concrete" in Science of Sintering, 52, no. 3 (2020):307-327,
https://doi.org/10.2298/SOS2003307S .,
conv_893 .

Removal of Copper from Mining Wastewater Using Natural Raw Material-Comparative Study between the Synthetic and Natural Wastewater Samples

Milićević, Sonja; Vlahović, Milica; Kragović, Milan; Martinović, Sanja; Milošević, Vladan; Jovanović, Ivana; Stojmenović, Marija

(MDPI, Basel, 2020)

AU  - Milićević, Sonja
AU  - Vlahović, Milica
AU  - Kragović, Milan
AU  - Martinović, Sanja
AU  - Milošević, Vladan
AU  - Jovanović, Ivana
AU  - Stojmenović, Marija
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/536
AB  - The intent in this paper is to define how the batch equilibrium results of copper removal from a synthetic solution on natural zeolite can be used for prediction of the breakthrough curves in the fixed-bed system for both a synthetic solution and wastewater. Natural zeolite from the Vranjska Banja deposit, Serbia, has been fully characterized (XRD, chemical composition, DTA/TG, SEM/EDS) as a clinoptilolite with cation exchange capacity of 146 meq/100 g. The maximum adsorption capacity (q(m)) in the batch of the mono-component system (synthetic copper solution) obtained using the Langmuir isotherm model was 7.30 and 6.10 mg/g for particle size below 0.043 and 0.6-0.8 mm, respectively. Using the flow-through system with the 0.6-0.8 mm zeolite fixed-bed, almost double the adsorption capacity (11.2-12.2 mg/g) has been achieved in a saturation point for the copper removal from the synthetic solution, compared to the batch. Better results are attributed to the constant high concentration gradient in flow-through systems compared to the batch. The complex composition of wastewater and large amounts of earth alkaline metals disturb free adsorption sights on the zeolite surface. This results in a less effective adsorption in flow-through systems with adsorption capacity in breakthrough point of 5.84 mg/g (similar to 0.95 x qm) and in a saturation point of 7.10 mg/g (similar to 1.15 x qm).
PB  - MDPI, Basel
T2  - Minerals
T1  - Removal of Copper from Mining Wastewater Using Natural Raw Material-Comparative Study between the Synthetic and Natural Wastewater Samples
IS  - 9
VL  - 10
DO  - 10.3390/min10090753
UR  - conv_894
ER  - 
author = "Milićević, Sonja and Vlahović, Milica and Kragović, Milan and Martinović, Sanja and Milošević, Vladan and Jovanović, Ivana and Stojmenović, Marija",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The intent in this paper is to define how the batch equilibrium results of copper removal from a synthetic solution on natural zeolite can be used for prediction of the breakthrough curves in the fixed-bed system for both a synthetic solution and wastewater. Natural zeolite from the Vranjska Banja deposit, Serbia, has been fully characterized (XRD, chemical composition, DTA/TG, SEM/EDS) as a clinoptilolite with cation exchange capacity of 146 meq/100 g. The maximum adsorption capacity (q(m)) in the batch of the mono-component system (synthetic copper solution) obtained using the Langmuir isotherm model was 7.30 and 6.10 mg/g for particle size below 0.043 and 0.6-0.8 mm, respectively. Using the flow-through system with the 0.6-0.8 mm zeolite fixed-bed, almost double the adsorption capacity (11.2-12.2 mg/g) has been achieved in a saturation point for the copper removal from the synthetic solution, compared to the batch. Better results are attributed to the constant high concentration gradient in flow-through systems compared to the batch. The complex composition of wastewater and large amounts of earth alkaline metals disturb free adsorption sights on the zeolite surface. This results in a less effective adsorption in flow-through systems with adsorption capacity in breakthrough point of 5.84 mg/g (similar to 0.95 x qm) and in a saturation point of 7.10 mg/g (similar to 1.15 x qm).",
publisher = "MDPI, Basel",
journal = "Minerals",
title = "Removal of Copper from Mining Wastewater Using Natural Raw Material-Comparative Study between the Synthetic and Natural Wastewater Samples",
number = "9",
volume = "10",
doi = "10.3390/min10090753",
url = "conv_894"
Milićević, S., Vlahović, M., Kragović, M., Martinović, S., Milošević, V., Jovanović, I.,& Stojmenović, M.. (2020). Removal of Copper from Mining Wastewater Using Natural Raw Material-Comparative Study between the Synthetic and Natural Wastewater Samples. in Minerals
MDPI, Basel., 10(9).
Milićević S, Vlahović M, Kragović M, Martinović S, Milošević V, Jovanović I, Stojmenović M. Removal of Copper from Mining Wastewater Using Natural Raw Material-Comparative Study between the Synthetic and Natural Wastewater Samples. in Minerals. 2020;10(9).
conv_894 .
Milićević, Sonja, Vlahović, Milica, Kragović, Milan, Martinović, Sanja, Milošević, Vladan, Jovanović, Ivana, Stojmenović, Marija, "Removal of Copper from Mining Wastewater Using Natural Raw Material-Comparative Study between the Synthetic and Natural Wastewater Samples" in Minerals, 10, no. 9 (2020),
https://doi.org/10.3390/min10090753 .,
conv_894 .

Removal of copper from aqueous solutions by low cost adsorbent-Kolubara lignite

Milićević, Sonja; Boljanac, Tamara; Martinović, Sanja; Vlahović, Milica; Milošević, Vladan; Babić, Biljana

(Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam, 2012)

AU  - Milićević, Sonja
AU  - Boljanac, Tamara
AU  - Martinović, Sanja
AU  - Vlahović, Milica
AU  - Milošević, Vladan
AU  - Babić, Biljana
PY  - 2012
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/206
AB  - Serbian lignite from "Kolubara" deposit was used as a low cost adsorbent for removal of copper ions (Cu2+) from aqueous solutions. Lignite was subjected to the elementary and technical analysis as well as BET and FTIR analysis due to complete characterization. Basic comparison between lignite and activated carbon was also done. As a method, batch adsorption procedure was applied. Adsorption efficiency was studied as a function of the initial metal concentration, pH of the solution, contact time, and amount of the adsorbent. Optimum removal of copper ions was achieved at pH values of 5.0. About 90% of copper cations were removed in 5 min of contact time from the solution with the lowest copper concentration (50 mg Cu2+/l) regardless adsorbent amount, while the same effect of adsorption was achieved in 60 min in case of solutions with higher concentrations of copper. It was concluded that the effect of adsorbent amount on adsorption kinetics is evident but not crucial. It was proved that the experimental results of copper adsorption fit well to a Langmuirian type isotherm which was used to describe monitored adsorption phenomena. The calculated adsorption capacities of lignite for copper adsorption decrease with increasing adsorbent amount. The study proved that tested lignite is very efficient adsorbent material, especially in case of low copper concentration in aqueous solution where the usual methods are either economically unrewarding or technically complicated. This behavior can be explained by FTIR spectrum despite a small specific surface area of lignite. Namely, many bands (peaks) are attributed to the functional groups that they are involved in chemisorption and ionic exchange, basic mechanisms of copper adsorption.
PB  - Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam
T2  - Fuel Processing Technology
T1  - Removal of copper from aqueous solutions by low cost adsorbent-Kolubara lignite
EP  - 7
SP  - 1
VL  - 95
DO  - 10.1016/j.fuproc.2011.11.005
UR  - conv_615
ER  - 
author = "Milićević, Sonja and Boljanac, Tamara and Martinović, Sanja and Vlahović, Milica and Milošević, Vladan and Babić, Biljana",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Serbian lignite from "Kolubara" deposit was used as a low cost adsorbent for removal of copper ions (Cu2+) from aqueous solutions. Lignite was subjected to the elementary and technical analysis as well as BET and FTIR analysis due to complete characterization. Basic comparison between lignite and activated carbon was also done. As a method, batch adsorption procedure was applied. Adsorption efficiency was studied as a function of the initial metal concentration, pH of the solution, contact time, and amount of the adsorbent. Optimum removal of copper ions was achieved at pH values of 5.0. About 90% of copper cations were removed in 5 min of contact time from the solution with the lowest copper concentration (50 mg Cu2+/l) regardless adsorbent amount, while the same effect of adsorption was achieved in 60 min in case of solutions with higher concentrations of copper. It was concluded that the effect of adsorbent amount on adsorption kinetics is evident but not crucial. It was proved that the experimental results of copper adsorption fit well to a Langmuirian type isotherm which was used to describe monitored adsorption phenomena. The calculated adsorption capacities of lignite for copper adsorption decrease with increasing adsorbent amount. The study proved that tested lignite is very efficient adsorbent material, especially in case of low copper concentration in aqueous solution where the usual methods are either economically unrewarding or technically complicated. This behavior can be explained by FTIR spectrum despite a small specific surface area of lignite. Namely, many bands (peaks) are attributed to the functional groups that they are involved in chemisorption and ionic exchange, basic mechanisms of copper adsorption.",
publisher = "Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam",
journal = "Fuel Processing Technology",
title = "Removal of copper from aqueous solutions by low cost adsorbent-Kolubara lignite",
pages = "7-1",
volume = "95",
doi = "10.1016/j.fuproc.2011.11.005",
url = "conv_615"
Milićević, S., Boljanac, T., Martinović, S., Vlahović, M., Milošević, V.,& Babić, B.. (2012). Removal of copper from aqueous solutions by low cost adsorbent-Kolubara lignite. in Fuel Processing Technology
Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam., 95, 1-7.
Milićević S, Boljanac T, Martinović S, Vlahović M, Milošević V, Babić B. Removal of copper from aqueous solutions by low cost adsorbent-Kolubara lignite. in Fuel Processing Technology. 2012;95:1-7.
conv_615 .
Milićević, Sonja, Boljanac, Tamara, Martinović, Sanja, Vlahović, Milica, Milošević, Vladan, Babić, Biljana, "Removal of copper from aqueous solutions by low cost adsorbent-Kolubara lignite" in Fuel Processing Technology, 95 (2012):1-7,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuproc.2011.11.005 .,
conv_615 .