Bugarčić, Mladen

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Bugarčić, Mladen (72)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200023 (Institute of Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Row Materials - ITNMS, Belgrade) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200135 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy)
Developing technological processes for nonstandard copper concentrates processing with the aim to decrease pollutants emission Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200026 (University of Belgrade, Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy - IChTM)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200017 (University of Belgrade, Institute of Nuclear Sciences 'Vinča', Belgrade-Vinča) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200066 (Lola Institute, Belgrade)
Advanced multicomponent metal systems and nanostructured materials with diverse functional properties Geologic and ecotoxicologic research in identification of geopathogen zones of toxic elements in drinking water reservoirs- research into methods and procedures for reduction of biochemical anomalies
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200214 (Institue of Pesticides and Environmental Protection, Belgrade) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200325 (Military Technical Institute - MTI, Belgrade)
The development of casting technologies under the influence of electromagnetic field and technologies of hot plastic forming of 7000 series aluminium alloys for special purposes 213-1/21-08-03-2021
DAAD, Germany [57513134] Study of the Synthesis, Structure and Activity of Natural and Synthetic Organic Compounds
Directed synthesis, structure and properties of multifunctional materials Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200003 (Institute for Medicinal Plant Research 'Dr. Josif Pančić ', Belgrade)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200168 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Chemistry) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200287 (Innovation Center of the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200326 (University of Defence, Military Academy, Belgrade) Synthesis, processing and applications of nanostructured multifunctional materials with defined properties
Novel encapsulation and enzyme technologies for designing of new biocatalysts and biologically active compounds targeting enhancement of food quality, safety and competitiveness Development of technologies and products based on mineral raw materials and waste biomass for protection of natural resources for safe food production
Investigation and Optimization of the Technological and Functional Performance of the Ventilation Mill in the Thermal Power Plant Kostolac B Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and DAAD, Germany, for funding of the Project No.: 57513134
SMART FIRE PROTECTION – 1297, Inovacionog fonda Republike Srbije

Author's Bibliography

Tokovi zagađujućih materija iz primarnih sirovina i mogućnost zatvaranja toka u ciklus

Bugarčić, Mladen; Jovanović, Aleksandar; Dimitrijević, Jelena; Mišić, Milica; Sokić, Miroslav


AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Dimitrijević, Jelena
AU  - Mišić, Milica
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1250
AB  - Управљање загађујућим материјама добијеним из примарних сировина представља
изазов за очување животне средине. Надовезујући се на принципе циркуларне
економије, индустријске симбиозе и одрживог управљања ресурсима, дат је преглед
иновативних стратегија за затварање петље токова загађујућих материја и
промовисање отпорнијег и еколошки прихватљивијег индустријског екосистема. У
овом раду биће наведене различите методе за имобилизацију загађујућих материја
екстрахованих као споредних производа из минералних сировина и њихову
реинтеграцију у стабилне минерале. Концептом дизајнирања производа и процеса
имајући на уму могућност рециклирања и дуговечност уз примену чистијих
производних техника и коришћењем еколошки прихватљивих материјала. Поред
тога, напредак у рециклажним технологијама нуди обећавајуће методе за
екстракцију загађивача из отпадних токова и њихову поновну уградњу у минералне
матрице, ефикасно их имобилизирајући и спречавајући даље ширење у животну
средину. Кроз колаборативне мреже размене између индустрија, токови отпадних
сировина могу се пренаменити као инпути за друге процесе, затварајући петљу у
коришћењу ресурса и ублажавајући загађење. Превођењем загађујућих материја
назад у минерале кроз синергетска партнерства, индустријска симбиоза нуди пут
ка одрживом управљању ресурсима и ублажавању загађења. Кампање подизања
свести јавности и едукација потрошача такође играју кључну улогу у неговању
културе одрживости, оснажујући појединце да доносе информисане изборе и
подржавају предузећа која су посвећена управљању животном средином. У закључку,
овај рад наглашава хитну потребу за иновативним решењима за имобилизацију
загађивача екстрахованих из минералних сировина и њихову реинтеграцију назад у
одговарајуће минералне матрице. Комбинацијом чистијих производних техника,
технологија рециклаже, индустријске симбиозе и легислативне подршке, можемо
ефикасно затворити петљу на токове загађивача, минимизирати штету по
животну средину и промовисати одрживији индустријски екосистем. Како тежимо
ка циркуларној економији, имобилизација загађивача представља критичан корак у
постизању заједничког циља управљања животном средином и дугорочне
C3  - Rudarstvo 2024
T1  - Tokovi zagađujućih materija iz primarnih sirovina i mogućnost zatvaranja toka u ciklus
EP  - 52
SP  - 43
ER  - 
author = "Bugarčić, Mladen and Jovanović, Aleksandar and Dimitrijević, Jelena and Mišić, Milica and Sokić, Miroslav",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Управљање загађујућим материјама добијеним из примарних сировина представља
изазов за очување животне средине. Надовезујући се на принципе циркуларне
економије, индустријске симбиозе и одрживог управљања ресурсима, дат је преглед
иновативних стратегија за затварање петље токова загађујућих материја и
промовисање отпорнијег и еколошки прихватљивијег индустријског екосистема. У
овом раду биће наведене различите методе за имобилизацију загађујућих материја
екстрахованих као споредних производа из минералних сировина и њихову
реинтеграцију у стабилне минерале. Концептом дизајнирања производа и процеса
имајући на уму могућност рециклирања и дуговечност уз примену чистијих
производних техника и коришћењем еколошки прихватљивих материјала. Поред
тога, напредак у рециклажним технологијама нуди обећавајуће методе за
екстракцију загађивача из отпадних токова и њихову поновну уградњу у минералне
матрице, ефикасно их имобилизирајући и спречавајући даље ширење у животну
средину. Кроз колаборативне мреже размене између индустрија, токови отпадних
сировина могу се пренаменити као инпути за друге процесе, затварајући петљу у
коришћењу ресурса и ублажавајући загађење. Превођењем загађујућих материја
назад у минерале кроз синергетска партнерства, индустријска симбиоза нуди пут
ка одрживом управљању ресурсима и ублажавању загађења. Кампање подизања
свести јавности и едукација потрошача такође играју кључну улогу у неговању
културе одрживости, оснажујући појединце да доносе информисане изборе и
подржавају предузећа која су посвећена управљању животном средином. У закључку,
овај рад наглашава хитну потребу за иновативним решењима за имобилизацију
загађивача екстрахованих из минералних сировина и њихову реинтеграцију назад у
одговарајуће минералне матрице. Комбинацијом чистијих производних техника,
технологија рециклаже, индустријске симбиозе и легислативне подршке, можемо
ефикасно затворити петљу на токове загађивача, минимизирати штету по
животну средину и промовисати одрживији индустријски екосистем. Како тежимо
ка циркуларној економији, имобилизација загађивача представља критичан корак у
постизању заједничког циља управљања животном средином и дугорочне
journal = "Rudarstvo 2024",
title = "Tokovi zagađujućih materija iz primarnih sirovina i mogućnost zatvaranja toka u ciklus",
pages = "52-43"
Bugarčić, M., Jovanović, A., Dimitrijević, J., Mišić, M.,& Sokić, M.. (2024). Tokovi zagađujućih materija iz primarnih sirovina i mogućnost zatvaranja toka u ciklus. in Rudarstvo 2024, 43-52.
Bugarčić M, Jovanović A, Dimitrijević J, Mišić M, Sokić M. Tokovi zagađujućih materija iz primarnih sirovina i mogućnost zatvaranja toka u ciklus. in Rudarstvo 2024. 2024;:43-52..
Bugarčić, Mladen, Jovanović, Aleksandar, Dimitrijević, Jelena, Mišić, Milica, Sokić, Miroslav, "Tokovi zagađujućih materija iz primarnih sirovina i mogućnost zatvaranja toka u ciklus" in Rudarstvo 2024 (2024):43-52.

Investigation of multi-cycle usage of nanophotocatalysts in degradation of thiophanate-methyl

Jovanović, Aleksandar; Knežević, Nataša; Bugarčić, Mladen; Petrović, Jelena; Sokić, Miroslav; Stevanović, Marija; Marinković, Aleksandar

(Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, 2024)

AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Knežević, Nataša
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Petrović, Jelena
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Stevanović, Marija
AU  - Marinković, Aleksandar
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1262
AB  - The presence of different organic pollutants in water leads to the need to apply different technologies
and processes for their removal. Organic pollutants can cause several negative impacts on
surrounding environment, inducing detrimental effects on living beings. Fungicides represent one of
the biggest groups of crop protective agent with increased yearly consumption, frequently ending up
in non-target organisms. Therefore, aim of this study was to determine the possibility of using two
synthesized nanocatalysts Ag-P25 and Ce-P25 in several consecutive removal cycles of present
pollutant in water. Catalysts were applied in process of photocatalytic degradation of fungicide
thiophanate-methyl at atmospheric conditions. After each irradiation cycle, catalysts were collected,
rinsed, dried, and applied in upcoming operational run. Fabricated catalysts were also likened to
starter TiO2 material. After fifth cycle, FTIR and XRD characterization techniques were used for
proving stability of materials. Obtained results show that Ce-P25 possesses (98%) better stability than
Ag-P25 (96%), but base TiO2 (99%) has the best stability and efficiency after second cycle. Gathered
findings can open a new way of employing photocatalysis as a process for treatment of polluted waters
from various industries.
PB  - Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor
T1  - Investigation of multi-cycle usage of nanophotocatalysts in degradation of thiophanate-methyl
EP  - 269
SP  - 265
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Aleksandar and Knežević, Nataša and Bugarčić, Mladen and Petrović, Jelena and Sokić, Miroslav and Stevanović, Marija and Marinković, Aleksandar",
year = "2024",
abstract = "The presence of different organic pollutants in water leads to the need to apply different technologies
and processes for their removal. Organic pollutants can cause several negative impacts on
surrounding environment, inducing detrimental effects on living beings. Fungicides represent one of
the biggest groups of crop protective agent with increased yearly consumption, frequently ending up
in non-target organisms. Therefore, aim of this study was to determine the possibility of using two
synthesized nanocatalysts Ag-P25 and Ce-P25 in several consecutive removal cycles of present
pollutant in water. Catalysts were applied in process of photocatalytic degradation of fungicide
thiophanate-methyl at atmospheric conditions. After each irradiation cycle, catalysts were collected,
rinsed, dried, and applied in upcoming operational run. Fabricated catalysts were also likened to
starter TiO2 material. After fifth cycle, FTIR and XRD characterization techniques were used for
proving stability of materials. Obtained results show that Ce-P25 possesses (98%) better stability than
Ag-P25 (96%), but base TiO2 (99%) has the best stability and efficiency after second cycle. Gathered
findings can open a new way of employing photocatalysis as a process for treatment of polluted waters
from various industries.",
publisher = "Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor",
title = "Investigation of multi-cycle usage of nanophotocatalysts in degradation of thiophanate-methyl",
pages = "269-265"
Jovanović, A., Knežević, N., Bugarčić, M., Petrović, J., Sokić, M., Stevanović, M.,& Marinković, A.. (2024). Investigation of multi-cycle usage of nanophotocatalysts in degradation of thiophanate-methyl. in 31st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ECOLOGICAL TRUTH & ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH – EcoTER’24
Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor., 265-269.
Jovanović A, Knežević N, Bugarčić M, Petrović J, Sokić M, Stevanović M, Marinković A. Investigation of multi-cycle usage of nanophotocatalysts in degradation of thiophanate-methyl. in 31st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ECOLOGICAL TRUTH & ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH – EcoTER’24. 2024;:265-269..
Jovanović, Aleksandar, Knežević, Nataša, Bugarčić, Mladen, Petrović, Jelena, Sokić, Miroslav, Stevanović, Marija, Marinković, Aleksandar, "Investigation of multi-cycle usage of nanophotocatalysts in degradation of thiophanate-methyl" in 31st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ECOLOGICAL TRUTH & ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH – EcoTER’24 (2024):265-269.

Removal of methyl orange using layered double hydroxide originated from spent acid liquor

Bugarčić, Mladen; Jovanović, Aleksandar; Mišić, Milica; Milivojević, Milan; Knežević, Nataša; Bošnjaković, Jovana; Sokić, Miroslav

(Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehičkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS), 2024)

AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Mišić, Milica
AU  - Milivojević, Milan
AU  - Knežević, Nataša
AU  - Bošnjaković, Jovana
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1267
AB  - Production of organic dyes has been constantly increasing in the last decades, hence their us-age leaves a huge environmental impact usually on aquatic biota. Wastewaters carrying dissolved dyes are toxic to all organisms existing in water, therefore such wastewater streams have to be ap-propriately treated before they can be released into the environment. Development of effective ad-sorbents, which can be used in wastewater treatment, is mandatory. Another concern in the produc-tion of sorbing materials is the formation of spent acids or bases since they are commonly used for the activation of adsorbents. Spent acid liquor produced during the activation of expanded vermicu-lite (EVer) is utilized as the start material for the preparation of layered double hydroxide (LDH-EVer) by the method of co-precipitation process at low supersaturation. The prepared adsorbent was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and Scanning electron microscopy with X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). Fabricated material is utilized as an adsor-bent of methyl orange dye from aqueous solutions. During the experiments, contact time were varied and thus the rate of adsorption is determined. The obtained results show a high adsorption capacity of 63 mg g-1.
PB  - Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehičkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS)
C3  - 37th International Congress on Process Industry, Procesing '24
T1  - Removal of methyl orange using layered double hydroxide originated from spent acid liquor
EP  - 326
SP  - 321
DO  - 10.24094/ptk.024.321
ER  - 
author = "Bugarčić, Mladen and Jovanović, Aleksandar and Mišić, Milica and Milivojević, Milan and Knežević, Nataša and Bošnjaković, Jovana and Sokić, Miroslav",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Production of organic dyes has been constantly increasing in the last decades, hence their us-age leaves a huge environmental impact usually on aquatic biota. Wastewaters carrying dissolved dyes are toxic to all organisms existing in water, therefore such wastewater streams have to be ap-propriately treated before they can be released into the environment. Development of effective ad-sorbents, which can be used in wastewater treatment, is mandatory. Another concern in the produc-tion of sorbing materials is the formation of spent acids or bases since they are commonly used for the activation of adsorbents. Spent acid liquor produced during the activation of expanded vermicu-lite (EVer) is utilized as the start material for the preparation of layered double hydroxide (LDH-EVer) by the method of co-precipitation process at low supersaturation. The prepared adsorbent was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and Scanning electron microscopy with X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). Fabricated material is utilized as an adsor-bent of methyl orange dye from aqueous solutions. During the experiments, contact time were varied and thus the rate of adsorption is determined. The obtained results show a high adsorption capacity of 63 mg g-1.",
publisher = "Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehičkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS)",
journal = "37th International Congress on Process Industry, Procesing '24",
title = "Removal of methyl orange using layered double hydroxide originated from spent acid liquor",
pages = "326-321",
doi = "10.24094/ptk.024.321"
Bugarčić, M., Jovanović, A., Mišić, M., Milivojević, M., Knežević, N., Bošnjaković, J.,& Sokić, M.. (2024). Removal of methyl orange using layered double hydroxide originated from spent acid liquor. in 37th International Congress on Process Industry, Procesing '24
Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehičkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS)., 321-326.
Bugarčić M, Jovanović A, Mišić M, Milivojević M, Knežević N, Bošnjaković J, Sokić M. Removal of methyl orange using layered double hydroxide originated from spent acid liquor. in 37th International Congress on Process Industry, Procesing '24. 2024;:321-326.
doi:10.24094/ptk.024.321 .
Bugarčić, Mladen, Jovanović, Aleksandar, Mišić, Milica, Milivojević, Milan, Knežević, Nataša, Bošnjaković, Jovana, Sokić, Miroslav, "Removal of methyl orange using layered double hydroxide originated from spent acid liquor" in 37th International Congress on Process Industry, Procesing '24 (2024):321-326,
https://doi.org/10.24094/ptk.024.321 . .

Inovativna tehnologija dobijanja bitumenskih proizvoda na bazi otpadnog polietilena

Marinković, Aleksandar; Jovanović, Aleksandar; Bugarčić, Mladen; Knežević, Nataša; Petrović, Jelena; Vuksanović, Marija

(Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet, 2024)


Marinković, A., Jovanović, A., Bugarčić, M., Knežević, N., Petrović, J.,& Vuksanović, M.. (2024). Inovativna tehnologija dobijanja bitumenskih proizvoda na bazi otpadnog polietilena. 
Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet..
Marinković A, Jovanović A, Bugarčić M, Knežević N, Petrović J, Vuksanović M. Inovativna tehnologija dobijanja bitumenskih proizvoda na bazi otpadnog polietilena. 2024;..
Marinković, Aleksandar, Jovanović, Aleksandar, Bugarčić, Mladen, Knežević, Nataša, Petrović, Jelena, Vuksanović, Marija, "Inovativna tehnologija dobijanja bitumenskih proizvoda na bazi otpadnog polietilena" (2024).

Modelovanje disperzije azotnih jedinjenja u površinskim vodama prilikom akcidentnih situacija

Mišić, Milica; Jovanović, Aleksandar; Bugarčić, Mladen

(Novi Sad : Prirodno-matematički fakultet, 2024)

AU  - Mišić, Milica
AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1237
AB  - Cilj ovog rada bio je prikaz modela fluktuacije azotnih jedinjenja u površinskim vodama usled
akcidentnih situacija. Slučajno ispuštanje jedinjenja azota, konkretno veštačkih đubriva, ima
veoma štetan uticaj na kvalitet vode i vodene ekosisteme. U ovom radu je navedeno nekoliko
primera akcidentnih situacija ispuštanja azotnih đubriva u površinske vode, uključujući i
akcident koji se desio u Republici Srbiji, kada je usled plovidbene nezgode, oko 1000 t veštačkog
azotnog đubriva potonulo u reku Dunav. Svi ovi akcidenti ukazuju na značaj prevencije ili
naknadnog umanjenja uticaja ovih jedinjenja na živi svet. U cilju prevencije budućih akcidenata i
ublažavanja efekata već nastalih, potrebno je izraditi planove reagovanja u vanrednim
situacijama. Za održivo upravljanje rečnim slivovima, ključno je razumevanje promena koje
mogu izazvati transport, disperzija i transformacije zagađujućih materija, u ovom slučaju
jedinjenja azota, u vodi. U te svrhe mogu se koristiti brojni matematički modeli, među kojima se
izdvajaju predstavljeni modeli MONERIS, ADM i QUESTOR na rečnim slivovima u Engleskoj i
PB  - Novi Sad : Prirodno-matematički fakultet
C3  - 11. Memorijalni naučni skup iz zaštite životne sredine ,,Docent dr  Milena Dalmacija"
T1  - Modelovanje disperzije azotnih jedinjenja u površinskim vodama prilikom akcidentnih situacija
ER  - 
author = "Mišić, Milica and Jovanović, Aleksandar and Bugarčić, Mladen",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Cilj ovog rada bio je prikaz modela fluktuacije azotnih jedinjenja u površinskim vodama usled
akcidentnih situacija. Slučajno ispuštanje jedinjenja azota, konkretno veštačkih đubriva, ima
veoma štetan uticaj na kvalitet vode i vodene ekosisteme. U ovom radu je navedeno nekoliko
primera akcidentnih situacija ispuštanja azotnih đubriva u površinske vode, uključujući i
akcident koji se desio u Republici Srbiji, kada je usled plovidbene nezgode, oko 1000 t veštačkog
azotnog đubriva potonulo u reku Dunav. Svi ovi akcidenti ukazuju na značaj prevencije ili
naknadnog umanjenja uticaja ovih jedinjenja na živi svet. U cilju prevencije budućih akcidenata i
ublažavanja efekata već nastalih, potrebno je izraditi planove reagovanja u vanrednim
situacijama. Za održivo upravljanje rečnim slivovima, ključno je razumevanje promena koje
mogu izazvati transport, disperzija i transformacije zagađujućih materija, u ovom slučaju
jedinjenja azota, u vodi. U te svrhe mogu se koristiti brojni matematički modeli, među kojima se
izdvajaju predstavljeni modeli MONERIS, ADM i QUESTOR na rečnim slivovima u Engleskoj i
publisher = "Novi Sad : Prirodno-matematički fakultet",
journal = "11. Memorijalni naučni skup iz zaštite životne sredine ,,Docent dr  Milena Dalmacija"",
title = "Modelovanje disperzije azotnih jedinjenja u površinskim vodama prilikom akcidentnih situacija"
Mišić, M., Jovanović, A.,& Bugarčić, M.. (2024). Modelovanje disperzije azotnih jedinjenja u površinskim vodama prilikom akcidentnih situacija. in 11. Memorijalni naučni skup iz zaštite životne sredine ,,Docent dr  Milena Dalmacija"
Novi Sad : Prirodno-matematički fakultet..
Mišić M, Jovanović A, Bugarčić M. Modelovanje disperzije azotnih jedinjenja u površinskim vodama prilikom akcidentnih situacija. in 11. Memorijalni naučni skup iz zaštite životne sredine ,,Docent dr  Milena Dalmacija". 2024;..
Mišić, Milica, Jovanović, Aleksandar, Bugarčić, Mladen, "Modelovanje disperzije azotnih jedinjenja u površinskim vodama prilikom akcidentnih situacija" in 11. Memorijalni naučni skup iz zaštite životne sredine ,,Docent dr  Milena Dalmacija" (2024).

Phyllosilicate-based adsorbents decorated with iron oxyhydroxides: application for lead, chromates and selenites removal

Bugarčić, Mladen; Veličković, Zlate; Radovanović, Željko; Milošević, Milena; Mijatov, Slavko; Stojanović, Jovica; Marinković, Aleksandar

(Belgrade : Association for ETRAN Society, 2023)

AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Veličković, Zlate
AU  - Radovanović, Željko
AU  - Milošević, Milena
AU  - Mijatov, Slavko
AU  - Stojanović, Jovica
AU  - Marinković, Aleksandar
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1279
AB  - Expanded vermiculite (EVer) was acid activated and silanized in order to obtain suitable substrate’s surface for decoration with iron oxyhydroxides (IO). Obtained activated sample (EVa), was decorated by deposition of either prevailing goethite or amorphous iron oxyhydroxides (AIO) resulting in EV-A and EV-B adsorbent, respectively. Modifications of EVa showed improved adsorption performances when used as adsorbent of lead, chromates and selenites. Adsorption experiments conducted in a batch and column system demonstrated good potential for purification of water contaminated with Pb2+, Cr(VI), and Se(IV). Equilibrium adsorption capacity of EV-A in relation to Pb2+ and Cr(VI) were 48 and 54 mg g-1, respectively, while EV-B showed even better effectiveness for Se(IV) achieving 120 mg g-1 capacity. Regeneration of pollutant saturated adsorbents approved that prepared adsorbents possess fine removal potency even after five adsorption/desorption cycles from 87.58 (for Pb2+/EV-A) to 92.81 % (for Cr(VI)/EV-A) of initial adsorption capacity.
PB  - Belgrade : Association for ETRAN Society
T2  - Science of Sintering
T1  - Phyllosilicate-based adsorbents decorated with iron oxyhydroxides: application for lead, chromates and selenites removal
DO  - 10.2298/SOS231107063B
ER  - 
author = "Bugarčić, Mladen and Veličković, Zlate and Radovanović, Željko and Milošević, Milena and Mijatov, Slavko and Stojanović, Jovica and Marinković, Aleksandar",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Expanded vermiculite (EVer) was acid activated and silanized in order to obtain suitable substrate’s surface for decoration with iron oxyhydroxides (IO). Obtained activated sample (EVa), was decorated by deposition of either prevailing goethite or amorphous iron oxyhydroxides (AIO) resulting in EV-A and EV-B adsorbent, respectively. Modifications of EVa showed improved adsorption performances when used as adsorbent of lead, chromates and selenites. Adsorption experiments conducted in a batch and column system demonstrated good potential for purification of water contaminated with Pb2+, Cr(VI), and Se(IV). Equilibrium adsorption capacity of EV-A in relation to Pb2+ and Cr(VI) were 48 and 54 mg g-1, respectively, while EV-B showed even better effectiveness for Se(IV) achieving 120 mg g-1 capacity. Regeneration of pollutant saturated adsorbents approved that prepared adsorbents possess fine removal potency even after five adsorption/desorption cycles from 87.58 (for Pb2+/EV-A) to 92.81 % (for Cr(VI)/EV-A) of initial adsorption capacity.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Association for ETRAN Society",
journal = "Science of Sintering",
title = "Phyllosilicate-based adsorbents decorated with iron oxyhydroxides: application for lead, chromates and selenites removal",
doi = "10.2298/SOS231107063B"
Bugarčić, M., Veličković, Z., Radovanović, Ž., Milošević, M., Mijatov, S., Stojanović, J.,& Marinković, A.. (2023). Phyllosilicate-based adsorbents decorated with iron oxyhydroxides: application for lead, chromates and selenites removal. in Science of Sintering
Belgrade : Association for ETRAN Society..
Bugarčić M, Veličković Z, Radovanović Ž, Milošević M, Mijatov S, Stojanović J, Marinković A. Phyllosilicate-based adsorbents decorated with iron oxyhydroxides: application for lead, chromates and selenites removal. in Science of Sintering. 2023;.
doi:10.2298/SOS231107063B .
Bugarčić, Mladen, Veličković, Zlate, Radovanović, Željko, Milošević, Milena, Mijatov, Slavko, Stojanović, Jovica, Marinković, Aleksandar, "Phyllosilicate-based adsorbents decorated with iron oxyhydroxides: application for lead, chromates and selenites removal" in Science of Sintering (2023),
https://doi.org/10.2298/SOS231107063B . .

Application of Natural Polymer and Metal Oxide Composite for Removal of Arsenic (V) Ions from Aqueous Solutions

Živanić, Janko; Popović, Aleksandra; Bugarčić, Mladen; Antanasković, Anja; Lopičić, Zorica; Sokić, Miroslav; Milivojević, Milan

(Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia, 2023)

AU  - Živanić, Janko
AU  - Popović, Aleksandra
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Antanasković, Anja
AU  - Lopičić, Zorica
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Milivojević, Milan
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1232
AB  - In this study, iron oxide nanoparticles immobilized within alginate gel exhibited promising potential for the removal of arsenic (V) ions. The preparation of the polymer-oxide composite  was achieved by the ionic crosslinking of an alginate/iron oxide solution with a calcium (II)ions solution. The maximum amount of arsenic adsorbed by the investigated composite under the experimental conditions was slightly above 26 mg/g in 120 min. The results indicated that arsenic adsorption by this composite material follows a fast kinetic profile, adhering to a pseudo-second-order model. The adsorption process occurs in multiple stages, as suggested by the Weber-Morris model, with external diffusion dominating initially, followed by intraparticle diffusion. Importantly, the results confirmed that the use of alginate gel does not significantly impact the adsorption process, preserving the adsorption capacity of the metal oxides. Overall, the investigated composite successfully removed arsenic (V) from the solution, addressing a critical issue in water treatment.

(1) (PDF) Application of Natural Polymer and Metal Oxide Composite for Removal of Arsenic(V) Ions from Aqueous Solutions. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/378821317_Application_of_Natural_Polymer_and_Metal_Oxide_Composite_for_Removal_of_ArsenicV_Ions_from_Aqueous_Solutions [accessed Mar 12 2024]."
PB  - Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia
T2  - Metallurgical and Materials Data
T1  - Application of Natural Polymer and Metal Oxide Composite for Removal of Arsenic (V) Ions from Aqueous Solutions
EP  - 80
IS  - 3
SP  - 77
VL  - 1
DO  - 10.30544/MMD14
ER  - 
author = "Živanić, Janko and Popović, Aleksandra and Bugarčić, Mladen and Antanasković, Anja and Lopičić, Zorica and Sokić, Miroslav and Milivojević, Milan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In this study, iron oxide nanoparticles immobilized within alginate gel exhibited promising potential for the removal of arsenic (V) ions. The preparation of the polymer-oxide composite  was achieved by the ionic crosslinking of an alginate/iron oxide solution with a calcium (II)ions solution. The maximum amount of arsenic adsorbed by the investigated composite under the experimental conditions was slightly above 26 mg/g in 120 min. The results indicated that arsenic adsorption by this composite material follows a fast kinetic profile, adhering to a pseudo-second-order model. The adsorption process occurs in multiple stages, as suggested by the Weber-Morris model, with external diffusion dominating initially, followed by intraparticle diffusion. Importantly, the results confirmed that the use of alginate gel does not significantly impact the adsorption process, preserving the adsorption capacity of the metal oxides. Overall, the investigated composite successfully removed arsenic (V) from the solution, addressing a critical issue in water treatment.

(1) (PDF) Application of Natural Polymer and Metal Oxide Composite for Removal of Arsenic(V) Ions from Aqueous Solutions. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/378821317_Application_of_Natural_Polymer_and_Metal_Oxide_Composite_for_Removal_of_ArsenicV_Ions_from_Aqueous_Solutions [accessed Mar 12 2024]."",
publisher = "Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "Metallurgical and Materials Data",
title = "Application of Natural Polymer and Metal Oxide Composite for Removal of Arsenic (V) Ions from Aqueous Solutions",
pages = "80-77",
number = "3",
volume = "1",
doi = "10.30544/MMD14"
Živanić, J., Popović, A., Bugarčić, M., Antanasković, A., Lopičić, Z., Sokić, M.,& Milivojević, M.. (2023). Application of Natural Polymer and Metal Oxide Composite for Removal of Arsenic (V) Ions from Aqueous Solutions. in Metallurgical and Materials Data
Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia., 1(3), 77-80.
Živanić J, Popović A, Bugarčić M, Antanasković A, Lopičić Z, Sokić M, Milivojević M. Application of Natural Polymer and Metal Oxide Composite for Removal of Arsenic (V) Ions from Aqueous Solutions. in Metallurgical and Materials Data. 2023;1(3):77-80.
doi:10.30544/MMD14 .
Živanić, Janko, Popović, Aleksandra, Bugarčić, Mladen, Antanasković, Anja, Lopičić, Zorica, Sokić, Miroslav, Milivojević, Milan, "Application of Natural Polymer and Metal Oxide Composite for Removal of Arsenic (V) Ions from Aqueous Solutions" in Metallurgical and Materials Data, 1, no. 3 (2023):77-80,
https://doi.org/10.30544/MMD14 . .

Slojeviti dvostruki hidroksidi za uklanjanje boja iz otpadnih voda

Bugarčić, Mladen; Jovanović, Aleksandar; Sokić, Miroslav; Marković, Branislav; Pantović Spajić, Katarina; Marinković, Aleksandar

(Beograd : Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije, 2023)

AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Marković, Branislav
AU  - Pantović Spajić, Katarina
AU  - Marinković, Aleksandar
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/991
AB  - Отпадне воде представљају велики еколошки притисак на читав екосистем.
Загађујуће материје у отпадној води, као што су боје, могу изазвати токсичне после-
дице по живи свет. Из тог разлога је потребно развити нове, ефикасне материјале који
у процесу адсорпције могу да уклоне присутне полутанте и реше проблем загађења.
Слојевити двоструки хидроксиди добијени процесом таложења при ниском преза-
сићењу примењени су у процесу уклањања боје метанил-жуто из водених раствора.
Приликом експеримената, варирани су параметри као што су маса адсорбента, време
контакта, температура. Добијеии резултати показују висок адсорпциони капацитет 74
mg g-1 и ендотермну природу процеса адсорпције.
AB  - Wastewater represents a major environmental pressure on the entire ecosystem.
Pollutants in wastewater, such as dyes, can cause toxic effects on living beings. Therefore, it
is necessary to develop new, efficient sorption materials that can remove the present
pollutants and solve the pollution problem. The layered double hydroxides obtained by the
co-precipitation process at low supersaturation were applied in the process of removing methanil-yellow color from aqueous solutions. During the experiments, parameters such
as adsorbent mass, contact time, and temperature were varied. The obtained results
show a high adsorption capacity of 74 mg g-1 and an endothermic nature during
adsorption process.
PB  - Beograd : Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije
C3  - 44. Međunarodna konferencija Vodovod i kanalizacija ’23
T1  - Slojeviti dvostruki hidroksidi za uklanjanje boja iz otpadnih voda
EP  - 242
SP  - 236
ER  - 
author = "Bugarčić, Mladen and Jovanović, Aleksandar and Sokić, Miroslav and Marković, Branislav and Pantović Spajić, Katarina and Marinković, Aleksandar",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Отпадне воде представљају велики еколошки притисак на читав екосистем.
Загађујуће материје у отпадној води, као што су боје, могу изазвати токсичне после-
дице по живи свет. Из тог разлога је потребно развити нове, ефикасне материјале који
у процесу адсорпције могу да уклоне присутне полутанте и реше проблем загађења.
Слојевити двоструки хидроксиди добијени процесом таложења при ниском преза-
сићењу примењени су у процесу уклањања боје метанил-жуто из водених раствора.
Приликом експеримената, варирани су параметри као што су маса адсорбента, време
контакта, температура. Добијеии резултати показују висок адсорпциони капацитет 74
mg g-1 и ендотермну природу процеса адсорпције., Wastewater represents a major environmental pressure on the entire ecosystem.
Pollutants in wastewater, such as dyes, can cause toxic effects on living beings. Therefore, it
is necessary to develop new, efficient sorption materials that can remove the present
pollutants and solve the pollution problem. The layered double hydroxides obtained by the
co-precipitation process at low supersaturation were applied in the process of removing methanil-yellow color from aqueous solutions. During the experiments, parameters such
as adsorbent mass, contact time, and temperature were varied. The obtained results
show a high adsorption capacity of 74 mg g-1 and an endothermic nature during
adsorption process.",
publisher = "Beograd : Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije",
journal = "44. Međunarodna konferencija Vodovod i kanalizacija ’23",
title = "Slojeviti dvostruki hidroksidi za uklanjanje boja iz otpadnih voda",
pages = "242-236"
Bugarčić, M., Jovanović, A., Sokić, M., Marković, B., Pantović Spajić, K.,& Marinković, A.. (2023). Slojeviti dvostruki hidroksidi za uklanjanje boja iz otpadnih voda. in 44. Međunarodna konferencija Vodovod i kanalizacija ’23
Beograd : Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije., 236-242.
Bugarčić M, Jovanović A, Sokić M, Marković B, Pantović Spajić K, Marinković A. Slojeviti dvostruki hidroksidi za uklanjanje boja iz otpadnih voda. in 44. Međunarodna konferencija Vodovod i kanalizacija ’23. 2023;:236-242..
Bugarčić, Mladen, Jovanović, Aleksandar, Sokić, Miroslav, Marković, Branislav, Pantović Spajić, Katarina, Marinković, Aleksandar, "Slojeviti dvostruki hidroksidi za uklanjanje boja iz otpadnih voda" in 44. Međunarodna konferencija Vodovod i kanalizacija ’23 (2023):236-242.

Nanofabrication and characterisation of magnetic Fe3O4 nanostructures for potential environmental and biomedical applications

Milojkov, Dušan; Mraković, Ana; Jovanović, Gvozden; Vuković, Nikola; Bugarčić, Mladen; Antanasković, Anja; Živković-Radovanović, Vukosava

(Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA, 2023)

AU  - Milojkov, Dušan
AU  - Mraković, Ana
AU  - Jovanović, Gvozden
AU  - Vuković, Nikola
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Antanasković, Anja
AU  - Živković-Radovanović, Vukosava
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1185
AB  - Magnetic iron oxide nanomaterials, which enable a multitude of uses, are given special focus in the fields of biomedicine and environmental protection. The detection, sorption, and/or degradation of inorganic (lead, chromium, arsenic, and cadmium), organic (dyes, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, phenols, and benzene), and biological (viruses and bacteria) pollutants can all be effectively accomplished with the use of magnetic nanoparticles. Magnetic iron oxide nanomaterials are in particular focus for use as hyperthermia media in cancer treatment and as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents. The possibility of magnetic separation of such materials, due to their essential properties under the influence of an external magnetic field, reduces production costs and also prevents the production and accumulation of toxic waste. Among the many metal oxide nanomaterials, magnetite (Fe3O4) and maghemite (γ-Fe2O3) are currently the only two magnetic materials approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for human use as iron deficiency therapeutics and as contrast agents for MRI. Here, we synthesized nanoparticles of magnetite (Fe3O4) by the method of reduction-precipitation and characterized. Additionally, potential binding of brilliant green dye on Fe3O4 and construction of innovative magnetic composite was investigated. The physicochemical features were explored using X-ray diffraction (XRD), 
Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). XRD analysis confirms formation of the crystal phase of magnetite. The presence of magnetite nanoparticles is shown by typical groups for the peaks of iron compounds at a lower wavelength (≤ 700 cm-1) that are characteristic of the Fe-O bond. Morphological analyzes with FESEM showed that magnetite is a composite of nanospheres and nanorods that provide a large surface area. Dye binding study was performed using UV visible and FTIR spectrometer.
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA
C3  - Twenty-First Young Researchers’ Conference - Materials Science and Engineering
T1  - Nanofabrication and characterisation of magnetic Fe3O4 nanostructures  for potential environmental and biomedical applications
EP  - 14
SP  - 14
ER  - 
author = "Milojkov, Dušan and Mraković, Ana and Jovanović, Gvozden and Vuković, Nikola and Bugarčić, Mladen and Antanasković, Anja and Živković-Radovanović, Vukosava",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Magnetic iron oxide nanomaterials, which enable a multitude of uses, are given special focus in the fields of biomedicine and environmental protection. The detection, sorption, and/or degradation of inorganic (lead, chromium, arsenic, and cadmium), organic (dyes, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, phenols, and benzene), and biological (viruses and bacteria) pollutants can all be effectively accomplished with the use of magnetic nanoparticles. Magnetic iron oxide nanomaterials are in particular focus for use as hyperthermia media in cancer treatment and as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents. The possibility of magnetic separation of such materials, due to their essential properties under the influence of an external magnetic field, reduces production costs and also prevents the production and accumulation of toxic waste. Among the many metal oxide nanomaterials, magnetite (Fe3O4) and maghemite (γ-Fe2O3) are currently the only two magnetic materials approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for human use as iron deficiency therapeutics and as contrast agents for MRI. Here, we synthesized nanoparticles of magnetite (Fe3O4) by the method of reduction-precipitation and characterized. Additionally, potential binding of brilliant green dye on Fe3O4 and construction of innovative magnetic composite was investigated. The physicochemical features were explored using X-ray diffraction (XRD), 
Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). XRD analysis confirms formation of the crystal phase of magnetite. The presence of magnetite nanoparticles is shown by typical groups for the peaks of iron compounds at a lower wavelength (≤ 700 cm-1) that are characteristic of the Fe-O bond. Morphological analyzes with FESEM showed that magnetite is a composite of nanospheres and nanorods that provide a large surface area. Dye binding study was performed using UV visible and FTIR spectrometer.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA",
journal = "Twenty-First Young Researchers’ Conference - Materials Science and Engineering",
title = "Nanofabrication and characterisation of magnetic Fe3O4 nanostructures  for potential environmental and biomedical applications",
pages = "14-14"
Milojkov, D., Mraković, A., Jovanović, G., Vuković, N., Bugarčić, M., Antanasković, A.,& Živković-Radovanović, V.. (2023). Nanofabrication and characterisation of magnetic Fe3O4 nanostructures  for potential environmental and biomedical applications. in Twenty-First Young Researchers’ Conference - Materials Science and Engineering
Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA., 14-14.
Milojkov D, Mraković A, Jovanović G, Vuković N, Bugarčić M, Antanasković A, Živković-Radovanović V. Nanofabrication and characterisation of magnetic Fe3O4 nanostructures  for potential environmental and biomedical applications. in Twenty-First Young Researchers’ Conference - Materials Science and Engineering. 2023;:14-14..
Milojkov, Dušan, Mraković, Ana, Jovanović, Gvozden, Vuković, Nikola, Bugarčić, Mladen, Antanasković, Anja, Živković-Radovanović, Vukosava, "Nanofabrication and characterisation of magnetic Fe3O4 nanostructures  for potential environmental and biomedical applications" in Twenty-First Young Researchers’ Conference - Materials Science and Engineering (2023):14-14.

Postupak dobijanja regranulata PVC-a sa dodatkom modifikovanog etilenvinilacetata (EVA) za meke proizvode

Knežević, Vladimir; Knežević, Branislav; Vuksanović, Marija; Milošević, Milena; Bošnjaković, Jovana; Jovanović, Aleksandar; Bugarčić, Mladen; Marinković, Aleksandar

(Belgrade : Belgrade Association of Inventors, 2023)


Knežević, V., Knežević, B., Vuksanović, M., Milošević, M., Bošnjaković, J., Jovanović, A., Bugarčić, M.,& Marinković, A.. (2023). Postupak dobijanja regranulata PVC-a sa dodatkom modifikovanog etilenvinilacetata (EVA) za meke proizvode. in INVENTIONS – BELGRADE 2023
Belgrade : Belgrade Association of Inventors..
Knežević V, Knežević B, Vuksanović M, Milošević M, Bošnjaković J, Jovanović A, Bugarčić M, Marinković A. Postupak dobijanja regranulata PVC-a sa dodatkom modifikovanog etilenvinilacetata (EVA) za meke proizvode. in INVENTIONS – BELGRADE 2023. 2023;..
Knežević, Vladimir, Knežević, Branislav, Vuksanović, Marija, Milošević, Milena, Bošnjaković, Jovana, Jovanović, Aleksandar, Bugarčić, Mladen, Marinković, Aleksandar, "Postupak dobijanja regranulata PVC-a sa dodatkom modifikovanog etilenvinilacetata (EVA) za meke proizvode" in INVENTIONS – BELGRADE 2023 (2023).

From waste cellulose to effective biomembranes: Wastewater purification

Jovanović, Aleksandar; Bugarčić, Mladen; Knežević, Nataša; Marinković, Aleksandar

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, 2023)

AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Knežević, Nataša
AU  - Marinković, Aleksandar
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1201
AB  - Pollution of water with toxic substances is increased. Therefore, innovative solutions
for their treatment are essential. This paper represents results from an adsorption study where
novel synthesized biobased membranes were applied in the removal of dye metanil yellow
from wastewater solution. Batch adsorption tests were applied, where the different
operational impacts including contact time, initial pollutant concentration, temperature, etc.
were varied. Fabricated membranes were based on waste cellulose tobacco boxes modified
by amino acid lysine with an aim to increase sorption capacity toward azo dye. Structural
properties were examined by FE-SEM and ATR-FTIR techniques. The activities of materials
prior to and after modification were compared. It was found that the modified material
achieved a better sorption capacity. The resulting adsorption capacity for the improved
membrane was 65 mg/l compared to 51 mg/l, at 45°C, for the base cellulose membrane. The
kinetics of the process follows a pseudo second-order curve. The best agreement of the
correlation factor R2 was shown with the Freundlich isotherm. The obtained results show the
success of the modification with a good sorption capacity of the material towards the target
pollutant. Overall, it can be concluded that the modified membranes lay a good foundation
for potential application in industrial dye wastewater treatment systems.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy
T1  - From waste cellulose to effective biomembranes: Wastewater purification
EP  - 46
SP  - 46
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Aleksandar and Bugarčić, Mladen and Knežević, Nataša and Marinković, Aleksandar",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Pollution of water with toxic substances is increased. Therefore, innovative solutions
for their treatment are essential. This paper represents results from an adsorption study where
novel synthesized biobased membranes were applied in the removal of dye metanil yellow
from wastewater solution. Batch adsorption tests were applied, where the different
operational impacts including contact time, initial pollutant concentration, temperature, etc.
were varied. Fabricated membranes were based on waste cellulose tobacco boxes modified
by amino acid lysine with an aim to increase sorption capacity toward azo dye. Structural
properties were examined by FE-SEM and ATR-FTIR techniques. The activities of materials
prior to and after modification were compared. It was found that the modified material
achieved a better sorption capacity. The resulting adsorption capacity for the improved
membrane was 65 mg/l compared to 51 mg/l, at 45°C, for the base cellulose membrane. The
kinetics of the process follows a pseudo second-order curve. The best agreement of the
correlation factor R2 was shown with the Freundlich isotherm. The obtained results show the
success of the modification with a good sorption capacity of the material towards the target
pollutant. Overall, it can be concluded that the modified membranes lay a good foundation
for potential application in industrial dye wastewater treatment systems.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy",
title = "From waste cellulose to effective biomembranes: Wastewater purification",
pages = "46-46"
Jovanović, A., Bugarčić, M., Knežević, N.,& Marinković, A.. (2023). From waste cellulose to effective biomembranes: Wastewater purification. in International Conference BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR YOUNG SCIENTISTS
Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy., 46-46.
Jovanović A, Bugarčić M, Knežević N, Marinković A. From waste cellulose to effective biomembranes: Wastewater purification. in International Conference BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR YOUNG SCIENTISTS. 2023;:46-46..
Jovanović, Aleksandar, Bugarčić, Mladen, Knežević, Nataša, Marinković, Aleksandar, "From waste cellulose to effective biomembranes: Wastewater purification" in International Conference BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR YOUNG SCIENTISTS (2023):46-46.

Possibility of biodegradation of cotton membrane containing TEMPO radical and citric acid

Knežević, Nataša; Jovanović, Aleksandar; Bugarčić, Mladen; Vuksanović, Marija; Milošević, Milena; Pešić, Ivan; Marinković, Aleksandar

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, 2023)

AU  - Knežević, Nataša
AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Vuksanović, Marija
AU  - Milošević, Milena
AU  - Pešić, Ivan
AU  - Marinković, Aleksandar
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1202
AB  - Cotton-based membranes, due to their exceptional biocompatibility and sustainability,
have attracted considerable attention in various applications, especially in the field of bio and
green technologies. This study investigates the biodegradation potential of cotton membranes
modified with TEMPO (2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl) radical and citric acid (CA),
with the aim of improving their properties and facilitating environmentally friendly disposal.
TEMPO radicals, in conjunction with the crosslinker citric acid, are incorporated into the
cellulose structure through a novel modification process. The citric acid component acted as a
plasticizer, increasing the amorphous parts of the cellulose and promoting enzymatic attack.
The TEMPO radical, with its nitroxyl group, contributed to the oxidation of cellulose, further
facilitating biodegradation.
The biodegradation aspect of these modified membranes was investigated in
controlled environmental conditions (Soil Burial test), simulating natural scenarios (humidity,
influence of enzymes, and bacteria). Biodegradation parameters such as weight loss,
structural changes, and degradation kinetics were examined during 90 days. Characterization
of the structure was performed using FTIR and SEM methods.
Our findings suggest that cellulosic membranes possess complete (100%)
biodegradability after 70 days compared to unmodified membranes. Obtained result shed
light on the potential of membranes modified in this way as sustainable and biodegradable
alternatives in various applications. The results emphasize their ecological nature and ability
to reduce environmental stress. Such cellulose-based materials promise a much greener future
in biotechnology, healthcare, and environmental protection.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy
T1  - Possibility of biodegradation of cotton membrane containing TEMPO radical and citric acid
ER  - 
author = "Knežević, Nataša and Jovanović, Aleksandar and Bugarčić, Mladen and Vuksanović, Marija and Milošević, Milena and Pešić, Ivan and Marinković, Aleksandar",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Cotton-based membranes, due to their exceptional biocompatibility and sustainability,
have attracted considerable attention in various applications, especially in the field of bio and
green technologies. This study investigates the biodegradation potential of cotton membranes
modified with TEMPO (2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl) radical and citric acid (CA),
with the aim of improving their properties and facilitating environmentally friendly disposal.
TEMPO radicals, in conjunction with the crosslinker citric acid, are incorporated into the
cellulose structure through a novel modification process. The citric acid component acted as a
plasticizer, increasing the amorphous parts of the cellulose and promoting enzymatic attack.
The TEMPO radical, with its nitroxyl group, contributed to the oxidation of cellulose, further
facilitating biodegradation.
The biodegradation aspect of these modified membranes was investigated in
controlled environmental conditions (Soil Burial test), simulating natural scenarios (humidity,
influence of enzymes, and bacteria). Biodegradation parameters such as weight loss,
structural changes, and degradation kinetics were examined during 90 days. Characterization
of the structure was performed using FTIR and SEM methods.
Our findings suggest that cellulosic membranes possess complete (100%)
biodegradability after 70 days compared to unmodified membranes. Obtained result shed
light on the potential of membranes modified in this way as sustainable and biodegradable
alternatives in various applications. The results emphasize their ecological nature and ability
to reduce environmental stress. Such cellulose-based materials promise a much greener future
in biotechnology, healthcare, and environmental protection.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy",
title = "Possibility of biodegradation of cotton membrane containing TEMPO radical and citric acid"
Knežević, N., Jovanović, A., Bugarčić, M., Vuksanović, M., Milošević, M., Pešić, I.,& Marinković, A.. (2023). Possibility of biodegradation of cotton membrane containing TEMPO radical and citric acid. in International Conference BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR YOUNG SCIENTISTS
Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy..
Knežević N, Jovanović A, Bugarčić M, Vuksanović M, Milošević M, Pešić I, Marinković A. Possibility of biodegradation of cotton membrane containing TEMPO radical and citric acid. in International Conference BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR YOUNG SCIENTISTS. 2023;..
Knežević, Nataša, Jovanović, Aleksandar, Bugarčić, Mladen, Vuksanović, Marija, Milošević, Milena, Pešić, Ivan, Marinković, Aleksandar, "Possibility of biodegradation of cotton membrane containing TEMPO radical and citric acid" in International Conference BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR YOUNG SCIENTISTS (2023).

Sphalerite leaching in acid media: a review

Sokić, Miroslav; Bugarčić, Mladen; Jovanović, Aleksandar

(Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia, 2023)

AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1171
AB  - The reserves of rich ores, from which the production of zinc by the existing conventional roasting-leaching-electrowinning   process   is   technologically   possible   and   economically   justified, are decreasing year by year. For this reason, increasing attention has been directed towards  researching  the  possibility  of  obtaining  zinc  from  complex  polymetallic  ores  with  a  low metal content, adhering to sustainable development goals following strict environmental regulations.  Leaching  procedures  are  commonly  utilized  for  the  processing  of  such  mineral  raw materials.As sphalerite is the widespread and most significant mineral of zinc sulfide, a large part  of  the  research  focuses  on  studying  the  behavior  of  sphalerite  in  the  leaching  process.  This paper reviews the existing knowledge about the leaching of sphalerite in acidic solutions as well as the phenomena accompanying the dissolution process. Special attention is given to research related to the kinetics and mechanism of sphalerite oxidation in an acidic medium influenced by various oxidants, such as hydrogen peroxide, oxygen, dichromate ions, nitrate and nitrite ions, ferric and cupric ions, and others. All these results enable the development of  new  technological  procedures  to  produce  zinc  from  low-grade  and  complex  ores  while  meeting increasingly rigorous environmental requirements.
PB  - Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia
T2  - Metallurgical and Materials Data
T1  - Sphalerite leaching in acid media: a review
EP  - 43
IS  - 2
SP  - 33
VL  - 1
DO  - 10.30544/MMD8
ER  - 
author = "Sokić, Miroslav and Bugarčić, Mladen and Jovanović, Aleksandar",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The reserves of rich ores, from which the production of zinc by the existing conventional roasting-leaching-electrowinning   process   is   technologically   possible   and   economically   justified, are decreasing year by year. For this reason, increasing attention has been directed towards  researching  the  possibility  of  obtaining  zinc  from  complex  polymetallic  ores  with  a  low metal content, adhering to sustainable development goals following strict environmental regulations.  Leaching  procedures  are  commonly  utilized  for  the  processing  of  such  mineral  raw materials.As sphalerite is the widespread and most significant mineral of zinc sulfide, a large part  of  the  research  focuses  on  studying  the  behavior  of  sphalerite  in  the  leaching  process.  This paper reviews the existing knowledge about the leaching of sphalerite in acidic solutions as well as the phenomena accompanying the dissolution process. Special attention is given to research related to the kinetics and mechanism of sphalerite oxidation in an acidic medium influenced by various oxidants, such as hydrogen peroxide, oxygen, dichromate ions, nitrate and nitrite ions, ferric and cupric ions, and others. All these results enable the development of  new  technological  procedures  to  produce  zinc  from  low-grade  and  complex  ores  while  meeting increasingly rigorous environmental requirements.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "Metallurgical and Materials Data",
title = "Sphalerite leaching in acid media: a review",
pages = "43-33",
number = "2",
volume = "1",
doi = "10.30544/MMD8"
Sokić, M., Bugarčić, M.,& Jovanović, A.. (2023). Sphalerite leaching in acid media: a review. in Metallurgical and Materials Data
Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia., 1(2), 33-43.
Sokić M, Bugarčić M, Jovanović A. Sphalerite leaching in acid media: a review. in Metallurgical and Materials Data. 2023;1(2):33-43.
doi:10.30544/MMD8 .
Sokić, Miroslav, Bugarčić, Mladen, Jovanović, Aleksandar, "Sphalerite leaching in acid media: a review" in Metallurgical and Materials Data, 1, no. 2 (2023):33-43,
https://doi.org/10.30544/MMD8 . .

The advantages of using pelletelized gypsum compared to powdered gypsum

Jovanović, Vladimir; Todorović, Dejan; Ivošević, Branislav; Radulović, Dragan; Bugarčić, Mladen; Milićević, Sonja

(Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia, 2023)

AU  - Jovanović, Vladimir
AU  - Todorović, Dejan
AU  - Ivošević, Branislav
AU  - Radulović, Dragan
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Milićević, Sonja
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/981
AB  - Powdered gypsum products were the standard for agricultural gypsum for many years, but as growers look to maximize
their return on investment, they are increasingly turning toward pelletized gypsum – a premium alternative. Pelletized
gypsum offers several significant advantages over other forms of gypsum such as powdered or ultra-fine gypsum, these
advantages will be discussed in the paper. This has led to increased grower adoption and a greater demand for fertilizer
and soil amendment producers to offer gypsum in a pelletized form. Producers are also finding that they stand to gain a
few benefits from offering a pelletized product as well.
PB  - Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia
C3  - 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe
T1  - The advantages of using pelletelized gypsum compared to powdered gypsum
EP  - 27
SP  - 23
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Vladimir and Todorović, Dejan and Ivošević, Branislav and Radulović, Dragan and Bugarčić, Mladen and Milićević, Sonja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Powdered gypsum products were the standard for agricultural gypsum for many years, but as growers look to maximize
their return on investment, they are increasingly turning toward pelletized gypsum – a premium alternative. Pelletized
gypsum offers several significant advantages over other forms of gypsum such as powdered or ultra-fine gypsum, these
advantages will be discussed in the paper. This has led to increased grower adoption and a greater demand for fertilizer
and soil amendment producers to offer gypsum in a pelletized form. Producers are also finding that they stand to gain a
few benefits from offering a pelletized product as well.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe",
title = "The advantages of using pelletelized gypsum compared to powdered gypsum",
pages = "27-23"
Jovanović, V., Todorović, D., Ivošević, B., Radulović, D., Bugarčić, M.,& Milićević, S.. (2023). The advantages of using pelletelized gypsum compared to powdered gypsum. in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe
Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia., 23-27.
Jovanović V, Todorović D, Ivošević B, Radulović D, Bugarčić M, Milićević S. The advantages of using pelletelized gypsum compared to powdered gypsum. in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe. 2023;:23-27..
Jovanović, Vladimir, Todorović, Dejan, Ivošević, Branislav, Radulović, Dragan, Bugarčić, Mladen, Milićević, Sonja, "The advantages of using pelletelized gypsum compared to powdered gypsum" in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe (2023):23-27.

Characterization of raw peach stones and its biochar by SEM, FTIR and Raman spectroscopy

Šoštarić, Tatjana; Kolašinac, Stefan; Lopičić, Zorica; Antanasković, Anja; Adamović, Vladimir; Avdalović, Jelena; Bugarčić, Mladen

(Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia, 2023)

AU  - Šoštarić, Tatjana
AU  - Kolašinac, Stefan
AU  - Lopičić, Zorica
AU  - Antanasković, Anja
AU  - Adamović, Vladimir
AU  - Avdalović, Jelena
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/968
AB  - Growing industrialization and non-renewable resource depletion have a huge impact on alternative clean up technologies
development, inducing investigation of the renewable, low-cost waste materials. Recently, lignocellulosic waste biomass,
generated at a large scale by different industries, appeared as an attractive feedstock worldwide, due to its abundance,
availability, multi-functionality and low cost. Since the fruits production has increasing trend all over the world,
generation of lignocellulosic waste such as fruit stones (that represent approximately 1/5 of the total fruit mass) became
a great environmental threat. In order to minimize negative impact on the environment, avoid greenhouse gasses emissions
and help in resource depletion by its renewable nature, it is necessary to explore its performances regarding its wide
application potential. Thermo-chemical conversion of lignocellulosic biomass in oxygen limited conditions, in order to
get biochar, has received a lot of attention recently. The biochar production requires lower energy inputs and less
expensive technology compared to activated carbon (estimation is that production cost of activated carbon are six times
higher than biochar costs).
In this paper, waste peach stones biomass was effectively converted into biochar at 500 °C under inert (Ar) atmosphere.
Pyrolysis was performed in Nabertherm 1300 muffle furnace for residence time of 1.5 h, with a heating rate of 10 °C/min,
while Ar was circulated through the sample at a rate of 100 mL/min. The raw biomass (PS) and obtained biochar (PS-B)
with particle size 0.1 mm < dp < 0.5 mm, were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform
infrared spectrometry (FTIR) and Raman spectrometry to understand physicochemical changes which have been occurred
after pyrolysis. SEM analysis revealed the increased surface area due to the visible augmentation of pores and roughness.
FTIR analysis showed that many bands present in native biomass cannot be observed in biochar, due to the conversion or
removal of the most of the functional groups. Prominent bands have confirmed presences of aromatic compounds in
biochar: at 1592 cm−1 (C=C bond stretching derived from aromatic rings in the lignin), 1030 cm-1 (alcohol C-O stretching
vibration) and in the region 900 to 700 cm−1 (originating from aromatic compounds). These finding are in accordance
with results from Raman analysis, where D and G bands (at 1350 cm-1 and 1580 cm-1 respectively), indicate the presence
of poly-aromatic hydrocarbons.
Thermo-chemically modified biomass like this has a great application potential: as a pollutants sorbent, biofuel, soil
amendment, biocarriers, and in construction and electronic industries.
PB  - Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia
C3  - 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe MME SEE 2023
T1  - Characterization of raw peach stones and its biochar by SEM, FTIR and Raman spectroscopy
EP  - 241
SP  - 237
ER  - 
author = "Šoštarić, Tatjana and Kolašinac, Stefan and Lopičić, Zorica and Antanasković, Anja and Adamović, Vladimir and Avdalović, Jelena and Bugarčić, Mladen",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Growing industrialization and non-renewable resource depletion have a huge impact on alternative clean up technologies
development, inducing investigation of the renewable, low-cost waste materials. Recently, lignocellulosic waste biomass,
generated at a large scale by different industries, appeared as an attractive feedstock worldwide, due to its abundance,
availability, multi-functionality and low cost. Since the fruits production has increasing trend all over the world,
generation of lignocellulosic waste such as fruit stones (that represent approximately 1/5 of the total fruit mass) became
a great environmental threat. In order to minimize negative impact on the environment, avoid greenhouse gasses emissions
and help in resource depletion by its renewable nature, it is necessary to explore its performances regarding its wide
application potential. Thermo-chemical conversion of lignocellulosic biomass in oxygen limited conditions, in order to
get biochar, has received a lot of attention recently. The biochar production requires lower energy inputs and less
expensive technology compared to activated carbon (estimation is that production cost of activated carbon are six times
higher than biochar costs).
In this paper, waste peach stones biomass was effectively converted into biochar at 500 °C under inert (Ar) atmosphere.
Pyrolysis was performed in Nabertherm 1300 muffle furnace for residence time of 1.5 h, with a heating rate of 10 °C/min,
while Ar was circulated through the sample at a rate of 100 mL/min. The raw biomass (PS) and obtained biochar (PS-B)
with particle size 0.1 mm < dp < 0.5 mm, were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform
infrared spectrometry (FTIR) and Raman spectrometry to understand physicochemical changes which have been occurred
after pyrolysis. SEM analysis revealed the increased surface area due to the visible augmentation of pores and roughness.
FTIR analysis showed that many bands present in native biomass cannot be observed in biochar, due to the conversion or
removal of the most of the functional groups. Prominent bands have confirmed presences of aromatic compounds in
biochar: at 1592 cm−1 (C=C bond stretching derived from aromatic rings in the lignin), 1030 cm-1 (alcohol C-O stretching
vibration) and in the region 900 to 700 cm−1 (originating from aromatic compounds). These finding are in accordance
with results from Raman analysis, where D and G bands (at 1350 cm-1 and 1580 cm-1 respectively), indicate the presence
of poly-aromatic hydrocarbons.
Thermo-chemically modified biomass like this has a great application potential: as a pollutants sorbent, biofuel, soil
amendment, biocarriers, and in construction and electronic industries.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe MME SEE 2023",
title = "Characterization of raw peach stones and its biochar by SEM, FTIR and Raman spectroscopy",
pages = "241-237"
Šoštarić, T., Kolašinac, S., Lopičić, Z., Antanasković, A., Adamović, V., Avdalović, J.,& Bugarčić, M.. (2023). Characterization of raw peach stones and its biochar by SEM, FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe MME SEE 2023
Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia., 237-241.
Šoštarić T, Kolašinac S, Lopičić Z, Antanasković A, Adamović V, Avdalović J, Bugarčić M. Characterization of raw peach stones and its biochar by SEM, FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe MME SEE 2023. 2023;:237-241..
Šoštarić, Tatjana, Kolašinac, Stefan, Lopičić, Zorica, Antanasković, Anja, Adamović, Vladimir, Avdalović, Jelena, Bugarčić, Mladen, "Characterization of raw peach stones and its biochar by SEM, FTIR and Raman spectroscopy" in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe MME SEE 2023 (2023):237-241.

The adsorption of arsenic(v) ions from aqueous solutions by composite of natural polymer and metal oxide

Živanić, Janko; Bugarčić, Mladen; Antanasković, Anja; Lopičić, Zorica; Sokić, Miroslav; Jovanović, Aleksandar; Milivojević, Milan

(Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia, 2023)

AU  - Živanić, Janko
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Antanasković, Anja
AU  - Lopičić, Zorica
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Milivojević, Milan
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1036
AB  - The presence of arsenic in drinking water above the permissible limits is one of the current problems facing modern
engineers in the field of separations and it has not yet been satisfactorily resolved, because the permissible concentrations
of arsenic in drinking water are constantly reduced by the World Health Organization (WHO). Among the various
processes for arsenic removal, adsorption has a special place as one of the most efficient and cheap process. Many natural
and artificial materials are tested for adsorption processes, and adsorption on metal powders is particularly interesting
because they represent adsorbents with fast kinetics and relatively high adsorption capacities. However, the application
of powder adsorbents is difficult due to their separation from the mixture after adsorption. In order to solve that problem,
metal powders may be immobilized into particles obtained by gelling natural polymers. In this way, it is easier to separate
the adsorbent from the mixture, however this must be achieved without losing the adsorption capacity and rate compared
to pure metal powders.
In this study, the use of metal oxide (iron oxide nanoparticles) immobilized within the alginate gel showed good potential
for arsenic (V) ions removal. The obtained results showed that arsenic adsorption by obtained composite has fast kinetic,
following pseudo-second-order model, and that it is conducted in several steps, according to the Weber-Morris model. It
was suggested that external diffusion is the dominant mechanism at the beginning of the arsenic adsorption, followed by
intraparticle diffusion. The obtained results confirmed that gelling with alginate did not significantly affect the adsorption
process, that is, it does not interfere with the adsorption capacity of metal oxides, which is a very important factor. Arsenic
(V) removal was successfully performed using the investigated composite.
PB  - Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia
C3  - 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe
T1  - The adsorption of arsenic(v) ions from aqueous solutions by composite of natural polymer and metal oxide
EP  - 370
SP  - 365
ER  - 
author = "Živanić, Janko and Bugarčić, Mladen and Antanasković, Anja and Lopičić, Zorica and Sokić, Miroslav and Jovanović, Aleksandar and Milivojević, Milan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The presence of arsenic in drinking water above the permissible limits is one of the current problems facing modern
engineers in the field of separations and it has not yet been satisfactorily resolved, because the permissible concentrations
of arsenic in drinking water are constantly reduced by the World Health Organization (WHO). Among the various
processes for arsenic removal, adsorption has a special place as one of the most efficient and cheap process. Many natural
and artificial materials are tested for adsorption processes, and adsorption on metal powders is particularly interesting
because they represent adsorbents with fast kinetics and relatively high adsorption capacities. However, the application
of powder adsorbents is difficult due to their separation from the mixture after adsorption. In order to solve that problem,
metal powders may be immobilized into particles obtained by gelling natural polymers. In this way, it is easier to separate
the adsorbent from the mixture, however this must be achieved without losing the adsorption capacity and rate compared
to pure metal powders.
In this study, the use of metal oxide (iron oxide nanoparticles) immobilized within the alginate gel showed good potential
for arsenic (V) ions removal. The obtained results showed that arsenic adsorption by obtained composite has fast kinetic,
following pseudo-second-order model, and that it is conducted in several steps, according to the Weber-Morris model. It
was suggested that external diffusion is the dominant mechanism at the beginning of the arsenic adsorption, followed by
intraparticle diffusion. The obtained results confirmed that gelling with alginate did not significantly affect the adsorption
process, that is, it does not interfere with the adsorption capacity of metal oxides, which is a very important factor. Arsenic
(V) removal was successfully performed using the investigated composite.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe",
title = "The adsorption of arsenic(v) ions from aqueous solutions by composite of natural polymer and metal oxide",
pages = "370-365"
Živanić, J., Bugarčić, M., Antanasković, A., Lopičić, Z., Sokić, M., Jovanović, A.,& Milivojević, M.. (2023). The adsorption of arsenic(v) ions from aqueous solutions by composite of natural polymer and metal oxide. in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe
Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia., 365-370.
Živanić J, Bugarčić M, Antanasković A, Lopičić Z, Sokić M, Jovanović A, Milivojević M. The adsorption of arsenic(v) ions from aqueous solutions by composite of natural polymer and metal oxide. in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe. 2023;:365-370..
Živanić, Janko, Bugarčić, Mladen, Antanasković, Anja, Lopičić, Zorica, Sokić, Miroslav, Jovanović, Aleksandar, Milivojević, Milan, "The adsorption of arsenic(v) ions from aqueous solutions by composite of natural polymer and metal oxide" in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe (2023):365-370.

Innovative Technology for Recycling Polyethylene Terephthalate: Climate Changes, Approaches, Solutions

Jovanović, Aleksandar; Vuksanović, Marija; Knežević, Nataša; Bošnjaković, Jovana; Bugarčić, Mladen; Milošević, Milena; Marinković, Aleksandar

(Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, 2023)

AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Vuksanović, Marija
AU  - Knežević, Nataša
AU  - Bošnjaković, Jovana
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Milošević, Milena
AU  - Marinković, Aleksandar
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1010
AB  - Worldwide pollution induces a negative impact on the complete environment. Modern societies are becoming
more involved in developing and implementing climate change adaptation policies as a result of
the enormous hazards that climate change poses to human safety worldwide. One of the biggest problems
that highly affects climate change is plastic pollution. Also, the utilization of a linear economy prevents the
opportunity of solving mentioned problem. Hence, a major component of the strategy for tackling plastic
pollution and trying to decrease global weather changes is an implementation of a circular economy. Plastic
has to be reduced, reused, and recycled since its widespread consumption has put environmental protection
at risk. PET, also known as polyethylene terephthalate, is a prominent polymer material used for
the production of packaging, particularly plastic bottles. The majority of PET-based products are made
using raw materials supplied from fossil fuels. However, methods based on biobased materials and recycling-
modified products for obtaining novel products from waste PET have fewer greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions than the traditional method. Therefore, the subject of this paper is the innovative technology for
the fabrication of materials by PET recycling. Obtained monomer units - glycolysates were acquired by PET
depolymerization by inducing greener solutions. The resulting glycolysate was structurally modified with
maleic anhydride and finally with 2-octanol to obtain a novel plasticizer. The physicochemical characterization
of the obtained plasticizer, performed by infrared spectroscopy with Fourier transform (FTIR) and
NMR spectroscopy, confirmed structural modifications. The mechanical characteristics of the final product
were tested after the plasticizers had been combined with bitumen at a range from 1 to 10 wt.% concentration.
In addition, other PET recycling techniques will be presented and discussed. By comparing them,
it will be determined which technique is most suitable for recycling with the smallest carbon footprint. The
second purpose of the research is to evaluate and contrast the financial and ecological implications of recycling
PET in comparison to other types of waste and renewable energy sources.
PB  - Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences
T1  - Innovative Technology for Recycling Polyethylene Terephthalate: Climate Changes, Approaches, Solutions
EP  - 35
SP  - 35
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Aleksandar and Vuksanović, Marija and Knežević, Nataša and Bošnjaković, Jovana and Bugarčić, Mladen and Milošević, Milena and Marinković, Aleksandar",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Worldwide pollution induces a negative impact on the complete environment. Modern societies are becoming
more involved in developing and implementing climate change adaptation policies as a result of
the enormous hazards that climate change poses to human safety worldwide. One of the biggest problems
that highly affects climate change is plastic pollution. Also, the utilization of a linear economy prevents the
opportunity of solving mentioned problem. Hence, a major component of the strategy for tackling plastic
pollution and trying to decrease global weather changes is an implementation of a circular economy. Plastic
has to be reduced, reused, and recycled since its widespread consumption has put environmental protection
at risk. PET, also known as polyethylene terephthalate, is a prominent polymer material used for
the production of packaging, particularly plastic bottles. The majority of PET-based products are made
using raw materials supplied from fossil fuels. However, methods based on biobased materials and recycling-
modified products for obtaining novel products from waste PET have fewer greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions than the traditional method. Therefore, the subject of this paper is the innovative technology for
the fabrication of materials by PET recycling. Obtained monomer units - glycolysates were acquired by PET
depolymerization by inducing greener solutions. The resulting glycolysate was structurally modified with
maleic anhydride and finally with 2-octanol to obtain a novel plasticizer. The physicochemical characterization
of the obtained plasticizer, performed by infrared spectroscopy with Fourier transform (FTIR) and
NMR spectroscopy, confirmed structural modifications. The mechanical characteristics of the final product
were tested after the plasticizers had been combined with bitumen at a range from 1 to 10 wt.% concentration.
In addition, other PET recycling techniques will be presented and discussed. By comparing them,
it will be determined which technique is most suitable for recycling with the smallest carbon footprint. The
second purpose of the research is to evaluate and contrast the financial and ecological implications of recycling
PET in comparison to other types of waste and renewable energy sources.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences",
title = "Innovative Technology for Recycling Polyethylene Terephthalate: Climate Changes, Approaches, Solutions",
pages = "35-35"
Jovanović, A., Vuksanović, M., Knežević, N., Bošnjaković, J., Bugarčić, M., Milošević, M.,& Marinković, A.. (2023). Innovative Technology for Recycling Polyethylene Terephthalate: Climate Changes, Approaches, Solutions. in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on HYDRO-CLIMATE EXTREMES and SOCIETY
Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences., 35-35.
Jovanović A, Vuksanović M, Knežević N, Bošnjaković J, Bugarčić M, Milošević M, Marinković A. Innovative Technology for Recycling Polyethylene Terephthalate: Climate Changes, Approaches, Solutions. in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on HYDRO-CLIMATE EXTREMES and SOCIETY. 2023;:35-35..
Jovanović, Aleksandar, Vuksanović, Marija, Knežević, Nataša, Bošnjaković, Jovana, Bugarčić, Mladen, Milošević, Milena, Marinković, Aleksandar, "Innovative Technology for Recycling Polyethylene Terephthalate: Climate Changes, Approaches, Solutions" in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on HYDRO-CLIMATE EXTREMES and SOCIETY (2023):35-35.

Prečišćavanje otpadnih voda primenom MBBR sistema

Jovanović, Aleksandar; Bugarčić, Mladen; Knežević, Nataša; Sokić, Miroslav; Pavićević, Vladimir; Marinković, Aleksandar

(Novi Sad : Prirodno-matematički fakultet, 2023)

AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Knežević, Nataša
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Pavićević, Vladimir
AU  - Marinković, Aleksandar
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/978
AB  - Procesi prečišćavanja otpadnih voda, koji su do sada korišćeni, pokazuju ograničenu mogućnost
efikasnog uklanjanja nutrijenata. Ispuštanje netretiranih ili nedovoljno tretiranih otpadnih voda
u recipijente, kao što su reke, jezera i mora, može ugroziti akvatične ekosisteme izazivanjem
procesa eutrofikacije. Stoga je neophodno tretirati otpadne vode, kako sanitarne tako i
industrijske, i ukloniti iz njih štetne materije. U ovom radu je prikazano biološko uklanjanje
azota kao nutrijenta iz otpadnih voda primenom nekonvencionalnih metoda tretmana otpadnih
voda – MBBR (eng. Moving bed biofilm reactor). Biće prikazane njihove modifikacije i prednosti
koje ovakvi procesi nude u odnosu na standardni tretman aktivnim muljem, koji se najčešće
koristi. Prednosti korišćenja MBBR reaktorskih sistema se ogleda u mogućnosti njihove primene
u tretmanu različitih tipova industrijskih otpadnih voda, mogućnosti upotrebe nosača u
konsekutivnim reakcijama prečišćavanja što uzrokuje niže operativne troškove procesa i time ih
čini veoma pogodnim za denitrifikaciju otpadnih voda. Unapređeni procesi biološkog uklanjanja
azota pomoću različitih tipova mikroorganizama biće praćeni sa stanovišta efikasnosti samog
procesa. Cilj ovog rada jeste predstavljanje inženjerskih osnova u primeni ovih procesa u daljim
eksperimentalnim istraživanjima.
PB  - Novi Sad : Prirodno-matematički fakultet
C3  - 10. Memorijalni naučni skup iz zaštite životne sredine "Docent dr Milena Dalmacija"
T1  - Prečišćavanje otpadnih voda primenom MBBR sistema
EP  - 59
SP  - 53
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Aleksandar and Bugarčić, Mladen and Knežević, Nataša and Sokić, Miroslav and Pavićević, Vladimir and Marinković, Aleksandar",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Procesi prečišćavanja otpadnih voda, koji su do sada korišćeni, pokazuju ograničenu mogućnost
efikasnog uklanjanja nutrijenata. Ispuštanje netretiranih ili nedovoljno tretiranih otpadnih voda
u recipijente, kao što su reke, jezera i mora, može ugroziti akvatične ekosisteme izazivanjem
procesa eutrofikacije. Stoga je neophodno tretirati otpadne vode, kako sanitarne tako i
industrijske, i ukloniti iz njih štetne materije. U ovom radu je prikazano biološko uklanjanje
azota kao nutrijenta iz otpadnih voda primenom nekonvencionalnih metoda tretmana otpadnih
voda – MBBR (eng. Moving bed biofilm reactor). Biće prikazane njihove modifikacije i prednosti
koje ovakvi procesi nude u odnosu na standardni tretman aktivnim muljem, koji se najčešće
koristi. Prednosti korišćenja MBBR reaktorskih sistema se ogleda u mogućnosti njihove primene
u tretmanu različitih tipova industrijskih otpadnih voda, mogućnosti upotrebe nosača u
konsekutivnim reakcijama prečišćavanja što uzrokuje niže operativne troškove procesa i time ih
čini veoma pogodnim za denitrifikaciju otpadnih voda. Unapređeni procesi biološkog uklanjanja
azota pomoću različitih tipova mikroorganizama biće praćeni sa stanovišta efikasnosti samog
procesa. Cilj ovog rada jeste predstavljanje inženjerskih osnova u primeni ovih procesa u daljim
eksperimentalnim istraživanjima.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Prirodno-matematički fakultet",
journal = "10. Memorijalni naučni skup iz zaštite životne sredine "Docent dr Milena Dalmacija"",
title = "Prečišćavanje otpadnih voda primenom MBBR sistema",
pages = "59-53"
Jovanović, A., Bugarčić, M., Knežević, N., Sokić, M., Pavićević, V.,& Marinković, A.. (2023). Prečišćavanje otpadnih voda primenom MBBR sistema. in 10. Memorijalni naučni skup iz zaštite životne sredine "Docent dr Milena Dalmacija"
Novi Sad : Prirodno-matematički fakultet., 53-59.
Jovanović A, Bugarčić M, Knežević N, Sokić M, Pavićević V, Marinković A. Prečišćavanje otpadnih voda primenom MBBR sistema. in 10. Memorijalni naučni skup iz zaštite životne sredine "Docent dr Milena Dalmacija". 2023;:53-59..
Jovanović, Aleksandar, Bugarčić, Mladen, Knežević, Nataša, Sokić, Miroslav, Pavićević, Vladimir, Marinković, Aleksandar, "Prečišćavanje otpadnih voda primenom MBBR sistema" in 10. Memorijalni naučni skup iz zaštite životne sredine "Docent dr Milena Dalmacija" (2023):53-59.

Exergy analysis of steel manufacturing in the oxygen converter

Manojlović, Vaso; Jovanović, Aleksandar; Bugarčić, Mladen; Jovanović, Gvozden; Marković, Branislav; Sokić, Miroslav

(Kosovska Mitrovica : Fakultet Tehničkih nauka, 2023)

AU  - Manojlović, Vaso
AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Jovanović, Gvozden
AU  - Marković, Branislav
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/955
AB  - In oxygen converters, molten iron from the blast furnace is refined with steel waste under oxidizing conditions [1]. The injected oxygen passes into the iron melt, after which it reacts with the impurities. Analysis of exergy losses clearly indicates the place of energy losses in the observed process, so a detailed analysis can influence the improvement of a complex process [2]. Exergy losses occur due to technological imperfections such as heat dissipation or friction and system irreversibility according to the second law of thermodynamics [3]. The concept of exergy can be used for a better understanding of the feasibility of a process, as well as for the techno-economic analysis of the process at different variations of input/operating parameters. In this work througtful calculation of exergy oxygen convertor was done. According to the obtained data, out of a total of 972.2 MJ of thermal energy, which is released by exothermic reactions in the refining process, 817.5 MJ is pure exergy and can be used, the rest is anergy that arises due to irreversibility.
PB  - Kosovska Mitrovica : Fakultet Tehničkih nauka
C3  - Jedanaesti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima
T1  - Exergy analysis of steel manufacturing in the oxygen converter
EP  - 54
SP  - 53
ER  - 
author = "Manojlović, Vaso and Jovanović, Aleksandar and Bugarčić, Mladen and Jovanović, Gvozden and Marković, Branislav and Sokić, Miroslav",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In oxygen converters, molten iron from the blast furnace is refined with steel waste under oxidizing conditions [1]. The injected oxygen passes into the iron melt, after which it reacts with the impurities. Analysis of exergy losses clearly indicates the place of energy losses in the observed process, so a detailed analysis can influence the improvement of a complex process [2]. Exergy losses occur due to technological imperfections such as heat dissipation or friction and system irreversibility according to the second law of thermodynamics [3]. The concept of exergy can be used for a better understanding of the feasibility of a process, as well as for the techno-economic analysis of the process at different variations of input/operating parameters. In this work througtful calculation of exergy oxygen convertor was done. According to the obtained data, out of a total of 972.2 MJ of thermal energy, which is released by exothermic reactions in the refining process, 817.5 MJ is pure exergy and can be used, the rest is anergy that arises due to irreversibility.",
publisher = "Kosovska Mitrovica : Fakultet Tehničkih nauka",
journal = "Jedanaesti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima",
title = "Exergy analysis of steel manufacturing in the oxygen converter",
pages = "54-53"
Manojlović, V., Jovanović, A., Bugarčić, M., Jovanović, G., Marković, B.,& Sokić, M.. (2023). Exergy analysis of steel manufacturing in the oxygen converter. in Jedanaesti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima
Kosovska Mitrovica : Fakultet Tehničkih nauka., 53-54.
Manojlović V, Jovanović A, Bugarčić M, Jovanović G, Marković B, Sokić M. Exergy analysis of steel manufacturing in the oxygen converter. in Jedanaesti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima. 2023;:53-54..
Manojlović, Vaso, Jovanović, Aleksandar, Bugarčić, Mladen, Jovanović, Gvozden, Marković, Branislav, Sokić, Miroslav, "Exergy analysis of steel manufacturing in the oxygen converter" in Jedanaesti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima (2023):53-54.

Sequencing batch reactor systems for the treatment of wastewater

Jovanović, Aleksandar; Bugarčić, Mladen; Stevanović, Marija; Sokić, Miroslav; Marinković, Aleksandar

(Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia, 2023)

AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Stevanović, Marija
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Marinković, Aleksandar
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1013
AB  - Releasing untreated or inadequately treated effluents into recipients (rivers, lakes, and oceans) can endanger aquatic
ecosystems and drinking water sources. In order to eliminate harmful pollutants, wastewater must be treated, especially
industrial wastewater enriched with nutrients. Phosphorus contamination can occur through a variety of different routes,
such as wastewater treatment plant discharge (municipal and industrial), agricultural fertilizer losses from erosion,
drainage, etc. The establishment of suitable wastewater treatment techniques is essential. The subject of this paper is the
biological removal of nutrients (phosphorus) from wastewater, using unconventional methods of wastewater treatment -
sequencing batch reactors (SBR) systems. Their modifications and the advantages such processes offer, compared to the
standard activated sludge (AS) treatment that is the most often used, will be presented. Enhanced biological phosphorus
removal methods that employ various microorganisms have been observed from the perspective of the method's
effectiveness. Of all applied treatments for phosphorus removal, the most effective and the most often used was the
accumulation of polyphosphates in the biomass itself. The purpose of this paper is to offer a brief review and theoretical
essentials of environmental engineering techniques that can be applied in real industrial wastewater treatment plants.
PB  - Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia
C3  - 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe
T1  - Sequencing batch reactor systems for the treatment of wastewater
EP  - 358
SP  - 353
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Aleksandar and Bugarčić, Mladen and Stevanović, Marija and Sokić, Miroslav and Marinković, Aleksandar",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Releasing untreated or inadequately treated effluents into recipients (rivers, lakes, and oceans) can endanger aquatic
ecosystems and drinking water sources. In order to eliminate harmful pollutants, wastewater must be treated, especially
industrial wastewater enriched with nutrients. Phosphorus contamination can occur through a variety of different routes,
such as wastewater treatment plant discharge (municipal and industrial), agricultural fertilizer losses from erosion,
drainage, etc. The establishment of suitable wastewater treatment techniques is essential. The subject of this paper is the
biological removal of nutrients (phosphorus) from wastewater, using unconventional methods of wastewater treatment -
sequencing batch reactors (SBR) systems. Their modifications and the advantages such processes offer, compared to the
standard activated sludge (AS) treatment that is the most often used, will be presented. Enhanced biological phosphorus
removal methods that employ various microorganisms have been observed from the perspective of the method's
effectiveness. Of all applied treatments for phosphorus removal, the most effective and the most often used was the
accumulation of polyphosphates in the biomass itself. The purpose of this paper is to offer a brief review and theoretical
essentials of environmental engineering techniques that can be applied in real industrial wastewater treatment plants.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe",
title = "Sequencing batch reactor systems for the treatment of wastewater",
pages = "358-353"
Jovanović, A., Bugarčić, M., Stevanović, M., Sokić, M.,& Marinković, A.. (2023). Sequencing batch reactor systems for the treatment of wastewater. in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe
Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia., 353-358.
Jovanović A, Bugarčić M, Stevanović M, Sokić M, Marinković A. Sequencing batch reactor systems for the treatment of wastewater. in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe. 2023;:353-358..
Jovanović, Aleksandar, Bugarčić, Mladen, Stevanović, Marija, Sokić, Miroslav, Marinković, Aleksandar, "Sequencing batch reactor systems for the treatment of wastewater" in 5th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe (2023):353-358.

Modified hybrid cellulose membrane for Nickel(ii) ions removal from industrial wastewater

Jovanović, Aleksandar; Bugarčić, Mladen; Milošević, Milena; Vuksanovic, Marija; Abdualatif Abduarahman, Muna; Sokić, Miroslav; Marinković, Aleksandar

(Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, 2023)

AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Milošević, Milena
AU  - Vuksanovic, Marija
AU  - Abdualatif Abduarahman, Muna
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
AU  - Marinković, Aleksandar
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1014
AB  - Nickel pollution of water induces several problems for the environment. The purpose of this paper was to
investigate the adsorption of Ni2+ ions on fabricated biomembranes. The proposed adsorbent was prepared
from epoxy and amino-functionalized waste cellulose fibers, able to participate in cross-linking with amino
acid lysine - wCell/Mn-Fe_LDH. The prepared material underwent preliminary structural characterization
by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. In a batch system, the influence of pH, contact time,
temperature, and initial concentration on adsorption efficiency was investigated. The effectiveness of the
membrane was demonstrated by acceptable adsorption capacities of 40.49 mg g-1 obtained for Ni2+ at 45°C.
The kinetic study, using the Weber-Morris model, indicates intraparticle diffusion as the rate limiting step.
Adsorption mechanism physisorption was proposed based on thermodynamic behaviors. The outcomes
demonstrated that environmentally friendly sustainable technology has been successfully developed.
PB  - Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor
C3  - 54th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy
T1  - Modified hybrid cellulose membrane for Nickel(ii) ions removal from industrial wastewater
EP  - 517
SP  - 514
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Aleksandar and Bugarčić, Mladen and Milošević, Milena and Vuksanovic, Marija and Abdualatif Abduarahman, Muna and Sokić, Miroslav and Marinković, Aleksandar",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Nickel pollution of water induces several problems for the environment. The purpose of this paper was to
investigate the adsorption of Ni2+ ions on fabricated biomembranes. The proposed adsorbent was prepared
from epoxy and amino-functionalized waste cellulose fibers, able to participate in cross-linking with amino
acid lysine - wCell/Mn-Fe_LDH. The prepared material underwent preliminary structural characterization
by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. In a batch system, the influence of pH, contact time,
temperature, and initial concentration on adsorption efficiency was investigated. The effectiveness of the
membrane was demonstrated by acceptable adsorption capacities of 40.49 mg g-1 obtained for Ni2+ at 45°C.
The kinetic study, using the Weber-Morris model, indicates intraparticle diffusion as the rate limiting step.
Adsorption mechanism physisorption was proposed based on thermodynamic behaviors. The outcomes
demonstrated that environmentally friendly sustainable technology has been successfully developed.",
publisher = "Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor",
journal = "54th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy",
title = "Modified hybrid cellulose membrane for Nickel(ii) ions removal from industrial wastewater",
pages = "517-514"
Jovanović, A., Bugarčić, M., Milošević, M., Vuksanovic, M., Abdualatif Abduarahman, M., Sokić, M.,& Marinković, A.. (2023). Modified hybrid cellulose membrane for Nickel(ii) ions removal from industrial wastewater. in 54th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy
Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor., 514-517.
Jovanović A, Bugarčić M, Milošević M, Vuksanovic M, Abdualatif Abduarahman M, Sokić M, Marinković A. Modified hybrid cellulose membrane for Nickel(ii) ions removal from industrial wastewater. in 54th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy. 2023;:514-517..
Jovanović, Aleksandar, Bugarčić, Mladen, Milošević, Milena, Vuksanovic, Marija, Abdualatif Abduarahman, Muna, Sokić, Miroslav, Marinković, Aleksandar, "Modified hybrid cellulose membrane for Nickel(ii) ions removal from industrial wastewater" in 54th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy (2023):514-517.

Insights into the application of polyaniline-based composites in environmental engineering

Jovanović, Aleksandar; Bugarčić, Mladen; Marinković, Aleksandar; Sokić, Miroslav

(Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia, 2023)

AU  - Jovanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Marinković, Aleksandar
AU  - Sokić, Miroslav
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://www.metall-mater-data.com/index.php/home/article/view/1
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/658
AB  - Environmental management demands innovative techniques for its protection and
treatment. The essential agreement of the modern world is to overcome every issue in a
sustainable way. The two major financial problems in this area are water pollution and
material corrosion. Persistent, organic compounds such as pesticides have devastating effects
on the water ecosystem. This problem can be solved by applying advanced treatment processes
(ATPs) like membrane separation and photocatalysis. Additionally, the corrosion of metal
materials needs to be prevented to preserve natural resources and reduce environmental
concerns. Therefore, researchers are trying to develop tunable, multifunctional materials
with broad applications. Employed materials in these operations must fulfill high criteria, like
durability, stability, and chemical and optical activity, to make specified processes efficient
and viable. Electroconductive polymers (ECPs) can meet the aforementioned standards. The
most used ECP is polyaniline (PANI), due to its catalytic and electrochemical performances.
These two properties are beneficial for both water purification and anticorrosion applications.
The objectives of the paper are to represent various PANI-based composites utilized in the
removal of different classes of pesticides during wastewater treatment by adsorption or
photocatalytic degradation. Further corrosion inhibition, utilizing PANI-based inhibitors, will
be discussed as well.
PB  - Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia
T2  - Metallurgical and Materials Data
T1  - Insights into the application of polyaniline-based composites in environmental engineering
EP  - 31
IS  - 1
SP  - 25
VL  - 1
DO  - 10.56801/MMD1
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Aleksandar and Bugarčić, Mladen and Marinković, Aleksandar and Sokić, Miroslav",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Environmental management demands innovative techniques for its protection and
treatment. The essential agreement of the modern world is to overcome every issue in a
sustainable way. The two major financial problems in this area are water pollution and
material corrosion. Persistent, organic compounds such as pesticides have devastating effects
on the water ecosystem. This problem can be solved by applying advanced treatment processes
(ATPs) like membrane separation and photocatalysis. Additionally, the corrosion of metal
materials needs to be prevented to preserve natural resources and reduce environmental
concerns. Therefore, researchers are trying to develop tunable, multifunctional materials
with broad applications. Employed materials in these operations must fulfill high criteria, like
durability, stability, and chemical and optical activity, to make specified processes efficient
and viable. Electroconductive polymers (ECPs) can meet the aforementioned standards. The
most used ECP is polyaniline (PANI), due to its catalytic and electrochemical performances.
These two properties are beneficial for both water purification and anticorrosion applications.
The objectives of the paper are to represent various PANI-based composites utilized in the
removal of different classes of pesticides during wastewater treatment by adsorption or
photocatalytic degradation. Further corrosion inhibition, utilizing PANI-based inhibitors, will
be discussed as well.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "Metallurgical and Materials Data",
title = "Insights into the application of polyaniline-based composites in environmental engineering",
pages = "31-25",
number = "1",
volume = "1",
doi = "10.56801/MMD1"
Jovanović, A., Bugarčić, M., Marinković, A.,& Sokić, M.. (2023). Insights into the application of polyaniline-based composites in environmental engineering. in Metallurgical and Materials Data
Belgrade : Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia., 1(1), 25-31.
Jovanović A, Bugarčić M, Marinković A, Sokić M. Insights into the application of polyaniline-based composites in environmental engineering. in Metallurgical and Materials Data. 2023;1(1):25-31.
doi:10.56801/MMD1 .
Jovanović, Aleksandar, Bugarčić, Mladen, Marinković, Aleksandar, Sokić, Miroslav, "Insights into the application of polyaniline-based composites in environmental engineering" in Metallurgical and Materials Data, 1, no. 1 (2023):25-31,
https://doi.org/10.56801/MMD1 . .

Recycled poly(ethylene terephthalate) based – plasticizer for PVC regranulates production

Čutović, Natalija; Vuksanović, Marija; Milošević, Milena; Bugarčić, Mladen; Bošnjaković, Jovana; Gržetić, Jelena; Marinković, Aleksandar

(Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, 2022)

AU  - Čutović, Natalija
AU  - Vuksanović, Marija
AU  - Milošević, Milena
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Bošnjaković, Jovana
AU  - Gržetić, Jelena
AU  - Marinković, Aleksandar
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/987
AB  - Due to the increasing use and widespread of plastics, poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET) and poly
(vinyl chloride) (PVC) are becoming one of the major threats to the environment. The aim of this
paper is obtaining plasticizers from recycled PET, and hot/cold mixing thereof with PVC to produce
new materials. Plasticizer was obtained from PET using ethylene glycol (EG) in the presence of
catalyst FASCAT 4100, followed by treatment with maleic anhydride and finally 2-ethylhexanol
(2-EtHex). The obtained glycolysate and plasticizer, individually or mixtures thereof, were used for
the production of polygranulates based on waste PVC in order to obtain an expanded mass of
homogenized PVC with glycolysate/plasticizer. The abovementioned procedures and test results for
the regranulates and products indicate that the proposed technology offers a solution to the problem
of waste PET and PVC through transesterification in order to obtain plasticizer based on PET and
EG, called 2-EtHex/MA/РG/PET/EG/MA/2-EtHex used in the processing of PVC waste and in
regranulate. The obtained regranulates are further processed by injection molding or extrusion into
commercial products such as slippers, footwear, boots, garden hoses, mats, floor mats, etc.
PB  - Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor
C3  - 29th International conference ecological truth and environmental research – EcoTER’22
T1  - Recycled poly(ethylene terephthalate) based – plasticizer for PVC regranulates production
EP  - 458
SP  - 452
ER  - 
author = "Čutović, Natalija and Vuksanović, Marija and Milošević, Milena and Bugarčić, Mladen and Bošnjaković, Jovana and Gržetić, Jelena and Marinković, Aleksandar",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Due to the increasing use and widespread of plastics, poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET) and poly
(vinyl chloride) (PVC) are becoming one of the major threats to the environment. The aim of this
paper is obtaining plasticizers from recycled PET, and hot/cold mixing thereof with PVC to produce
new materials. Plasticizer was obtained from PET using ethylene glycol (EG) in the presence of
catalyst FASCAT 4100, followed by treatment with maleic anhydride and finally 2-ethylhexanol
(2-EtHex). The obtained glycolysate and plasticizer, individually or mixtures thereof, were used for
the production of polygranulates based on waste PVC in order to obtain an expanded mass of
homogenized PVC with glycolysate/plasticizer. The abovementioned procedures and test results for
the regranulates and products indicate that the proposed technology offers a solution to the problem
of waste PET and PVC through transesterification in order to obtain plasticizer based on PET and
EG, called 2-EtHex/MA/РG/PET/EG/MA/2-EtHex used in the processing of PVC waste and in
regranulate. The obtained regranulates are further processed by injection molding or extrusion into
commercial products such as slippers, footwear, boots, garden hoses, mats, floor mats, etc.",
publisher = "Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor",
journal = "29th International conference ecological truth and environmental research – EcoTER’22",
title = "Recycled poly(ethylene terephthalate) based – plasticizer for PVC regranulates production",
pages = "458-452"
Čutović, N., Vuksanović, M., Milošević, M., Bugarčić, M., Bošnjaković, J., Gržetić, J.,& Marinković, A.. (2022). Recycled poly(ethylene terephthalate) based – plasticizer for PVC regranulates production. in 29th International conference ecological truth and environmental research – EcoTER’22
Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor., 452-458.
Čutović N, Vuksanović M, Milošević M, Bugarčić M, Bošnjaković J, Gržetić J, Marinković A. Recycled poly(ethylene terephthalate) based – plasticizer for PVC regranulates production. in 29th International conference ecological truth and environmental research – EcoTER’22. 2022;:452-458..
Čutović, Natalija, Vuksanović, Marija, Milošević, Milena, Bugarčić, Mladen, Bošnjaković, Jovana, Gržetić, Jelena, Marinković, Aleksandar, "Recycled poly(ethylene terephthalate) based – plasticizer for PVC regranulates production" in 29th International conference ecological truth and environmental research – EcoTER’22 (2022):452-458.

Immobilized Bentonite In Alginate Matrix – Efficient Sorbent Of Brilliant Green

Antanasković, Anja; Radulović, Dragan; Bugarčić, Mladen; Šoštarić, Tatjana; Adamović, Vladimir; Lopičić, Zorica; Milivojević, Milan

(Bor : Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, 2022)

AU  - Antanasković, Anja
AU  - Radulović, Dragan
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Šoštarić, Tatjana
AU  - Adamović, Vladimir
AU  - Lopičić, Zorica
AU  - Milivojević, Milan
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/884
AB  - The environmental pollution by dyes has become an important concern due to the harmful effects
on human health and entire ecosystem. In this study, bentonite immobilized in calcium-alginate (ImB)
was studied as a sorbent for the Brilliant Green (BG) removal from aqueous solutions. The prepared
composite sorbent was characterized by pHpzc, SEM and EDX. The sorption kinetic was best fitted by the
pseudo-second-order model and simultaneously followed the film diffusion and intra-particle diffusion
model during the sorption. This study proved that ImB might be an efficient sorbent for removing dyes
from aqueous solutions.
PB  - Bor : Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor
PB  - Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor
C3  - 53rd International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy
T1  - Immobilized Bentonite In Alginate Matrix – Efficient Sorbent Of Brilliant Green
EP  - 146
SP  - 143
ER  - 
author = "Antanasković, Anja and Radulović, Dragan and Bugarčić, Mladen and Šoštarić, Tatjana and Adamović, Vladimir and Lopičić, Zorica and Milivojević, Milan",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The environmental pollution by dyes has become an important concern due to the harmful effects
on human health and entire ecosystem. In this study, bentonite immobilized in calcium-alginate (ImB)
was studied as a sorbent for the Brilliant Green (BG) removal from aqueous solutions. The prepared
composite sorbent was characterized by pHpzc, SEM and EDX. The sorption kinetic was best fitted by the
pseudo-second-order model and simultaneously followed the film diffusion and intra-particle diffusion
model during the sorption. This study proved that ImB might be an efficient sorbent for removing dyes
from aqueous solutions.",
publisher = "Bor : Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor",
journal = "53rd International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy",
title = "Immobilized Bentonite In Alginate Matrix – Efficient Sorbent Of Brilliant Green",
pages = "146-143"
Antanasković, A., Radulović, D., Bugarčić, M., Šoštarić, T., Adamović, V., Lopičić, Z.,& Milivojević, M.. (2022). Immobilized Bentonite In Alginate Matrix – Efficient Sorbent Of Brilliant Green. in 53rd International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy
Bor : Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor., 143-146.
Antanasković A, Radulović D, Bugarčić M, Šoštarić T, Adamović V, Lopičić Z, Milivojević M. Immobilized Bentonite In Alginate Matrix – Efficient Sorbent Of Brilliant Green. in 53rd International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy. 2022;:143-146..
Antanasković, Anja, Radulović, Dragan, Bugarčić, Mladen, Šoštarić, Tatjana, Adamović, Vladimir, Lopičić, Zorica, Milivojević, Milan, "Immobilized Bentonite In Alginate Matrix – Efficient Sorbent Of Brilliant Green" in 53rd International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy (2022):143-146.

Application of nano–MnO2 modified lignin – based adsorbent for removal of dichromate ions and diclofenac from water

Bošnjaković, Jovana; Bugarčić, Mladen; Milošević, Milena; Prlainović, Nevena; Salih, Rabab; Batinić, Petar; Popović, Ana; Đolić, Maja

(Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, 2022)

AU  - Bošnjaković, Jovana
AU  - Bugarčić, Mladen
AU  - Milošević, Milena
AU  - Prlainović, Nevena
AU  - Salih, Rabab
AU  - Batinić, Petar
AU  - Popović, Ana
AU  - Đolić, Maja
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://ritnms.itnms.ac.rs/handle/123456789/938
AB  - The aim of this paper is to investigate the application of modified lignin-based adsorbent for
successful removal of dichromate ions and sodium diclofenac (DCF) from aqueous solutions by
adsorption. Modification of lignin-based adsorbent (LBA) was performed by inverse suspension
copolymerization with branched poly (ethylene-imine) using epichlorohydrin as a crosslinker. After
that, the functionalization of LBA was performed by chemical binding of amino modified nanoparticles
of manganese (IV) oxide, in order to improve the adsorption properties. Characterization of
LBA-MnO2 microspheres was performed using FT-IR spectrometer, Scanning electron microscopy,
BET/BJH analysis. The adsorption process was performed in a batch adsorption system. The results
were obtained with the help of kinetic and corresponding equilibrium adsorption isotherms. The
maximum adsorption capacity for the removal of Cr2O7
2- ions and DCF was obtained using the
Langmuir model and amounts to 88.4 mg g-1 and 52.8 mg g-1 at 45 °C, respectively. Adsorption
kinetics was described using a second-order pseudo model. Based on thermodynamic parameters, it
was concluded that the adsorption process is an endothermic and spontaneous. Based on the obtained
results, LBA-MnO2 material possess very good adsorption properties.
PB  - Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor
C3  - 29th International conference ecological truth and environmental research – EcoTER’22
T1  - Application of nano–MnO2 modified lignin – based adsorbent for removal of dichromate ions and diclofenac from water
EP  - 54
SP  - 49
ER  - 
author = "Bošnjaković, Jovana and Bugarčić, Mladen and Milošević, Milena and Prlainović, Nevena and Salih, Rabab and Batinić, Petar and Popović, Ana and Đolić, Maja",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The aim of this paper is to investigate the application of modified lignin-based adsorbent for
successful removal of dichromate ions and sodium diclofenac (DCF) from aqueous solutions by
adsorption. Modification of lignin-based adsorbent (LBA) was performed by inverse suspension
copolymerization with branched poly (ethylene-imine) using epichlorohydrin as a crosslinker. After
that, the functionalization of LBA was performed by chemical binding of amino modified nanoparticles
of manganese (IV) oxide, in order to improve the adsorption properties. Characterization of
LBA-MnO2 microspheres was performed using FT-IR spectrometer, Scanning electron microscopy,
BET/BJH analysis. The adsorption process was performed in a batch adsorption system. The results
were obtained with the help of kinetic and corresponding equilibrium adsorption isotherms. The
maximum adsorption capacity for the removal of Cr2O7
2- ions and DCF was obtained using the
Langmuir model and amounts to 88.4 mg g-1 and 52.8 mg g-1 at 45 °C, respectively. Adsorption
kinetics was described using a second-order pseudo model. Based on thermodynamic parameters, it
was concluded that the adsorption process is an endothermic and spontaneous. Based on the obtained
results, LBA-MnO2 material possess very good adsorption properties.",
publisher = "Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor",
journal = "29th International conference ecological truth and environmental research – EcoTER’22",
title = "Application of nano–MnO2 modified lignin – based adsorbent for removal of dichromate ions and diclofenac from water",
pages = "54-49"
Bošnjaković, J., Bugarčić, M., Milošević, M., Prlainović, N., Salih, R., Batinić, P., Popović, A.,& Đolić, M.. (2022). Application of nano–MnO2 modified lignin – based adsorbent for removal of dichromate ions and diclofenac from water. in 29th International conference ecological truth and environmental research – EcoTER’22
Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor., 49-54.
Bošnjaković J, Bugarčić M, Milošević M, Prlainović N, Salih R, Batinić P, Popović A, Đolić M. Application of nano–MnO2 modified lignin – based adsorbent for removal of dichromate ions and diclofenac from water. in 29th International conference ecological truth and environmental research – EcoTER’22. 2022;:49-54..
Bošnjaković, Jovana, Bugarčić, Mladen, Milošević, Milena, Prlainović, Nevena, Salih, Rabab, Batinić, Petar, Popović, Ana, Đolić, Maja, "Application of nano–MnO2 modified lignin – based adsorbent for removal of dichromate ions and diclofenac from water" in 29th International conference ecological truth and environmental research – EcoTER’22 (2022):49-54.